Self fuck how to

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Self fuck how to

Post by pictures »

Id like to be able to do this but i dont have the faintest clue how, the guides were excellent for self suck but nothing on self fuck, plus you only have a few minutes to get it round the back before it gets hard and points the other way, how can you do htis. help


selffuck how to

Post by oipistoi2 »


This topic may be really challenging
but here goes...

1) men's cocks come in such a variety of shapes and curves
that, as with selfsuck, this will be easier for a few and a real
stretch for most. Might just take more practice for some.

2) the mechanics are really complicated, don't you think guys?
I have to be semi-hard to be able to penetrate my asshole ring, but not too hard before getting my cock in the optimum position..
it just is a matter of doing the steps that lead to "entry" in a certain order.

3) Also, my hole has to be loose already from other anal action,
usually a large, loosen up.. it makes a huge difference.

4) Oh, another thing...Lube!
Not what kind, just find what works for you. But, I have found that there can be such a thing as too much lube, if you're using a water based lube. My preference...and this worked for me to literally fuck myself for like 20 minutes or more two weeks Elbow Grease. Wish I was getting $ for endorsing them.

Point is: if it's too slippery, the snake will get away.
But greasing up your hole and maybe your cockhead with a greasy but not water-based or too slippery lube should help.

oh, experiment and find what works for you, of course.
But look to those who've been there and back..they may get you there faster and more easily. Ask questions, it's the path.

5) yup, there's a 5.
it may be redundant..but remember the order of operations?
[a) get cock in position; b) get cock semi-hard; c) penetrate that hole!]
It's step b we want to address. You want to get semi-hard, or hard if you can hold the position that way..but there's a mental aspect.
Don't bother stressing over some objective, have fun!
Just enjoy your cock and butthole and be turned on..forget the destination...enjoy the ride.

When I discovered that I could fuck my own hole with my own cock (I hope my language doesn't offend..) it Never occurred to me that anyone else could or would want to do the same..

It is such a trip to find others doing & talking about it.

Ok so...

to Review:
1)Cock Shape may determine much, & practice, practice, practice
2)Mechanics..complex..but find your order of steps
3)Loosen and grease up that HOle for easy entry
4)Lube..not too slippery, better to be greasy
5)again follow your abc, but enjoy the ride, ok?

Will I ever get tired of saying: "Thanks Al!"?
Thanks Al.

Happy Hole Pounding Guys!
Hope you blow that load..there's nuthin' like it!



Here I Go Again

Post by Guest »

On the old board I posted the details of my sf technique. I've since re-read it and don't understand it myself. I'm gonna try to clarify it here:

1. Find a position where your cock has no place else to go but in. I've seen Al's sf pictures, and while I am able to penetrate 2"-3", I can't do it on my back.

a. Start from a squat position with your knees spread and your feet flato on the floor.
b. Shift your weight to your left foot and curl your right foot under so its sole is facing up directly under your ass. (By shifting your weight between your left and right legs, you can raise and lower your ass over your foot).

2. Get yourself semi-hard and lube only the head and your hole. Anatomically, you gotta make a near 90-degree turn to penetrate. Too hard, you'll break a blood vessel; too soft, you'll never get in. You'll be pushing on the shaft to get it in, and any lube there will cause your fingers to slip)

3. Using your left hand, reach around from the back and pulling from the base (not the head) stretch your semi-rigid cock as much as you can toward and beyond your ass hole. (You should feel the end of your cock become more rigid while the base of your cock is squeezed almost flat.)

4. With your right hand, reach around from the front and bend your cock in half by cupping your hand. The head should be lined up for entry and your hand should be resting on the sole of your right foot for any needed leverage.

5. Shift your weight onto your right foot, effectively lowering your ass onto your cock. Use your hand (resting against the sole of your foot) to guide your cock in and to prevent it from going anywhere but in. Push on the bent part of your cock, and let the head find its way in by itself.

Raise and lower your ass to allow your cock to slide in and out.


