Champion Fitness Mat

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by dreamer8888 »

LOL! You know it!
These links you have posted here are really helpful, especially that one with the front bends. It seems in all the pics I see , the chest is hitting the stomach. It's a tricky move. I try to bend that way, but my body does not cooperate. Don't want to push things. If I keep practicing those front bends and pushing to just the point of discomfort, over time should I see myself getting lower? I'm stretching legs and back (reverse way too for balance as Al says), but it seems plow is mostly about a flexible back? I feel a little sore in the mid back area, nothing bad really, just a feeling of being well stretched.
How long did it take you to see success on this c curl? Trying to stay motivated.
Man, this is like training for my own personal Olympic event. Going for the gold!!

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by dreamer8888 »

btw, bought a matt also. Harbinger brand. $40 at Big5 Sporting Goods. Its a thin mat of high density foam material. Provides good cushioning without bulk and doesn't slip on floor. Makes a big difference in stretching especially with plow. Recommend. Thanks for the tip on getting a matt. Good investment.

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by blacksunshineaz »

You're welcome. Glad to help.

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by aleingang69 »

Keep going for that gold Dreamer!
A mirror or video camera can be helpful in seeing where the spinal curve might need work - if it's concentrated in the wrong areas you can end up fucking your forehead, which is not what we're going for here ;)

Another advantage of the plow (for me) is that ability to relax into the posture and to really experiment with the curve. If you can get your knees on either side of your head you're in the most extreme neck-curve you're going to want to do. From there you can put your feet up on the wall and practice rolling your curve into different positions by bending and unbending your knees (and working to start with your head as close to the wall as you can).

It should be fun, and you always have the option of playing with your dick while you stretch to keep you motivated, and getting a close-up view of your own cock that most men will never experience, even if you haven't made contact yet.


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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by dreamer8888 »

Thanks for the tips. I tried that stretching in the plow position (putting feet on wall at diff levels and stretching "curve" at different points). Also keep trying those front bend curls (see link earlier in this chat). I just need to be patient I guess, don't want to overdue it. As long as I keep seeing progress I should stay motivated. This forum is fantastic, thanks again.

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by dreamer8888 »

Al stated: "and working to start with your head as close to the wall as you can"

Al, I am not following this part of your reply. I usually place myself so my feet are almost fully extended when they touch wall. then I walk down wall. But I have enough room to grab my ankles and complete my stretch by pulling feet to floor. When I first started, I could not reach floor. Then I could, but it was really uncomfortable. Now it's quite comfortable, actually feels nice as a good stretch for back and legs. I've been trying to focus on the curve where cock is moving towards mouth, thinking that this is really an upside down "c" as you say. That helps. But I'm not understanding the recommendation of getting my head as close to the wall as possible, leaves little room for walking down wall. btw, pillow on shoulder (not on neck) really made a big difference for me. See some people use a pillow on head too to prop it up, but the angle seems to bend my neck a lot.

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by aleingang69 »

Yeah - all of this stuff can hard to describe. It's also such an individual thing - every man has the things that work for him and it seems to be a little different for each guy.

If you think about where in your spine different positions will tend to put the most curve -- if your legs are fully extended in plow the easiest place to bend will probably be your upper back and neck. If you can start out with your head close to the surface that your feet are going to be making contact with - that you talk about walking down - then you'll be in the plow, but with your legs bent instead of straight. Think about doing plow and going all the way down so your knees are resting on the surface you're on - bringing them in as close to your ears as you can - and that's what I"m talking about.

If you get there and relax into that position, and then play with using your feet on the wall (or whatever) you might find that you can use your lower-body muscles (which are very strong) to explore a fuller range of back curves. You also have gravity on your side, since your heavy lower-body is in the air above you, pressing that hard, hard, tasty cock closer and closer toward your mouth...

And - once again - having something on the wall that's fixed and sturdy and a foot or two above the surface you're resting on will give you leverage.

I do plow in all of my videos and you can see what I"m talking about there if you pay attention to that aspect of it.

Make sense?


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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by dreamer8888 »

Hey Al,
Thank you for the further explanation. I tried it this morning, and I get what you are saying. Moving head closer to wall leaves legs bent, but with knees bent (near ears), I'm getting closer. I will add this to my stretching routine. It does stretch differently than when my legs are fully extended. Oh, and I know many recommend against trying in the morning, but I do my workout routine in the early AM - running and then the gym. So when I get home I'm really warmed up. Thanks again, your a great coach!!

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