Thread liberated from Vteen Forums

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Thread liberated from Vteen Forums

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I occasionally search for autofellatio/selfsuck on google and find some interesting sites. I have found quite a few forums discussing this topic, although none come close to this one.

I found this one a while ago and was rather entertained by it, as there were a bunch of teenage boys discussing this in the puberty forum and it really took me back when I was 13-14 and experimenting with selfsucking. I really wish I knew at that age that there were others that did this because I would have been less inclined to quit then. Alas, the internet as we know it didn't exist then so it's doubtful I would have ever known about it.

I eventually registered at that forum and my comments are marked below.

The following is the text from a thread deleted from vteen forums, and was nearing 20 pages long when it disappeared:

Self Suck, Is it possible?

Yeah, can anyone suck there own penis? I was just wondering. Also could you post your age, and penis lenght I was just curious.

im 14 and i can suck my dick it feals really good and my length is 7

I so wish i could! Ive gotten really close before, but cant do it. There used to be a site out there that showed u good stretches to do, so you could do it. It defenitly takes practice, but from what i hear, its worth it

16 yr. and 6.5 in.
I can lick the head, but that's about it.

im 14 and me length is 6"
i can suck the head of the dik but dat hurts abit so i dnt do it regulary!!!

dudde.. i wish i could ive tried before and gotten close but thats about it

god, i wish i could. i'm soooooo close to being able to suck my head! i'm 14 and 8.5".

8.5 and cant suck his own dick? ok well i cant and im 16 with a 7" dick

why anybody would want to suck their own dick is beyond me...

I'm not limbo.....damn

16, 7.25 inches and I can suck down past my head.

exactly. i've never even tried.
i don't want to.
i'll leave that to the females......

If I try I can bearly lick it but my girl give me head so it doesnt matter

so, i'm tall and not limbo. anyways, i can tuch the VERY tip of my penis.

What? How is sex related stuff a sin? I don't see it specfically anywhere that it's wrong to suck your own dick...

Good ?, i dont think ive ever heard of something like that before either!

i can't suck mine. Wish i can though.

i personally don't think that i want my penis going in my mouth.
perhaps i'm old fashioned or something, but i just would rather stick with the old hand motions......

Wish I could, but can't.
14, 5 inches.

i just did it and i fit my entire head in my mouth
its awesome

I can't do it yet

Nah, I can't do it either. I can get extremely close. Can even touch my nose. But that's as close as I get.

i can lick the head and barely suck on it, but i only did it just to see if i could.
even though its okay to swallow your own semen i couldnt stomach it, and who wants to put your mouth on something you piss out of? im 15 and 6.25 in

im 14, 6" and cant. i havent tried in that long but i am not at all flexible. i wish i could though.

i'm 14, 5.5". i WAS very flexible during middle school. my friends thought it was creepy. but i'm stiff as a board now...i can't suck it, and i don't even know why they wanna suck their own dick...

go the hand lolz i dont wann a give head to my self

exactly. seems like such a nastiness.

and if they swallow...... eww lol not a nice thought

you had to bring that up didn't u..

It's really not that bad. If you can suck your own dick your probably kinky enough to like the taste of it. I'm 19 and 8 inches. I first sucked myself when I was 13 and probably about 6 3/4". I would do it after I got home from water polo practice - most stretched out. I could get my head in a little more. I thought it was awesome!

I almost broke my back trying to suck myself off...
my tongue could touch my head of my penis but thats it.

well i guess.

I'm 15, under 6 in. and I can go about 1/2 way.

I would never do that.

nope i cant im 15 and 6.5

I can. I'm 14 and the length is 6". No I don't find it enjoyable and I don't plan on doing it again.

