How often do you self-suck?

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How often do you self-suck?

Post by wantaplzu »

When I first started I could only self-suck once a week (physically tough). Now I can self suck daily. However, it does take some time to warm up...... therefore it is difficult to do every day. I am now sucking every few days.

What is your suck life?

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Post by orgbob »

It varies I guess. I could not do it often at all before, now I do on average maybe once a week.

Lately I have done a few days in a row. It all depends on how physical I am in the rest of my life. Work can take its toll.

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how often ?

Post by Shamman »

Hey guys
For me, I'm most productive if I s-s every 2-3 days. Sometimes I gotta wait longer (especially if I tried too hard the last time) and often I'll go several days in a row (if I just can't wait or it was just so good last time). If I wait longer than a few days and don't stretch between - NOT recommended!!! it can take me several days to get back into proper shape.
But I try to stretch every day or at worst every other day. Even if I know I won't be s-sing - umm, especially then.
Sometimes a tough physical day at work can actually help me. My muscles are asking for release and I accomodate them by stretching them back out and then giving my body extreme pleasure. They usually thank me.
I have kept this pattern fairly regularly now for several years and I keep getting surprised (and rewarded) by finding I can go down quicker or farther or easier. I think my body recognises my wants and adjusts - over time - to make it easier. THANK YOU, BODY !!! :D
Since it's been at least a day now since I ate me, it's gonna be time tonight. Maybe I'll tape it n post here... we'll see.

Enjoy and be safe

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