Post by Guest »

hey im getting suck around the 3rd step some more tips please

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Post by ShyGuy666 »

Personally, getting my cock into position is easy. My problem is that my ass is still nowhere near loose enough for easy penetration. After a few months of careful exercises, I can finger it with two fingers relatively easily, and push in three fingers while straining. What sucks the most is that I have no access to any kind of sex toy for this, so progress is slow.

Any tip on increasing the stretchability of my anus without toys?


More Tips from Step 3

Post by Guest »

I was the "Guest" writer of the lengthy technical how-to. At Step 3, you should be in the position where your right butt cheek is resting on your right heel, and the ball of your right foot is facing up directly under the hole.

Next: Bring your left hand in under your left leg and pull your cock back along and inside your butt crack as far as it will go. Important: to get maximum extension, move your balls to the left side out of the way, and twist your cock 180-degrees on its axis so that its underside is facing out. You should be able to stretch it so that the head actually extends past the hole.

While keeping it stretched with your left hand, place your right palm tightly against the base of your cock and your fingers extended tightly along its length to the head. The back of your right hand should be against the sole of your right foot so that your hand is sort of wedged between your foot and your crotch, keeping pressure on the lower 2/3 of your cock and preventing it from springing back. (Picture squeezing a toothpaste tube). You should be able to let go with your left hand at this point.

Now, curl the ends of your fingers so that the shaft bends about 2" beneath the head (forming a "J") with the head of your cock lined up for entry. Keep the pressure on the lower 2/3 of the shaft so it doesn't spring back as your bending the upper half. The head should be engorged and very firm from the blood that is being squeezed up from the shaft with your palm; if it isn't, start over with a slightly harder cock.

Now, push with your fingertips at the base of the head so that it goes in urethra-first. Shift some weight to your right hand to give you some added pressure that you need to penetrate. Once the head penetrates, you'll need to shift your fingertips down the shaft a bit. Continue to press with your fingertips against the shaft to get more depth.

It's not as complicated as it sounds. I created this technique with the idea that the easiest way to have my c*ck penetrate my ass would be if it were sticking straight up and I could sit on it. And that is, in essence, what this technique allows you to do.

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Post by MikeB »

Last edited by MikeB on Tue Jan 25, 2005 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by MikeB »

ShyGuy666 wrote:Personally, getting my cock into position is easy. My problem is that my ass is still nowhere near loose enough for easy penetration. After a few months of careful exercises, I can finger it with two fingers relatively easily, and push in three fingers while straining. What sucks the most is that I have no access to any kind of sex toy for this, so progress is slow.

Any tip on increasing the stretchability of my anus without toys?
I find that with the technique I describe (why am I still coming up as "Guest?"), I do not need to stretch out the hole at all before penetrating (and I don't have a particularly loose hole). Four reasons for that:

1. I use a good amount of greasy lube (e.g., Vaseline) on the head and on the hole.
2. I relax the hole (as if I'm allowing a turd to come out)
3. The head of my cock is engorged and firm before entry
4. I use the weight of my body to force penetration.

If the head of your cock is hard enough, it should go in just as easily as if you were inserting someone else's hard cock. If the cock's not hard enough (yours or a partner's), it's not going in. For me, the difficult thing is getting enough pressure to push it in. That's why I sort of sit on it using my fingers as a guide.

I think the key to a successful sf is to identify just the right hardness: hard enough to get in, but not so hard that you will damage your cock when you try to bend it. Practice, experiment. Do not give up - I tried for hours and hours and hours and was convinced it was impossible. It is not, and now I can do it on the first try every time.

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sf how to posts

Post by oipistoi »


Excellent and Really detailed instructions guys!

I admit, reading & writing about sf got me hot enough to try and do it last night.
Man, to my astonishment it was effortless..and So hot!

After setting up a mirror, I lay on my back, propped by a pillow.
I lubed my hole and just the head.
Then pulled my cock into position to the left of my balls and stroked it until it started to get hard.
I pulled it a bit beyond the hole and then just started to apply pressure.
By about the third try I had penetration.
Then it was about getting some depth, as I got harder and Bigger.

I pushed and pulled from about the middle just drilling myself. I pulled out and popped back in a few times...but after I was in again and stroking

that was it! started to build and build..
and then I was blowing a massive load up my ass!! Man!