Can do it, 14, 6.7ish, tall though.
I only done it a few times cause it kinda grosed me out. The orgasm is super good though

I must be hard to please because I don't even feel good from it. Which is why I don't do it.

it's pretty much impossible to please, which is why it's fairly pointless

thats the site

God how i have tried, but im afraid i might hurt myself, i wish i could do it. but i can't

I'm 15 and 7 ". I can lick the head if I stretch, but I wouldn't cum, it would be nasty probably

I can, I'm 5"11 and 7.25 but I don't enjoy it. It's like trying to tickle yourself, you can't do it.

why not just stick with your hand.....
it's always there for you.

and much easier to do

some ppl just wanna go further than that i guess

im 16 and almost 7.5 and I can get just past the tip

I've tried

I can do it but Id never cum in my own mouth. nasty!

I was just curious. How can you suck your own dick? I try and try, but I just cant reach it!

Yes it is possible. I used to be able to to, but I can't anymore.

I can't, though I sometimes wish I could. First of all, your dick either has to be larger than "normal" (say, 6-7 inches or bigger), and you have to be pretty flexible. If you're close to touching it, keep trying -- just don't hurt yourself, that'd be pretty embarrassing...

u just hav 2 b flexible enough 2 reach it, or hav a monster cock

WHY ON EARTH would anyone want to do that? Ok, Females, ye, but males doing it to themselves, definately no for me.

na never tried, i don see the chill in it but i can see why some playas be wantin to blow their own load.

i can do it, but i have to be lying down or sitting down and then i like, fold my back over. i tried going till i came, but i didn't like the taste. other than that, as long as u stretched out before, its pretty kool i guess

It's not like Im going to do it everyday if Im able to, Im just curious to see what it's like.

i used to be able to do it, but i can't seem to reach anymore lolz, it's pretty good though, a little uncomfortable but a welcome change to your hand

i can do it
17 and 6.75

It's possible... i know people who can do it, and i helped my friend do it once :-p

I can't but wish I could. It would feel awesome.

I learned on Talk Sex that only 8% of men are limber enough to lick there own dick... WOOT WOOT!

i can do it very well, i can suck bout 4/5ths. I'm 15 n 5.5inches

I can't, but I would love to, so much

i'm not really that flexible so i don't think i can do it...but why would anyone try to suck their dick?

5.5inches and 14 and no I can't self suck unless I dislocate my neck and that would probably be unhealthy.

i so wish i could man that would be so cool to have my dick in mouth i've tried so many times but can't get to it

im 14 and yeah i can suck my own dick. it feels great and my dick is about 7 long!
im thinking about masturbating with my mouth .that would be cool(cumming in my mouth)

I can do it, 13, 6.75. I actually like it, I don't know why you people say you shouldn't. Whether you're doing it or somebody else, it still feels good.

lucky ...for the guys who can do

I never thought about doing that. It just sounds so wrong to me.

i can lick my head but i dont do it often cause it made me sick

i can, im 13 and 7.5" plus im very flexible

first of all, it is possible and some people can do it. and secondly, why are people constantly asking dick size. that is strange in the first place and i bet more than half lie about it too.

i am 15 y/o with 6.0 in dick and i cant suck it.
but i really want to!
i can get close 2 it but thats about it.

i can.

are you omish or something?

I am 16 and i am 5.75" i can lick the tip ~ i love doing it

14, 5.6 inches (I'm almost 6ft tall) and I can't.... I wish I could I've tried and gotten so close....... Does anyone know about stretches or something you can do so that you can?

i can' bad

I cant get very close

I've tried, and I can.. It's just not pleasurable.

I dont think i'd want to

I did it! Well... I can touch the head of my penis with my tongue. What? It's progress!

good job?

ya i can suck mine its real cool

I believe the proper term for this is autofellatio. Many people confuse this term with having a blowjob in a car. Although I don't understand why I do it (I'm not gay, not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with that) I have done it a few times, and can go up to halfway down if I give myself something to push against. But I don't find it that pleasurable and it hurts my back, so I stop.

