a question for the straight guys

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Re: a question for the straight guys

Post by Shamman »

Hey there Sunshine!
I still been around - just not often. Had to get online through my tablet via someone else's wifi - not very well, I mite add... Thanks for thinking about me yet 8)
I have easier access now but I gotta watch for the addiction factor. That was a big part of why I dropped the net in the first place...

The one guy who I almost met was coming in to Detroit on some business. Never told me when he was coming in so I could set up a place to meet. Then was real bitchy about not getting together. Complained about how horrible this park was that he was waiting by and said he just left back out... Chances are he passed within a couple miles of my place on his way in then out of the city, too. (though I would not have met him there)

Well I was glad to not meet him since he was such an ass about it all, anyway.
And the girl that started filming me a bit went into some bad drugs, then a good rehab and now she hardly ever talks to me.
Mebbe it'll happen some day... then again...


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Re: a question for the straight guys

Post by yngminnsser »

I used to live in Scottsdale we should have then haha! Also, hornyboy.com is out there didn't know that until I moved to Cali that could have been fun! I met someone who was into it when I was around 19. I can't remember where I met him online, but we got to talking and he loved selfsuck too. I had never been around someone who was into it like it was. I had showed people I dated but they viewed it more as a party trick more so than them wanting to try it themeself or work it regularly into sex. So the guy, Chris, and I got together and we were both pretty nervous. His roommates were out so he had the place to himself, I went out and had a smoke then went to his room. It was small, had a twin size bed and hardwood floors. He showed me some selfsuck porn he liked and we both go so turned on. He was cute, dark hair, fair skin and green eyes. He had a bit of facial hair and was tall and skinny. I have dark hair and brown eyes was shorter than him, more muscular and tan.
The porn turned us on so much we were touching our cocks and he eagerly asked me to show him. I took my 7"c cock out and stroked it. I told him to show me first. He went over and sat on the bed and took of his short and underwear. His cock was that same size but he had more pubic hair. I could smell his sex now and it was turning me on. Both of us were hot, faces flushed. He leaned over his cock on his bed and reached down ... and licked the precum off his cock head. I had been stretching a bit watching him and was ready to show him. I removed my shorts but left my underwear on with my cock hanging out of them. I leaned forward on the floor and grabbed my thighs. He sat on the floor to watch me. I leaned further and licked around my head ... and put my cock head in my mouth. I heard Chris moan at this, so I bent further and my rock hard dick went halfway into my mouth. I was so turned on having him watch me, he knew what it felt like. I heard his breath getting deeper, more heavy.
He wanted to try in the same position, and he got his head in his mouth. He moaned with delight along with me. I flipped over and put my legs under his bed grabbing my ass. He got above my ass and watched as I slid most of my cock in my mouth. He grabbed my balls and told me to lick them. I pulled them more and slid them in my wet waiting mouth. I looked at him with my cock and my balls in my mouth. He was biting his lip and was feverishly jerking off. I slowly got out of the position and sat and looked at him. I knew he said he was straight and just wanted to selfsuck but we were both so horny. I asked if he wanted to do more, and he agreed. He wanted to rim me while I got back in that position. I let him tongue my ass and I looked him in his eyes while he watched me take my own cock. Sliding in and out of my mouth. The sensations were overpowering. It felt amazing having another selfsucker lick my tight hole while I face fucked myself.
I was getting close so I got out of that position and told him I wanted to selfsuck with him. Chris and I went up on the bed and sat facing eachother. I said I wanted to selfsuck together. He smiled and moaned an "uhuh." We spread out legs, facing eachother and clasped out arms around our asses. Our cocks were literally in our face and from this position we had a clear view of eachother. He was more limber now and easliy slid half his white cock in his mouth. I bobbed up and down on mine almost all the way. My cock was so red from all the attention and I knew I wasn't going to last long. I saw Chris getting a bit more than half of his cock, and pulling his balls up to meet his mouth. He was moaning everytime he thrust his cock into his own mouth. I heard his moans get louder as his body started straining ... shaking. He managed to get a bit more in his mouth, his eyes began rolling around, his moans were like an animal. Cum started dripping from his mouth. I watched him cum, and couldn't help shooting my own before he stopped cumming. I went down the entire length of cock, seeing my balls as my cock unleashed into my throat. I felt spams through my cock, that overtook my entire body. I was spinning as my cum filled up my mouth. Chris and I held our cocks in our mouth for a moment, enjoying what had just taken place ... slowing coming out of that position. Him and I had the same idea, and we leaned forward, kissing each other, sharing each others cum.
I was beat, and was still soaking up what had just happened. Was this real? Did this just happen with a straight guy? I knew I wanted a smoke after that. We lazily dressed. I went to go out of his room and noticed we had forgot to close the door all the way, and one of his roommates was in his room across the hall, light on, door open. He didn't see me walk out in the hall but his room was right across from Chris's and it would have been really easy to see what we were up to. I finished my smoke and walked back in. This time his roommate did see me. I said hey as I was walking back into the room and he gave me a nod in a smile ... that lingered. I still don't know if he saw but it was hot to think maybe he did after I got over the initial shock of it. He did have his door shut when Chris took me home.


Re: a question for the straight guys

Post by wikus »

Watching guys self suck doesnt do that much for me. However, watching trannys do it is an instant turn on.

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