What the hell is up with the forums: an update

Hi! Welcome to the Auto-Fellatio Kingdom Self-Suck Bulletin Board. I hope people will use it make connections and initiate discussions on one of the most pressing topics of our day; solo cock-sucking. If this is your first visit, please read "Guide for newcomers" below. Enjoy! Al Eingang

Moderators: blacksunshineaz, Ziggurat, aleingang69

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What the hell is up with the forums: an update

Post by aleingang69 »

Hey friends,

I'm sorry for all the problems with the forums. After weeks of back and forth with the hosting company, I think we're headed toward better days. I agreed to a one year extension with them, with the price being less than the 200% increase that they originally proposed.

They needed to move the forums to a new server, and, as far as I can tell, part of that process was to restore from a backup from last month, so I apologize for the few posts that might have been lost.

I'll be trying a few things out ver the next few days, to see where we are. I've been dealing with a lot of covid-related-reopening issues in the rest of my life, so it's hard to find time, but I've really appreciated hearing from those of you who've reached out while the forums were broken


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Re: What the hell is up with the forums: an update

Post by iloveselfers »

Hey Al, nice to be back.

By the way, is this photo recent? Hot.

Get well soon.

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