I can! 14, 5"
but i'm really flexible

I dont feel any real pleasure from it. I can suck the head and SOME shaft. i'm 14 and 5.3" but very limber

you have to be very flexible, I've never done it.
i've tried though.

I never really tried but i shall tonight and get back to you.

i cant even get close becasue I am too god dam big

ill leave it to the girls

im 14 an a bit over 5.5inch, i wud if i cud, is there n e positions that make it easier? i cant even touch my toes without bendin my knees. if i cud do it id stop before i ejaculated cos i really dont like the idea of sperm in my mouth

I wish I could when it grows maybe......

I am currently 14 and when i was 13 i tried but now i run with the cross country team at school, we stretch alot so now im more flexible, and tonight i jus tried it, and i can suck my head but it hurts a little bit, and it didnt give me much pleasure...i probly have to get further down. by the way im like 5.4 inches

It is's jus kinda hard 2 pull off
I can't do it cuz i'm not that flexible

im 16 with a 4.3 inch long dick and i can only suck on my foreskin but i still get off and all that cum just shoots in my face and mouth. cant wait till it grows more so i could suck on more

I wish i could


I can suck the head of my dick and im 13 and 4 3/4"

i can suck the head and lick the back of it, i am 15 with 6.25
i think doin this is fun. its good to try after a hot shower, cuz the hot water loosens you up. sometimes my penis tastes good too

Nope i cant do it. My dick is just over 6 inches and im 5 9". I wish i was able to. Im straight but imagine being able to give a blow job to your self anytime you want, your girl friend doesnt have to be there to do it. I cant even lick it il about 4 or 5 inches away from being able to do it. Does any1 know any stretches that can help or any poisitions?

yeah, i figured out how to, Sit on the toilet seat backwards so you are facing the part where your back usually is, get something about arm level to hold onto, or not, whatever is more comfortable, and just bund down to your dick, it seems tough, but its easy once you figure it out, also, hold your penis at the base so it doesnt move as much

Did it work well....feel good I mean it seems like it would be quite uncomfortable.

i WISH I could self suck ive tried and tried
but i cant but im going to keep on triying though!

I'm 15 with a 5" and i WISH i could!!!

your bed is a better place than anywhere else, just stretch your legs like crazy and as you work at it your back will warm up. I can take it up to the point where my balls are against my nose or maybe even a bit more on a good day.

I used to be able to suck my own dick, when i was 12 but can't do it anymore

You people who can are lucky bastards. When you're without relationship, you people don't even have to care...

thats just... wow... cause i never knew guys actully DID do that...

I'v thought about it/had thoughts but I dont really wanna do it..
I actually tried and got close and I would never swallow its actually bizarr

It's like jacking off, except with your mouth...and a blow job is far superior to a hand job, so why not give yourself the best?

this is what you do, get a male friend who wants there dick sucked, and convince him, that it is ok . A mouth's a mouth.
It feels good agiving and taking

yeah, i figured out how to, Sit on the toilet seat backwards so you are facing the part where your back usually is, get something about arm level to hold onto, or not, whatever is more comfortable, and just bund down to your dick, it seems tough, but its easy once you figure it out, also, hold your penis at the base so it doesnt move as much
***Yeh, it does feel good, i dont do it often though, the only downside is a lil back pain when your done, but it goes away in a few minutes

I am 16, 6.5 inches and I can suck past the head

How do you reach it?
just curious
by the way Im a 7.5 inch and 15
(not joking either)

wow you've got a big weiner..ha..sorry... but man i never did think a guy could actully cum givin himself a bj... hfm...even though im sure that other people doing it is MUCH better..but whatever works,right? ;-)

I guess but..
Ah never mind though hard to explain but thanks for the compliment

true, even though I have never recieve a blowjob from myself or from anybody else. but at least if you are able to suck yourself anytime you want and you don't always have to have someone whose willing to do it for you 24/7.

