So my yoga instructor knows I can do this...

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Re: So my yoga instructor knows I can do this...

Post by blacksunshineaz »

Well I usually use padded exercise mat but I didn't bring it with me. He suggested using the bed but usually that has too much give. I've done some research online and it seems for beginner yogis as myself should probably use folded blankets or something else under your shoulders and not your neck and head so you can lower your head to the floor. This is supposed to be easier on your body until you are flexible enough but I had been thinking that it might be helpful in getting my mouth open more as my chin isn't pressing against my chest. I had wanted to do this in the other yoga studio with the bolsters they have (basically pillow/cushions) arranged in a U-shape so my head would have a space to lean back. I don't know if I'm going to get the chance to do it there as the studio is now offering massages so there isn't the privacy there once was.

The men's nude class meets tonight in about 4 minutes but I'm not going because my stomach has been bothering me today. I did get in touch with the instructor to inform him I will not be attending but would like to meet again for another session. He gave me his schedule as being a yoga instructor is not his full-time job.

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Re: So my yoga instructor knows I can do this...

Post by blacksunshineaz »

Just in case anyone wanted to know, this is what my instructor suggested for me to get in shape:

Here are those poses to help stretch your neck and upper back:

Shoulder Stand Ear pressure pose Plow Fish pose (this is a counterpose to stretch the neck from any of the previous 3 poses)

Stretching the low back:

Sphinx Cobra Upward Facing Dog (Counterpose these 3 poses with knees to chest pose, and settle the lumbar spine)

Adding hamstring stretches with a strap and hip openers like butterfly, reclining butterfly, and pigeon pose will start to stretch the muscles to get the legs behind your head.

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Re: So my yoga instructor knows I can do this...

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I just wanted to give an update. I had another private session last Sunday. We reviewed the poses he recommended and I tried to make contact in plow but no dice. It's been several weeks since I've done it and I'm not sure what's going on. I haven't gained any weight. I need to practice more often I guess. I usually practice on Wednesday afternoons but I've had other things going on for the last several weeks so I haven't been able to devote the time I want to this endeavor.

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Re: So my yoga instructor knows I can do this...

Post by blacksunshineaz »

My back had been hurting since Friday and I got a massage but it seemed to only make it worse. The past three days, including today, I have been soaking in hot water and doing some stretches. Today I did pretty good putting both legs behind my head and shoulders, even though my back was still a little tender. It feels like my hips are really opening up. Whether I would go to class tonight was a game-time decision. At the last minute, I decided to go.

I had mentioned in another thread that last week I almost made contact when doing plow position in class. I was really anxious to see whether I could match or best that tonight. When I got there I asked me instructor if I could do a flexibility test after class and he said yes. When it came to doing plow pose I braced my feet against the concrete wall and pushed myself into a tight bend, not really caring if anybody saw what I was doing. Unfortunately, I had to take it a bit easy because of some lingering back pain, but the bigger issue was that it was really warm in the studio and I was sweating a lot. As a result, I was sliding on the yoga mat so I didn't come close to making contact. However, I did stick around after class and talked to the instructor and then set up my gear and showed him my technique. It wasn't too difficult, I was able to lick and kiss the tip of my cock and he was impressed. He's the eighth person I've demonstrated this too. He said my bend looked good and thinks if I can keep practicing I should be able to make good progress. Unfortunately I won't be able to go next week due to a scheduling conflict.

I did mention my back issues and he and another student before class had mentioned that they both go to the same chiropractor and said the guy was a miracle worker. I got the contact info so I am going to give him a call and see if he can help me. I was feeling my spine yesterday and it seemed I had a bump in my lower back which I was hoping wasn't a bulging disc but both he and I checked tonight and couldn't find it.

Now I need to show my female instructor...that class is on Saturday.

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Re: So my yoga instructor knows I can do this...

Post by aleingang69 »

That's great BSA - it's gotta be helpful to have the outside contacts, to keep you motivated. Be careful, and have a great time!

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Re: So my yoga instructor knows I can do this...

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I went to the chiropractor today. I hadn't been in nearly five years and wasn't particularly impressed by how that place operated because it seemed they tried to get you in and out as quickly as possible. This place seems much better and I'm hopeful they can help me with some of my back issues. What's crazy though is that it's a husband and wife operation and I went to high school with both of them, but I don't really remember either of them. Small world.

I'm going back next week. I didn't tell him that I selfsuck but as mentioned before he knows my yoga instructor.

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Re: So my yoga instructor knows I can do this...

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I went to class tonight and as usual, we did plow near the end of class and I was able to lick the tip twice. There were 20 other guys in the studio, but I was in the back and I doubt anybody saw me. It was a bit of a thrill however to do that. I've been trying to do that for some time but just wasn't loose enough. I wouldn't be surprised if there were other guys in the class that can do that too. I try not to turn my head when doing that pose because it's supposedly dangerous but in my peripheral vision the guy to my left seemed to have his face buried in his crotch...

