Do you ever have mixed thoughts about it?

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Do you ever have mixed thoughts about it?

Post by TrickDaddy »

Right after I cum I don't really want to ever do it again because I lose my libido. I feel like, yeah this isnt for me, but then later again I get so horny for it and want to do it again. Is it normal to want to just stop doing it for good after you cum but later want to do it again? I mean I know thats the point of sexual arouselness is you DONT want anything to do with sex after you cum but I dunno. Do you guys feel this way when youre done, that you dont think this is for you and later again get the urge to want to do it again? I'm straight BTW.

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Post by ShyGuy666 »

That's perfectly normal, and like you said, it happens during the withdrawal period (or whatever they call it). When aroused, all sorts of crazy things will seem exciting to you, but as soon as you orgasm, you might feel anywhere from simply disinterested to completely disgusted. I've found that cumming in my mouth on a regular basis (and forcing myself to swallow it every time too) helps to reduce the effect, if only because I'm forcing myself to get used to the taste and position so they feel more natural even after climax. Hope that helps.

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Post by TrickDaddy »

Yeah you're probably right. Like when I see lesbian pornos it seems normal to me but when I saw gay pornos I feel icky, probably because I'm not used to seeing these sorts of things. Like when I come to this site, I dont know if its just me or what, but I get kinda grossed out when I see those pictures of the dude blowing himself lol. Because I'm not used to seeing it, I guess if I get used to doing this more and more it'll seem more natural.

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Post by ShyGuy666 »

Don't worry TrickDaddy, I'm straight too. And I also feel kinda weird with pictures and movies of guys self-sucking and self-fucking. I mean, I enjoy it because I so want to be able to do it myself, and yet it disgusts me to feel sexually aroused with the image of a guy. I can make the separation between penis and guys as far as being excited, but it sucks that one doesn't go without the other in the real world.

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Post by Xapprentice »

Tis funny as I will go about my week as usual, not really caring about sex or ss, but once in a while I'll get worked up by some pretty face on tv or on the computer. I'll get aroused and then all kinds of crazy thoughts about ss or straight sex get me excited and I'll devote considerable time and energy to trying to get my dick in my mouth, attempting all kinds of manuevers and techniques. After cumming I'll soon feel like I never want to bother with ss again and guilty like wtf am I doing. I'll tidy up and shower and try to forget about it, but I know the urge to will arise later in the weeks that follow. I guess its least your not the only one that feels that way.

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just a thought

Post by praetoren »

comming from am EXTREMELY religious family, when i first started masturbating i kept it totally secret and felt sooo guilty afterwards. because i was taught (with what little sex education i had at home) jerking off was wrong and dirty. this was taught to me by my mom. dad didn't talk to me 'bout sex. boy my surprise when i finally started going to the public library and researching sex on my own. and what a shock when after i joined the navy at 18 and actually heard other men (even older men) talking openly about "jerking off" and discussing personal techniques! it made me eventually realize that i wasn't evil dirty or wrong for doing it. i guess it takes forums like this to give guys the opportunity to openly discuss, and in doing so realize, that they aren't the only ones with creative and advanced techniques of providing personal penile pleasure.


mixed thoughts

Post by jonnyboy45us »

I used to be the same way too, gettin down after selfsucking. Now, I stare right at my dick slam it on in my mouth and just suck the hell out of it. After I cum, I force myself to swallow and let the rest just hang off my goatee.

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Post by Happy Boy »

i guess i'm lucky in that i was raised by very open parents. they were baby boomers...not quite hippies, but fairly close in their mind-set. sex (at an appropriate age), nudity, masturbation, etc. were not considered taboo, and we were taught that these were perfectly normal parts of life. dad would occasionally leave a porno tape to watch when i had some friends over. we weren't one of these families that you read about where people openly masturbate in front of each other, but what happened behind your closed bedroom/bathroom door was never shamed or looked down upon. i don't know if it is as a result of that or some other reason, but i have never felt any kind of guilt or regret from any form of masturbation.

i have, however, never mentioned my 'special talent' to them...for as progressive as my dad is he is still rather homophobic, and i know that he would never 'get it' that having your own dick in your mouth is just an advanced form of masturbation, and not a gay act. never told mom either...she is very open, and i'm sure she would be ok with it, but telling her still seems a little wierd, though i have thought about telling her, and still may sometime in the future...

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Post by 79ecra »

NO, I NEVER feel bad about it....I shoot farther than Peter North I have a lot of jizz that has to be taken care of... :)

WestCoast SS

not guilty

Post by WestCoast SS »

I used to feel guilty after self-sucking, but not any longer. In
fact I'm just about to do it again--it's been over a week--and
I'm really looking forward to it. I tape record my session a lot
of times and then listen to it after. Sometimes I have phone
sex with a girl and let her share the experience. It makes girls
VERY hot to hear it. Has anyone else done it on the phone while
a girl listens in and masturbates?

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Post by Xapprentice »

Well, I guess I'm in the minority. I get monster guilt right after a session. Like WTF am I doing, like why am I dedicating all this time to trying to suck myself when I should be doing something else, like finding a friggin job, or sweeping the porch, etc. I usually end up trying to make up for my 'perversion' (its silly, I know, I half dont believe that one) right after by doing some chores. Or sometimes its like why am I doing this weird shit when I should just get a date or just whack off with my hand like everyone else. :oops: :(

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Post by Happy Boy »

well, since you can do both, i'll assume that was rhetorical...obviously you *know* why you would do 'this weird shit' instead of using your hand, it feels *so* much better! :o)

...and hey, if it gets you to do the dishes too, that isn't necessarily a bad thing...right? ;o)

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Re: not guilty

Post by i12b3 »

WestCoast SS wrote:I used to feel guilty after self-sucking, but not any longer. In
fact I'm just about to do it again--it's been over a week--and
I'm really looking forward to it. I tape record my session a lot
of times and then listen to it after. Sometimes I have phone
sex with a girl and let her share the experience. It makes girls
VERY hot to hear it. Has anyone else done it on the phone while
a girl listens in and masturbates?
I did,

Showed it to my girlfriend. Made her quite hot with it.

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Not guilty your honor

Post by senior sucker »

I dont think its any different then after I have sex with my wife. After I orgasm im just not interested in looking at her any more. Now maybey next week the desire for her will come back. I still love her as much, but now im satisfied sexually. Well its the same after I suck a big load out of my cock. I just want to roll over and go to sleep. Sounds very normal to me. Guilt is some thing I dont have. But oh those sucking fantisies are divine...

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Post by Zelfzuiger »

i feel guilty sometimes, when i spend like an hour stretching and trying to suck it i sometimes think; what am i doing really?? i could use my time better, do something useful... and thats when i havent even cum in my mouth yet.
And yet i DO want to be able to do it, i want to suck it completely in, cum in my throat and swallow my load, and again and again and again.
the longer i spend time doing it (usually about 2 hours) the guiltier i start to feel and then im not horny for about 2 days, ive just had enough sex then.
hi, I haven't got a big weener!

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