LOL to you all of you that can. Try doing when you are older and your torso is too long. I was never able to though.
That is when you know its time for a girlfriend/boyfriend. hehehe

i am 16, 5.5 and can just lick the head, so i dont get any pleasure coz it hurts my abdo 2 much

I can suck myself, but its uncomfortable and doesnt give me much pleasure.

i can, i have a 6" dick it helps if your sittin in a chair and you pull down on the bottom

It hurts though i tried it and could reach the head

im 14 and mine hasnet grown yet:( still bout 1 inch lie it was when i was 10!!!:(

lick the head of mine im 13 n my penis length is 6. sumthin

I can get my whole head into my mouth... i dont do it much though

Why the fuck would you want to suck your own dick?? that is nasty, get a girl to do it for you, DAMN!!. are you gay with your self, I lovve sucking ym B/F cock, just ask your G/F if she dont mind doing it, most girls 98% of them want to do it, so stop sucking your dick, ewww, I suppose you swallow your cum? Nasty..

God I hope you all don't swallow, that makes it 10x worse. :\

Swallowing is nasty and curious girl your whole post contradicts what you said

I can do it... it hurts so a few jacks, and into the mouth for the ending

Unfortunately I can only reach the tip so there's no real sucking power
But i never swallow cum

I'm 14 and I have a 7 inch dick. I can get my head and a bit of the shaft

Possible but very unlikely...

Look this is stupid because most peoples bodies have not fully developed and such activity might cause damadge if not done properly!
just a warning!

K, I know i am a bit young, i am only 11, i lied to get in here! Well my dick is about 4.5 inches and i can get down about half way!

i'm 15 and 6inches, i can get the tip, couldn't just a month ago. Works alot better at night.

I am 16 and 7 in,
I used to be able to okay, the big deal is muscles spazzing out, the key is if you get the muscle pain don't stop, just wait till it goes away and try to get further. I was able to get maybe 1/2 in below head.

I am 18, and 7.75 inches long. I am what you might call gifted, for my backbond is double jointed. I have been self sucking for about 2 years, and I can't get enough of it. The way i do it is: I cross my ancles, put my feet behind my head, use my arms to grab my lower back, and have fun. I can get all 7.75 inches in my mouth(and my balls too if i want) which is the greatest feeling in the entire world. My girlfriend likes to suck it, but it can't compair because: You know how to make yourself feel better, you know when to stop, you know if you brushed your teeth lately, and its double the pleasure. I don't cum in my mouth because its a nasty taste which only goes away with time. I will try to take a picture of myself in the near future and give you a link, but until then keep trying.

18 and 8", cant even get close, im so unflexible, id love to be able to do it though

There was actually an article in our health class last year about how this guy had an operation to get his rib removed so that he could suck himself off..
I cant imagine that.. Allthought I do wish I could get a rib removed - cuz I cant even touch my toes!

I have tried many times and can't even get close to it. I don't think removing a rib would help either. I'd probably have to have it transplanted to the end of my thumb to suck it. That sounds painful, but it might make shaking hands more fun!
Wanna shake on that?

the other day i got to suck the head 4 about 6 secs and it felt really good. does anyone have any good advice to suck it longer?

Nope scared i met do damage to my back or that I will get stuck and will be embrassed.
And no I do not have acute paranoia

i can get the whole head. im very flexible. my size is 5in (soft) 8in (hard)

I'm 16 and 6 inches or so and I've tried it a lot of times and finally licked the head the other night when I tried. Just gotta practice and be persistent. Also, its a good idea to do it at night. Easiest to flex the right way

i had this friend that used to be able to put his dick head in his mouth. but he said that cus it's not the most comforable position. so he didnt nut or anything.

yeah im 16, with a 6.5 or 7 inch penis( dont remeber what its length is) and i can lick like the tip of my head.
how could i suck more? are there ways to make it easier?

im 12, 6 in. and can

you guys are So funny!!! why would you wanna suck your own dick??? so how's the feeling? isn't it better when a girl does it?? hahahaahaha

I can too and I'm 13 with a 7in.

