One technique you will want to try!

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One technique you will want to try!

Post by Sean »

For those of you who have fantasized about fucking yourself, I have found the ultimate method that will turn even the most unskilled self fucker a happy man.

I tried all of the methods listed on this site. I saw one method used where a guy tried with a saw horse that had been padded and another with a bathtub. That got me thinking.

The big trick here is leverage, not really length. I estimate that if you have at least a 5 inch penis, you will be able to achieve penetration although everyone is different.

First thing, lube your ass and only your ass. I have found that KY works best. Do not go crazy. You just need your ass to be lubed but not much else.

Next, you need to twist your dick around so it's facing the other direction. Do not just pull it down. It needs to be twisted so the top part of your cock is facing towards your body, not away from it. This is very important.

Now you will want to find which way you can twist it around for maximum stretch. For some this will be balls to the left, balls to the right, and for the rare few you may twist it around and have balls on either side. Find what works for you.

Now that you have your dick twisted around and pulled as far as it can go, it will be laying against or beyond your asshole.

Now the secret ingredient... what Emeril would say BAM!

I discovered some time ago that using a mountain bike seat provides the leverage and angle needed to hold and help push your cock in your ass.

Take the seat and turn it around so you are facing the back of the seat. Position the horn of the seat so it's about an inch or two ahead of your cock. It will take some practice to figure out what is the best angle for you. The seat works best if it has at least 18 inches of distance from the floor. Any standard bike post will work. You can also experiment with using the seat on a chair, etc.

Now that your cock is firmly against the horn of the seat, it is ready to be pushed into your ass. You will likely need some help with your free hand to push your cock into your ass) the other is holding the back of the seat. Simply lean forward and let the horn push your dick in with your hands help. It will slip in. I guarantee it.

The first time I discovered this little trick I was overcome with an amazing sense of accomplishment. I have managed to get some great penetration using this method and have come in my ass while "riding" the seat many times. It's a great feeling to give and receive at the same time.

I will warn you to take care with this method. Early on, I noticed that I would rub myself raw against the seat so much that I would be raw afterwards. Try not to get a seat that is too abrasive. Also be sure to keep the shaft of your dick and the seat free of lube or it will slip. You want the seat to support your dick and give you the necessary leverage to ride it.

So that's the trick. My secret is now yours to try. Good luck and enjoy.


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Post by aleingang69 »

Thanks Sean! Sounds like a very useful variation for men who are having a hard time with the other methods, and as a bike-freak who thinks bikes are the pinnacle of Western Civilization it's great to see them being put to even more wonderful uses! We'd love to see some pictures or video of you in action if you want to post them on here.
Get out there and ride those bike seats gentlemen!

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Re: One technique you will want to try!

Post by tryptamine »

hey thanks, that actually worked! came in my ass in a few minutes...
the leverage it provides is great.

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Re: One technique you will want to try!

Post by Sean »

Honestly, of all of the other methods I've seen posted here. None give you as much leverage as what is needed to penetrate your ass and hold it there. It's an amazing ride.

Have fun!


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Re: One technique you will want to try!

Post by tryptamine »

i actually found if i turn the bike seat back around i get better leverage... so i'm sitting on it like i normally would on a bike... thanks again.. my ass is gettin to know my cock more n more:)

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Re: One technique you will want to try!

Post by jamesters »

I really want to try this. Do you mean a bike seat like this: ... 420&sr=8-1


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Re: One technique you will want to try!

Post by aleingang69 »

Probably not the best seat for this technique. That seat is designed for men (like me) who get numbness - and eventually nerve damage(!) - from regular bike seats. It's got the valley down the middle so your weight goes onto your ass and not onto your perineum - it's designed to NOT put pressure pretty much exactly where you want to be able to get support to fuck your own hole.
I think a regular old cheap bike seat - preferably with a slick, east-to-clean leatherette cover - is your best bet for this.

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Re: One technique you will want to try!

Post by Sean »

Al is correct although that seat might work but it might be a little painful.

The best seat is a regular foam seat with a smooth leather covering. The horn of the seat can be used (with your hand as mentioned above) to give you the leverage to guide your cock into your ass. Of all of the other methods discussed, I truly believe this one to be the all around choice for the novice and the seasoned veteran.

I hope this helps.


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Re: One technique you will want to try!

Post by Stealth007x »

I tried this turn around trick this morning in the shower. Didn't get in due to no lube but I got further this way than any other I've ever tried. I'm going to try again tonight. Wish me luck. Thanks for the help with the technique. All I need now is a mountain bike to "ride." Can you imagine riding the neighborhood with your own cock in your ass? Wonder how far you'd get before cumming, crashing or hurting from the bumps. How exciting to at least try!!! Anyone else think so? Is this even realistic?

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