whats a boy to do

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jack hammer
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:31 am

whats a boy to do

Post by jack hammer »

hi guys, i am having a few problems but having just started i am optomistic about getting my dick into my mouth. i am a big guy but with a slightly shorter than average cock (about 5 inches) this has no phsycological effect on me but does pose the problem that i need to go 'further' to accomodate myself so to speak. i am straight but have in the past dabbled with men and found that whilst i enjoy having my dick sucked i find myself fantasising about having a dick in my mouth. i guess im a little confused. i have the perfect opportunity to indulge these fantasies as i am in the forces and there is certainly plenty of options open to me but i cant seem to get over the last hurdle and actually fellate a man and risk being found out. i guess ill just have to console myself, at least for the time being, by watching the young guys getting changed then wanking furiously to the memories!

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Re: whats a boy to do

Post by ganymedetroy »

hey jackhammer,

I'm pretty much in the same boat orientation wise. I love women, but I like to suck.

I'm also on the shorter end (though not quite that short). Don't believe that you can't do it just because you are short. You just need to do more stretching, and more leaning. I really recommend the C position, especially if you can get your hands beneath your thighs and press your hips up. Try to set your ribs back so that when you lean forward, they will set behind your hip bones.


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