Your height effects how low you can bend and suck it

I'm 5 and a half and cant. Tried it, licked it once, couldnt the last time. I think if you cant get comfortable doing it and get most of it in there its not worth it.

personally i'm like several inches away. my boyfriend can just reach the tip of his penis with his tongue, but i thats not really sucking.

I wasnt blessed with enough flexibility.

I am 16 and 6 inches long and I am about 6'0" tall and the first few times I tried, I couldn't at all but I could get close but it hurt my back really bad, then I was able to lick the head, then I tried last night and I can get the whole head in my mouth. I don't know if my heighth and weight has anything to do with it but I am 6'0" and about 180 lbs. I just lay naked in the middle of my bed, put 2 pillows under my head, then pull my legs and hips over my head and try to get as close as I can. Some times it takes a while, like half an hour or so, but it is easiest to do it late at night, like 11:30 -12:00. Sometimes I also do stretches beforehand. it helps A LOT. Just try it and be constantly persistent and someday you'll prolly be able to do it.

im 14, penis size is 6.75 inches
i can get just about the head in my mouth...the rest is really hard and i can get a little bit farther if i push myself, but it always hurts my chest to do that so i never do.
and besides...why not just have my girlfriend do it for me?

I can only suck my foreskin, can anyone give me any advice?? I'm almost 7 inches and dunno how tall.

if your 5,9 you need at least a seven or be really flexible

im 15 years old, my penis is 7" , Im 5' 10" and I can get the whole head into my mouth but thats all

Im 5 10 and my dick is nearly 7 inches. I licked my head once but it took alot of stretching and it was very uncomfortable so i dont really wanna try it again.

I know i've tried it before and I can sometimes get it, other times i can't. It depends for me on the time of day, if i'm about to jerk off, or what I'm sitting on. I noticed that certain things you sit on can push it out farther than you think that it can go!

I'm 16 5'9" and 6". Still haven't reached it, but I have been trying stretches and stuff and they are working. I am closer to it now than I was a few months ago.

I'm almost 17 I've sucked my own dick multiple times and its 8 inches long. But really skinny.

I'm 15 and about 6 inches, and I have tried to suck my own dick, but I was only able to reach the tip. I really wish I could...sounds interesting!

It feels pretty good but I prefer to have someone else do it.

I've never really had anyone else do I wouldn't know.

i'm 19, 7'5'' and I can suck my own dick... i can get it halfway in

im 14 and i can only lick it lmao! its 6'5"

14 and 6 inches and i can suck the whole thing its but ya u jus have to streach and stuff well if u want to know how u can add me to ur msn at XXXXXXXXX@XXXXXXXX
and if u cum in ur mouth it feels really good

Im only 5 inches and Ive gotten down to my balls, not even flexable either. but damn, my ribs are so messed up now......

i am just under 6 and i can usually always lick it and occasionally get the whole head in after exercising. it hurt my back tho so i stopped.

I've tried..can only lick the tip..

I have tryed only got the head in though and that hurt for record i am 13 and 7 inchs

wow i haven't posted in a long time!
i consider myself athletic and i never tried it until i read this lol. my back is real sore now. i can barely lick the tip but i get too dizzy if i try anymore. good stuff if you can do it all the way.

Yeah it's definately friend showed me and he got the head in and a little farther down...and I seen a pic on the internet of a guy sucking the whole thing. But these pics acan be I wouldn't beleieve it 100%.

getting it all the way in feels great, but make sure ur all stretched out or you won't be able to stand afterwards

It's possible. There are a lot of guys that can do this and it's not as uncommon as you think. I can do it too, although not all of it.

Seeing a girl lick herself though appears to be quite rare and all the pictures I've seen are definitely fake.

Yeah right, whatever. That is such an urban legend. Nobody's ever had a rib removed to do this, not Marilyn Manson or Prince. I can do it and my ribs don't get in the way. There appear to be quite a few guys on here that can do it and I am sure they all agree with me.