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Re: So my yoga instructor knows I can do this...

Post by christopherdmaxwell »

this thread reminds me of the will ferrel skit that actually aired on SNL and has since been removed from youtube and viveo... I remember seeing on tv live and thinking, "i can't believe they are doinf tis on TV!"

here is a Russian site that still has the clip along with a few others...

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Re: So my yoga instructor knows I can do this...

Post by aleingang69 »

That's great, BSA - it certainly always is a temptation in nude yoga, when you do the plow and it's dangling right there, smiling at you sideways and pretty much saying "put me in your mouth, please!"

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Re: So my yoga instructor knows I can do this...

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I showed my female yoga instructor after class this afternoon. She asked me if there was anything she could do to help but I said I needed to just assume the position. Unfortunately, I wasn't particularly flexible and strained to even make contact, to my chagrin. I was really hoping to do it a bit better for her. She's the 9th person who has seen me do it.

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Re: So my yoga instructor knows I can do this...

Post by igodownonme »

Question for the yogis out there, is it more beneficial to do the yoga routines in the morning, or evening? My evening time is very limited, have to keep the lady in my life happy too. Been doing lyenger for years, almost always in the am, but some of the poses don't really get easier.

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Re: So my yoga instructor knows I can do this...

Post by blacksunshineaz »

igodownonme wrote:Question for the yogis out there, is it more beneficial to do the yoga routines in the morning, or evening? My evening time is very limited, have to keep the lady in my life happy too. Been doing lyenger for years, almost always in the am, but some of the poses don't really get easier.
It depends on your end goal. It's good to do sun salutations to start your day to just feel good, so I've heard, although I don't do them. If you're trying to selfsuck then it's better to do it at night when you're naturally more loose. I've tried selfing not long after waking up and I wasn't the least bit flexible.

I went to the men's nude class tonight. The regular instructor is back and he had us do plow position near the end of class. While I wasn't able to lick the tip hands-free, I was able to grab my penis and guide it to my tongue. The lights are down low and I'm in the back row so I can use the wall for leverage and nobody was near me. I stuck around after class so I could talk to the instructor and I told him I noticed that we never did plow position until I told him I could selfsuck. I asked him if I was the reason we do it now and he said it was. I told him I could lick it on occasion and he thought that was good but I told him I wasn't sure if anybody noticed I was doing it. He said it was fine, maybe someone would like to see that. He said when he started having us do it and it was just me and a couple others trying it while everyone else tried an alternate pose. Tonight more than half the class tried it. Class is usually around 20-22 students but tonight it was maybe 12 because there was a storm coming.

I told him it is my goal to get more of my cock in my mouth by the end of the year and he thought I should be able to get there. I told him I'd like to do another private session and he's up for it, although money is tight right now as I'm trying to move into a new house.

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Re: So my yoga instructor knows I can do this...

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I did another private session on Sunday. I was finally able to lick the tip but I really had to strain. I didn't go a lot of counter-stretching, which probably would have helped, because I pulled a muscle in my shoulder and couldn't do poses where I hold myself up with my arms. I seem to do much better when I practice at home and when I don't do all the warm-up stretches.

This is frustrating. I had set a personal goal to wrap my lips around the shaft by the end of the year and I don't know the odds of that happening. I had lost a little weight but gained it back and I've been having really bad back spasms since last weekend. I went to two regular classes in addition to the private session (Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday) and may have overdone it. As much as I hate to do it, I may need to take some time to recuperate as I've got a flight across seven time zones in about three weeks and I need my back to feel good otherwise I'll be miserable.

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Re: So my yoga instructor knows I can do this...

Post by blacksunshineaz »

When I was in class a couple of weeks ago I noticed that there was a really tall guy at the front of the class and when we did sitting fold poses, such as reclining butterfly, instead of pivoting at the waist like you are supposed to, he curled his spine forward, far more than most people would be able to do. This has me wondering whether he is a selfsucker. I've never spoke to him nor do I remember him attending class before. I'd like to know if he can but I don't know how to even approach him about it. I do have an obourous t-shirt I could wear, as that symbol is somewhat associated with autofellatio.

I've been able to lick and kiss the tip in plow position at the end of class a few times but the lights are low and I'm in the back so I doubt anybody can see me do it.

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Re: So my yoga instructor knows I can do this...

Post by Shamman »

Perhaps you could approach him about his "improper" technique. Engage in some conversation just to see how talkative he is. If it seems ok, say something like "By bending like that, you could almost 'satisfy' yourself - lucky guy!"

It's just an idea.

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