You guys are animals :P

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You guys are animals :P

Post by johnnyderp »

You guys who can self suck are incredible.............after months of trying and flexing and every other thing possible,i can only lick the head of my penis.I still can't reach my lips around the head!! Is there any hope left for me in this area? Licking the head is not enough to make me cum...i need to get the head in my mouth! Any tips would be awsome.

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Re: You guys are animals :P

Post by Shamman »

I have to say that this is a rare gift - not every guy who wants to self-suck will be able to. Sorry. I know that I am one of the very lucky ones who can - and can do it well. But i have always been very flexible and thin. ... Well, not quite so thin any more. Ugh.

I'll give you the same first bit of advice I have given many - MOST IMPORTANTLY STAY SAFE. Contorting like this can and has caused serious, permanent damage. You want to please yourself - great. If in your zeal, you push past your limits too hard you may make it forever impossible to make it happen. Slow and steady is the rule. Let your body adjust to what you are asking of it.

Depending on where you started, a few months to lick the tip may not be so bad. I found that it comes in stages. You might seem to be at an impasse and then one day it will be as if a barrier came down and you can make it just enough farther to encourage more effort. You may even want to take a break from trying to self for a while. Just concentrate on getting the body lean and limber - all around. And on building an acute body awareness.

There were a couple times when I had to stop completely for months at a time. A fairly serious accident was one cause. But once I was able to start working on selfing again, it was as if my body had reset to make the effort easier than ever!

There is a lot of helpful advice in this forum. Read the how-to section carefully. Enjoy what you can already do. Imagine what you cant (yet). And stay safe.


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