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Post by tallguy »

Hello All:
What are some of the "Best" stretching exercises before selfing especially for us really long limbed tall guys and the best position? Thanks in Advance

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jul 13, 2005 3:07 pm

Post by Tardis »

Hi tall guy, I'm not an expert but I'll give my best shot at answering you.
I am long of limb too, tho I think the stretches are the same for us all pretty much.

!/ Ye olde hammie stretch. Sit on the floor legs out in front and lean forward at the hips. Tip I was given recently is to reach your elbows to your feet and think of your back getting longer.
There's heaps of mods you can do to this that work in different ways.
Try to slide your head back and forward along your legs so you go from tummy laying on thighs to a big curve with just the top of your head on your thighs.
Bring your feet in one at a time to the opposite knee with your bent knee on the floor and lay down on the straight leg.
Same but with your shin vertical.
Separate your legs a bit so your head can go to the floor between them.
Separate you legs to a wide as possible straddle and lay on the floor to the front or lean sideways onto each leg or turn and tip forwards onto each leg in turn.

2/ Butterfly. Just sit up, pull your feet in to your crotch , hold them wit your hands and use your leg/hip muscles to drop your knees out to the side and down to the floor.

3/ Butterfly part2. Sitting up, holding the soles of your feet together with your hands, about where your knees would be if your legs were straight. Pull your head down onto your feet. Separate your feet and put your head on the floor between them. Slide you feet back toward you a bit and repeat.
When this stretch is going ok, do it without using your hands.

4/ Lotus. Just do it, and when you are comfy, lean forward to the floor.
(My ankles hate when I do this).

So those are my preliminary stretches. Thay can be done even when you are not alone. Or maybe while watching tv/movies/playstation/online.

Remember you HAVE to bend backwards as well. So do cobras, back-bridges, and whatever that thing is called where you kneel down, sit on your heels and drop back to rest on the floor.

I don't have a best position any more. I used to think the whole ss thing was only possible in the plow.
Probably the plow with your feet pushing on something is the easiest way to get there when you first start out. But I used to push so hard in the excitement of it all that I hurt myself a few times.
So now, when I am warmed up, I cycle thru all the positions I know , not really worrying about how close or far away each gets me.
I just keep changing from one to the next and eventually they all work to some degree.
I haven't hurt myself since I started to use different positions in rotation.
And that has meant I could make some progress.

I better not sit on the fence so here is my current rating of positions.
1 - X position. Recently moved up from second to last.
2 - Plow with feet on wall.
3 - C pull on floor.
4 - C in a chair.
5 - Modified X. (butterfly with arms wrapped around legs)
6 - Plow on a bed with feet on the floor.
7 - Free plow on the floor.
8 - !/2 X. Sit up, put one leg behind head, other leg straight.
9 - Standing.
!0- No name. Doing a hamstring stretch with feet about 1' apart. Put head on floor, grab butt and pull.

Oh well, that's what I do. Let me know if you can't make sense of what I wrote.
I think there's more qualified people here that can help too. It is just that some of the best selfers are born flexy and have a bit of a hard job relating their skills to us ligamentally challenged folk.


Post by Guest »

Hey Tallguy,
In addition to Tardis's excellent suggestions - have you checked out the how-to section of this Website? Just go to the top or bottom of this page and click on the "how-to" link.
And let us know how you do!

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