*How to* self suck - StrategicSS

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*How to* self suck - StrategicSS

Post by StrategicSS »

Hey guys (and gals, this is for you too. Just read on, and you will see why!),

This is my first post, and I'm a new member as well. But I'm not new to self-sucking.

When I was 15, I could only lick the tip of my head (which obviously doesn't count). I gave myself a minor back and neck strain (which only lasted a few hours), which made me afraid of breaking my neck. So I quit. Then when I was 23, I thought I would try again. I'm 30 now, and have learned quite a bit about how to get down with hardly any pain. I need to also mention that I am only 6.5 to 6.75 inches fully erect. But even if I was only 4 inches, I could still get all of me inside my mouth because I can touch my #2 trimmed pubic hair with my lips when I'm warmed up enough to have fun.

I will note that I am not in any way flexible naturally. My body has a hard time holding on to minerals, which puts me at a huge disadvantage to the more privileged. I also do NOT encourage people to do excessive yoga exercises, as they are really ineffective compared to proper nutrition. They can be useful, but most stretches I have seen are not only unnecessary, but they can actually make your back too sore to actually go down on yourself and enjoy it when the time comes. If you "go straight for it", taking nutrients along the way to loosen yourself up, you can not only reach your goal, but you can have longer sessions and not burn out from pain or tiredness because you did so many fancy stretches beforehand. You can do the hard work, (mostly) pain-free in a relatively short period of time (compared to what you are used to, if you are experienced---this is not your first time to falsely think that if you cannot suck it with a few tries, then you give up.)

Has anyone ever considered taking vitamins and minerals a few hours before or even during a session to help their body naturally contort into the desired position? Because that's my main strategy. (Hence my username.)

Yes force and stretches are always involved, but the idea is that, as you are stretching, a certain part of your back is stiff. You take a supplement, and then magically within 30 seconds, that part of your back has loosened up. (See note (*).) To then stretch again (this time, your mouth is closer to your treasure) and find that ANOTHER part of your back is stiff. Stubborn thing! But soon enough, you are at the closest you have EVER gotten. Then if you have a partner to assist you or if you know how to force more distance, then you will be closer than ever before! Don't get me wrong, every day is a building block. This takes TIME, but it can be done safely with little to no pain.

*You may find it hard to believe that taking a nutrient works so quickly, but if you have strong stomach acid and a good digestive system, then this will be the case. If you don't have strong stomach acid, then there are ways (supplements) to make it so. Of course, it's important to not only not eat several hours before a session to decrease the size of your belly, but also to absorb nutrients quickly. (In addition, if you don't have strong stomach acid, then you need to look into getting some for your overall health. In addition, suddenly getting back your full fill of stomach acid can cause gastritis, so you probably would have to look into gut health remedies and the like BEFORE you seriously think about doing any of what I am hinting at. In (my) theory, I figured that someone who has overall physical health should be able to self-suck without any physical shocks. So, if your cortisol shoots through the roof when you self-suck, something is off and you need to fix it. If your digestive system is weak, you need to fix it because without the ability to ABSORB what you take, you cannot create a healthy back for this type of contortion. You risk serious injury not only to your spine, but to your nervous system, muscles, tendons, etc. But if you get that right (or are healthy), then this statement applies (will apply) to you.

(The only "pain" you experience is the brief moments in which you are discovering which parts of your back are stiff before you give yourself the proper nutrient to relieve that stiffness. So the idea is to not force it if you have pain. If you have neck pain, STOP the session. Wait a few days and rethink your positioning. If you have back pain, it doesn't necessarily mean you have to end the session. If that pain is in fact just the result of stiffness, then that "pain" will not be felt again, once that stiffness is relieved with the respective nutrient(s). If this concept is new to you and you are having trouble with excessive back stiffness, then it's very possible that your back needs some repair. These nutrients will do the trick, but you have to endure a few sessions of not getting any real sexual gratification. They will function as your own physical therapy sessions. But the good news is, unlike regular disaster sessions which don't bring you any sexual gratification, these will enable you to get some pretty soon. But rest in between sessions and being smart about not lifting on heavy things in between those sessions will help you to build yourself up.)