I didn't realze it would be so easy, but like selfsuck.. practice gets you there. Hope this helps or inspires...

Happy SFing Men..
Oh Yea! Fill those holes!



my two cents

Post by orestes »

there seems to be two techniques:

1) stretch limp dick past your hole, press below the head, and shove it in (with minimal lubricant), then let it grow inside

2) stretch your hole really well beforehand (with plenty of lube), get a semi-hard on, and then guide it in head first.

for me, the second technique is much easier.

of course, the hardest part is having an orgasm. there seems to be two types of orgasms -- penile or anal/prostate (pitcher or catcher). an sf orgasm seems to be right in the middle, or a little bit to the anal side of the equation.

-hope this helps

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re: the two techniques

Post by praetoren »

my easiest experiences have been with the first technique.
just a few tips that have helped me:
1. well trimed finger nails is a plus.
2. well lubing my hole is a must.
note: i don't twist my cock when i push back i simplly lube a trail from my hole to my dick head (the underside of my dick)
3. my best leverage position has been siting on the corner of the bed, feet planted flat on the floor, leaning forward as i stretch back, its easier (for me) to stretch the head past the hole this way.
4. use both hands - one hand to help maintain position as you sit on you cock in your hand and use the other to push just below the rim the of the "helmet". since the upper side of my cock is dry my hands have excellent "traction" and since the under side is slick (the head as well) it slides more readily.

the over all effect feels kinda like "doggie" style fucking.
hope this isn't too confusing.
by the way, concentrating more on my form and technique helps distract me enough to get flacid penetration. the feeling of entry and the subsequent pushing gets me hard in a hurry.

thanx Al, U R fucking greatness - no pun intended. well may-be.


Post by Guest »

Can anyone post a video clip of how it's done? I can't push it through the hole.


Post by Guest »

THere's a self-fuck clip right here on the site: look at the links at the top or bottom of this page - click on the "video clips" link - click on the link for "A Young Man.." and you'll find the clip.

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video clip

Post by Jack22 »

Anonymous wrote:Can anyone post a video clip of how it's done? I can't push it through the hole.

I have clip, just ask and I'll send it to you.

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Self fuck how to

Post by jaz »

Hey, guys, this is my first post on this BB. Here's how I've been s-f-ing lately. Works like a charm, but it took me months (off and on) to get there--lots of experimentation, and studying BB posts like some of the ones here: thanks, guys, for some great advice! First, I douche at least once, usually twice, before anything else. Sometimes I'll run a "test probe" up my ass (a medium-size butt plug does the trick) after the first "clean" douche. I'll hold the plug inside for a couple of minutes. BTW, I'm using Elbow Grease (TM) for all lubrication, and I'm ONLY lubricating my devices, NOT my dick! If the plug comes out clean, I'm ready for insertion. Here, I'm simply sitting, somewhat slouched, against a couple of large pillows propped up against the wall. I've got my medium-sized butt plug and a slender one, both cleaned, and my trusty Elbow Grease (TM), by my side. To make sure my anus is relaxed and ready, I insert the medium plug (having applied a small amount of lube at the tip and down the sides only about an inch) and hold it for a minute or so, then out it comes. Next, I start streching my dick towards my anus. I don't let it get hard, because it then becomes too difficult to get the head in. I get my dick head just past the anus, holding it firmly in place with two or three fingers, and push it in with two fingers of my other hand. I hold it there and then I grab the small, non-greased, plug and push it gently in almost all the way. This will push my dick, still fairly limp, further in. Next, careful never to lose a grip, I reach back with my other hand (letting the plug go) and start "massaging" my dick, pushing from the base up to where it has entered my anus. Soon I can "pull the plug" all the way out, and start massaging my dick. By now, it has engorged somewhat and the head has reached the prostate, so every push is very stimulating. I do this, alternating hands, until I have reached, and then passed, orgasm. I let my dick slide out by itself and get ready to catch the cum oozing from my asshole. Or I pull it out. It's amazing what an effort it takes to do so! Fun!!

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