Avoiding the shits after swallowing

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Avoiding the shits after swallowing

Post by drake »

Being brave enough to collect, freeze and swallow 5 loads of semen, it sort of back fired on me being that I spent most of that night on the toilet, empty what I had swallowed down the toilet. :(

Is there any way of avoiding this, not having a queasy stomach, runny shit etc

I really enjoyed doing it, I just can't stand the aftermath.

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Post by aleingang69 »

Was it all your own cum? I've never heard of a reaction like that, but I guess everybody's different...

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Post by drake »

Yeah, my own.

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Post by factor »

Is it possible that you somehow contaminated it and allowed the bacteria to grow? Perhaps you left it out too long?

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Post by drake »

I didn't leave it out at all.

It was kept in the freezer at all times, only being taken out for a split second when it was added to, and at the end when I microwaved it back to body temperature. After drinking it I was ok for a good 2/3 hours then my stomach became a bit queasy, followed by sitting on the toilet with the runs.

I'm not suprised it happened though. For anyone familiar with 'chicktrainer', this is a quote from 'spam' after swallowing 5 loads.

"I admit that after maybe 5 loads my stomach usually does tend to feel a bit queasy. There are hardly any side effects to ingesting semen, the only thing I noticed is that I often get a case of the squirts the next day. Excuse my language, but it's true. Semen somehow seems to clean up your digestive system."

But I don't want that. Are there any tablets you can take to settle your stomach. I don't want to shit it out.

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I often get the same reaction to eating my own cum, strange as it never seems to happen when the cum belongs to someone else. It even happens to me when I swallow my own during a "direct deposit", so at least for me, it has nothing to do with any form of contamination. I have found that taking a couple of Imodium A-D (anti-diarrheal) tablets a few hours before I "get hungry" seems to alleviate those unpleasant side effects of an otherwise very pleasant activity. Make sure that you give the tablets a little time to work though. Taking them just before or even after just doesn't work as well.
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Post by drake »

You're sick after one load? :?

Thanks for the suggestion. Sounds good advice.

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No, I don't get sick after one load. Actually I never get an upset stomach, even after multiple loads. I just get the shits, even after one. But when ever I get constipated, I just eat a load and it loosens me right up. I figure it is much better for my system than a bunch of chemicals, natural is always best.
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Post by slfpmper »

warm your loads slowly on the stove in warm water,, the mocrowave ruins trhe cum, taste will be better too,, you know cooking with cum is great, add it to burgers instead of mayo,, a great little sauce to mix in morning eggs.. enjoy,,,,,,

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