I get it that we have stressful days and STIFF days, but I claim that, as long as your belly is small enough, you haven't eaten (anything moderate to heavy) within 5 hours of the start of your session, you can pretty much take different nutrients to go from completely stiff to completely loose. (Obviously, you shouldn't be injured either. However, by using this strategy, you can possibly use self-sucking/self-licking as physical therapy if you have a minor injury which can indeed be cured with proper nutrition and physical therapy.) I regret to say that I have never tried warm baths (I hate baths, so yeah. But taking warm showers doesn't help me nearly like what I am proposing.) to loosen myself up, but I am betting that my strategy is more effective than any external stimulation. (Sure, if you live in North Dakota and it's February, you might want to make sure your environment is wam enough that you're not thinking how cold it is, LOL.) But combine my strategy with those strategies, and maybe the sky is the limit. I'm still learning myself (I want to eventually be the first to lick my own asshole, but I know that if it is possible, I still have some work to do!)

In addition, even if you are loose enough and flexible enough and have not eaten any food for 5 hours (or more), good old gastro reflux can also get in the way. Well I figured out how to prevent that obstacle as well. (And I'm not suggesting to take antacids...it's quite the opposite, for those who don't know about nutrition. I have NEVER taken antacids for this.) And even if you get gastro reflux during a session, it can be neutralized within 10 minutes or less by taking certain nutrients and taking a short break.

I guess my audience is more geared towards those who wish to simply self suck with little to no pain, given that they already forced the ability from taking serious pain in the past. However, given that how stiff and sore I am some nights from the start to how I end with being able to lick my taint in the end, I believe this strategy could do wonders for those who can just currently lick the tip of their head. It can also give them a chance to greatly reduce their chance of injury, pulling muscles, etc...to not experience the immense pain that I did (even back when I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis...of which I have pretty much gotten rid of with the very natural supplements that I use to self-suck with little pain.)

And then also there is the real bitch...the aftermath! Like, getting serious muscle cramps the next day. Well, I also know of how to use some of the same nutrients to minimize that so that you can go about your next day relatively easily. (I'm hinting that it's smart to do this before you go to sleep, not in the beginning or middle of the day! I've also heard somewhere that we are all more flexible at night, but my strategy is fortunately not contingent on this fact/myth. It's just common sense that when you do something this intense, you should allow your body to repair itself IMMEDIATELY. It also is common sense to do this on a night of which you are off from work the next day.)

And I'm talking about nutrients...no pain killers, no ibuprofen (I haven't taken even Tylenol in like 15 years), etc. Completely natural. The idea is to not just have a one-night stand. But to protect the body so that one can have meaningful self suck sessions 7-10 times a month. (No, you cannot do this everyday...you need to give your body time to repair. Like all contortion, you are literally lengthening your muscles. So you need to get enough protein and rest in between sessions! The more time in between sessions, the easier it is to not FORCE it. But with my strategy, you can definitely "force it" on days when you know you should not be stiff or sore, but are for no good reason. My strategy enables you to "make the conditions right" as you know they ought to be if you took care of yourself from your last session.)

I also use a few "props" to help me out as well.

But anyway, back to the supplements. It turns out that:
  • Certain nutrients loosen up certain parts of the back.
  • Certain brands of nutrients work better than others.
  • For those who don't know about natural supplements, there are not only different brands, but there are also different forms. Not all forms, much less all brands, work the same. No, I will not provide you with affiliated links. They would be "clean" links to products you can buy from websites like Amazon.
  • The distribution of calcium and controlling inflammation is the main focus. However, you have to know the "science" of how different nutrients interact with each other in order to actually go from a stiff back to your dick fully in your mouth with no pain. (Just the pleasurable feeling of getting a good stretch, and each such stretch gets you closer to your goal.) No, taking a multivitamin or single supplement is NOT going to be enough. You need to combine specific nutrients together in specific quantities---all of which are unique to the individual.
  • Since there are "rules" to follow, if you overdo one nutrient, you may have to revert and go take more of a nutrient that you have already taken in the session previously to balance out the calcium and/or lower inflammation. (And since these are natural supplements, sometimes you will have "hickups" because these nutrients are being distributed to your entire body, despite that the blood flow in your back draws during a session will draw the nutrient to it more readily than usual. You have to see the overall picture and TAKE CARE and BABY your body. If you baby it, it will pleasure you) It takes patience, but if your body behaves like mine, then I can tell you what sensations in the back indicate which nutrient you need more of to loosen up that stubborn back.
  • My emphasis is on the back and NOT on the neck, because the neck is too fragile to mess with. If you need to apply force, it had better be to your back and hips, NOT your neck. I have learned that the hard way. I know of certain nutrients that help the neck recover quickly from a session though, as any session, no matter how careful, will require you to get certain nutrients in excess to repair your neck as well.
Has anyone ever used this strategy? Is anyone interested? As you all can probably see, I could write a book on this!