Hey guys,

I am really glad I found this thread. I want to say it's nice to know that there are a lot of other guys who tried this in their early teens and were successful. I first tried this when I was 13 or 14 and could only just lick the tip. Being an impatient young man, I quickly became bored with it since just licking it wasn't doing much for me. I mean it was exciting to do it but I didn't get much pleasure from it.

Years later, I realized that I wasn't the only guy in the world that did that and in fact I know there are probably a few million guys in the world that can do this. I don't feel like such a deviant anymore. I read in a couple of medical/psycology books that perhaps 3 in 1000 can do it.

I have since regained interest in doing this and had to gain a lot of flexibility to make contact again. For the past couple of years I have been working at it and have surpassed by quite a lot what I was able to do years ago and just last night I was able to take most of the head in my mouth.

So far, I don't get much pleasure from it but I assume that's because I am not really able to suck much of it yet. I am hoping once I reach that point that I can give it a good suck, that I won't feel like I have wasted my time. I must add though that the appeal of this is probably more mental that physical and it's just such a turn-on to do it.

I feel the estimate above is low; I think a lot more guys could do this if they conditioned themselves properly and aren't overweight. You have to be careful not to hurt yourself though. I almost messed my back up once and have been a lot more cautious, but my body has also adapted so I rarely have any back or neck pain any more.

I have to say that either a lot of your are really well-endowed for your age or you're lying about your size because when I was that age, I was probably only 4 inches long and I am now 6.5.

Keep at it guys, I'm proud of you!

tried it.....but couldnt reach!

ya most ppl here....tend to exaggerate i'm pretty certain, but that aside it seems like quite a few can, definately more common than you'd expect.

And to an earlier post, are there ANY girls that can lick themselves?? That doesn't seem possible... =\

Hey yeah 17 yrs old, 7.5inches i can hit the tip. By the way anyone want to chat? AIM maybe? Trade Pix? PM me or email me at XXXXXXX@XXXXX

ye i tried it but couldnt reach but i know ppl who can - but they have like 10" dicks

Im 14 and about 6 inches, I can suck almost half, but it hurts your back sometimes. It is kinda uncofortable for me, I need a little power in my thrusts and it is kinda hard to hold your breath, have your own wieght over you and try to suck it all at the same time!!!! I tried more ways but sitting isn't comfortable, and putting my feet behins my head is WAAAAAAAAAY out of the question, though putting my waist and hips over me is good, I can't really breath though so It doesn't help alot... Can anyone gimme some advice about a better way, and some other wayz to stretch????

Until I read this topic, I thought this was something all guys wanted to do. I've never heard anybody say they thought it was disgusting. So that's where my pee comes from, big deal.
Anyway, I can just bearly flick the tip with my tongue. I'm 16, about 5'7" and average build, dick length is just over 6".
Even though I wish I could, I've always figured it would be like trying to tickle yourself (like somebody else posted above). I'm surprized at the guys who say it feels better than when somebody else does it. Maybe they just need a more skilled GF/BF
About the swallowing: If I was horny enough to suck myself, I'd probably try swallowing. Not sure I'd like it, but heck, I'll try just about anything once.
For you guys who say "why not just get a girl to do it"...well, maybe it's just not that easy for some of us. We're not all as studly as some of you seem to be.

I kind of with i could, but then kinda wish i couldnt. I want to because it would be cool to be able to ahve a blowjob basically anytime you want. But i dont want to because the thought of sucking my own dick is kinda nasty. Overall, i'd do it.

Hey i'm14 and i can't suck my own but i get very close all the time. Oh yeah i have a 6 inch penis. I was also woundering if anyone new some really good techs. to pull it off?

last night after reading this i tried it but i almost broke my back

i've tried but i can't reach...i'm not flexible i get close tho

i am just over 6inches and i cant i might be because i am 6ft2 or somthing

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