4 the str8 man....

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4 the str8 man....

Post by awtoeman »

Greetings, I am a 29 year old single str8 male. I live in cali. I ve been SSing for about 4 years now. It all started after my girlfriend stopped giving me bj's after the first year we were together. She was never really in to my SS ing, so I dumped her ass. Since then I SS about once a week. Anything more than that, I think I might be hurting my spine.

Anyway, I date alot of chicks, and as you guys know, women flake out on dates all the time. Whats so great about having the ability to SS now, is that I always have a "plan B"

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Post by jamison »

So did you have a question or something?
In training since 7/17/06. 6 inches away.
7/30/06 4.75 inches away
8/06/06 3 inches away. So close I can't wait!!!
8/19/06 2 inches away!
9/1/06 Just some light stretching for me for now.
9/13/06 1 inch away. Almost there.

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Post by aleingang69 »

It is great knowing that there's somebody who'll suck your dick any time you want, and knowing that they'll do a really good job :lol:


Post by eddy10 »


In my humble opinion, you do more harm to your spine SSimg only once per week. I recommend at least 3 times a week to keep the muscles and spine in condition. If you only want to SS once a week, at least do a lot of stretching exercises every other day.


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