All in all, if I was a girl, I am positive I could lick my own clit by using this strategy. This strategy "gives you the confidence/guts" to push yourself far beyond what most (sane) people would do because you are giving your body support to do what you want it to do at the very moments in which you want to do it. Very little abuse. I have actually become healthier from my nutrient-forced sessions. My back has actually gotten straight (thank this age with computers with the tendency for forward-head posture), etc.

If no one has done this before, should I start a new topic on the subject (since this is a mega thread)?

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Re: *How to* self suck - StrategicSS

Post by Phoenixedger »

So what are these nutrients? Did I miss something?

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Re: *How to* self suck - StrategicSS

Post by StrategicSS »

Phoenixedger wrote:
Thu May 09, 2019 4:59 pm
So what are these nutrients? Did I miss something?
Hey, Phoenixedger.

I just wrote (typed) the following on to anatomy images from iStock photos (to avoid any copyright issues).
Anatomy (by Strategic SS).png
Nutrients which are also needed (but not shown in the picture, as they don't target a specific part of the back, per se but the ENTIRE body) are:
  • Boron (to absorb calcium and magnesium)
  • potassium citrate (to help remove excess salt from muscles). Translation...stiff muscles may be stiff not because of a lack of magnesium, but because of too much salt water in them.
  • Pure salt (pickling salt, NOT table salt)
  • DHEA (optional...but if you do take this at night, don't plan on getting any sleep that night!)
  • l-histidine base powder
  • glycine
  • Choline and Inositol
  • Iodine

This is a lot of nutrients, right? But all are required at some point. If anyone wants me to continue (to explain how all of this works), I will. But it's quite a story to tell. The above image is what I hold in my mind. It was learned by the act. Not by science.

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Re: *How to* self suck - StrategicSS

Post by Phoenixedger »

Wow awesome! Thanks. A lot of things but at least I have a better idea. Are there a few in particular you found most helpful to start with?

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Re: *How to* self suck - StrategicSS

Post by StrategicSS »

It depends on what's getting in your way. So the short answer is, yes and no.

Please read the entire list, because what you might think is "pain" might just be "tightness". You have to be very in tune with what your body needs.

Whatever supplement you choose to try, if it's a capsule, please OPEN the capsule and either pour the contents in a glass (with very little water) or pour the contents directly into your mouth mix it with your saliva and swallow it (for maximum and quick absorption). Also, I generally (personally and generally) prefer my minerals in tablet form, as I absorb them better for some reason that way.

