Al! I went to far! Hellpp!

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Al! I went to far! Hellpp!

Post by Cpro »

I think i went to far. My back hurts bad when i move it forward. I think i strecthed it too much. How do i ease the pain, and get rid of it? I'm not trying to suck for awhile!


Post by Guest »

It happens to all of us - it's easy to go too far when you're sexually excited. First of all: relax. You've probably just overstretched some muscles. Doing some gentle stretching is really good for you at this point, just don't push it to the point of pain again. A gentle stretch/ache is what you're going for. I find that side stretches are more helpful for back-muscle pain, with some gentle forward AND backward stretches mixed in. I can't overemphasize the importance of doing backwards stretching!
If you have a chiropractor it might be time for a visit. If the pain is very localized in the center of your back you could have a spine thing going on; once again, a chiropractor or back doctor might be in order, but even spine problems don't always have to be a big deal if you treat them right.
Find a good teacher and take a Yoga class!
And keep us all up-to-date oon your progress, OK?
And (to cover my ass here) please remember my disclaimer:

Like any extreme sport, auto-fellatio can be dangerous. If you end up hurting yourself while doing it; or you lose your job or your social life because you've got your dick in your mouth 24 hours a day, I cannot accept any responsibility. You're a grown man. You do want you want to do, and you accept responsibility for your own actions.

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