Sperm in the fridge

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Sperm in the fridge

Post by fucker »

If I jerk for several months in a glass until it's full, can I drink it or is the sperm rotten after months?

How long can sperm be preserved in the fridge?

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Post by blacksunshineaz »

It will spoil just like any other food. Bacteria and mold will begin to form on it rather quickly. If you really must do this, I suggest freezing it instead as it will last longer.

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Post by fucker »

Sorry, I meant cum in the freezer. I only used fridge for the subject. How long will frozen sperm be preserved? Is there a eat-by date for cum? :D
Or a comparison for a food-item with equal ingredients?

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Post by jim »

Dude! I about choked on my soda when I read that! If you want to save your man chowder, why don't you put it in a tupperware container. Its not my thing. I like it right from the tap if you get my meaning. I wouldn't wait too long though, it may get all kind of nasty shit growing in it and make you sick.

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Saving Sperm in Fridge

Post by Eddie »

It's nice to save your cum for future self suckings, but after two days, it's not so great. If frozen, that's another matter, but to thaw and refreeze more than a couple of times isn't so great either.

Try a small glass jar or cup, and cover with plastic wrap. Put in fridge, and use when needed. For selfing, of course. Wipe all over cock, and suck.



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Re: Saving Sperm in Fridge

Post by seahorses »

Eddie wrote:It's nice to save your cum for future self suckings, but after two days, it's not so great. If frozen, that's another matter, but to thaw and refreeze more than a couple of times isn't so great either.

Try a small glass jar or cup, and cover with plastic wrap. Put in fridge, and use when needed. For selfing, of course. Wipe all over cock, and suck.


There's no need to thaw: uses something like a small plastic yoghurt drink container with cap and when you want to add more cum, take it out of the freezer, remove cap, put container in a food flask and cover with lid (don't screw down) so as it's easy to take out when ready to cum: refreeze straight away. You can save as much as yo want this way. When you want to drink it just give it a blast in the microwave for a few seconds, or however long it takes to get it back to body temp.

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thawing techniques

Post by Cumwhipper »

Sorry to resurrect such an old thread, but I'm new to the forum, and just wanted to add my 2 cents. In my experience, microwaving frozen cum, unless you use an EXTREMELY low power setting, is almost always sure to "cook" the cum, and that ruins it. Thawing in the fridge is the absolute best - it maintains the consistency almost completely. Thawing at room temp, or by placing the container in warm water works pretty well if you're in a hurry.

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