Okay, let's begin:
  • If you are experiencing muscle spasms (or tightness),
    • If in the legs OR lower back, go with Magnesium Malate + boron. (I would take 3 mg of boron for every 400 mg of elemental magnesium.)
    • If in the mid to upper back or in the hips or feet, Magnesium Taurate (I recommend KAL brand, as it contains B6 to balance with the Taurine in their tablets) + boron (same amount of boron).
    • As I mentioned in my previous post, if you lack potassium, that may be the culprit for STIFF muscles. As they simply may be filled with salt water. Together with Taurine (which I will address soon), they flush out salt water from your muscles to enable you to bend them.
      • Magnesium gets a bad rap for being a laxative. The two above forms are less likely to be an issue than magnesium oxide and magnesium citrate, but if you take them in excessive amounts, yeah that will happen. Should you accidentally induce diarrhea, I would recommend to take potassium citrate powder (by bulk supplements) to replenish the huge amounts of potassium which is lost with diarrhea. A good soil-based probiotic might be needed as well.
      • It's a fact that too much magnesium and/or potassium can lower blood pressure. So have some salt handy. (I personally use "pickling salt", as regular table salt has questionable anti-caking agents in it. You don't want heavy metals to be deposited into your spine, do you? Because the increased blood flow to your spine obviously happens during a session so what do you think is the end result?) But anyway, this entire method is about balancing electrolytes. So sometimes salt will be necessary to balance calcium, potassium and/or magnesium that you take.
  • If you are getting too stressed out
    • If you feel that your stress is like a "tightness" area in the "B6 part" of the back (from the picture), take a B6.
    • If you feel a stress like you are going to "pass out"/have lack of ENERGY, B12.
    • If you feel like you are not stressed but don't have the "energy", this may be your adrenals. So folic acid, and maybe even vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid). If you have been self-sucking for a while and have symptoms of adrenal fatigue, B5 from Nutricost brand is a LIFE SAVER. (I buy all of my B vitamins separately from them). 10 mg of DHEA + 10-20 mg of zinc picolinate can also help in this area (adrenal fatigue).
  • If you are not having that much stress, and you've got the energy, but are simply lacking the flexibility, I would try stinging nettle as well as Taurine with B6. For every 1 gram of Taurine you take, I would take 50 to 100 mg of B6. A "side effect" of taking excessive Taurine is mild liver cramps. If this happens, don't panic. Just take Choline and Inositol, and it will go away pretty fast. (See the paragraph on "Right Acid re-flux" towards the end of this post for details.)
  • If you are having mild pain or aches, I would try vitamin C in the form of sodium ascorbate powder by bulk supplements. Not only is this form of vitamin C non-acidic, it's more bio-available than plain old ascorbic acid from rose hip. (Ascorbic acid first needs to bind with salt to be converted into a usable form of vitamin C.)
  • If your only problem is that you are "out of breath", then I would recommend to take 2 mg of copper (in the form of a tablet). I buy Swanson brand which works well and is very cheap. Copper is also a natural anti-inflammatory. In addition, one of the main reasons people get spinal disc bulges is because of LACK OF COPPER in the diet. How more important is it to have copper when you do something like this?
    • Note that taking copper lowers zinc (and iron) levels. (And trice versa, if that's a word.) So if you get stomach upset from the copper, it's no coincidence. Take a little zinc picolinate, and it will go away pretty quickly.
  • If you experience muscle pain (at any level) the day after your sessions, I would highly recommend to take potassium citrate powder by Bulk supplements. That alone might kill the discomfort.
  • If you are having pain in the red oval area of the spine (see the picture), I would highly recommend a manganese supplement. But be careful, as manganese is a little too good at blocking iron absorption! You don't want to self-induce anemia.
  • If you are having low back soreness or pain, I would recommend to take half a tablet of Blood Builder's iron supplement + 1/2 a 2mg tablet of Swanson's copper supplement. (It's very dangerous to take non-heme iron supplements from the drug store. Blood Builder is an exceptional brand for non-heme iron. In addition copper is an "iron transporter". You need the iron to go to where it needs to.)
  • If you are having knee aches, it could be a sign you need CALCIUM. Just be sure to take calcium WITHOUT vitamin D3 for this and take a Vitamin K2 (Mk-7) (I think NOW brand for K2 is best...I've tried 4 other brands, and NOW's is the best.) And don't take too much calcium. Try to take HALF a pill/capsule, as too much calcium will lower your magnesium levels. . . that is, kill your flexibility for the day (unless you take magnesium in addition . . . and if you really want to balance calcium and magnesium, also take a little of the bamboo silica powder (just a small pinch). AND, if you decide to try the bamboo silica powder (or silica in general) and it works for you, you will need to supplement with Thiamine (vitamin B1). Better yet, I would try "sulbutiamine", which is a fat-soluble form of vitamin B1.
  • If you suffer from acid reflux, there are two possible causes. Acid either feels like it comes from the left side or the right side.
    • For "left side re-flux", this is from your actual stomach organ. I would recommend l-histidine base powder by Bulk supplements + zinc picolinate + pickling salt + iodine (Sea Kelp tablets by Puritan Pride are very good). It's possible you may need magnesium to relax (keep shut) the esophagus sphincter. So if you have not tried the magnesium for muscle flexibility but are having this type of re-flux, magnesium may be all you need. (Either you have too LITTLE stomach acid or the sphincter doesn't have enough magnesium to stay closed tightly. The histidine + zinc picolinate + salt + iodine is needed to create more stomach acid. If your doctor told you that you need to take antacids to ease reflux, he/she is an idiot.).
      • Note that l-histidine lowers both zinc AND copper. I already suggested you take zinc picolinate with it (for producing sufficient stomach acid), but if you want to make taking this formula a habit (for overall health), taking copper will be required as soon as you begin to feel an unexplained weakness (or show any of the symptoms I described above for the need for copper).
      • L-histidine is a precursor to the infamous HISTAMINE. So if your nose gets itchy, you will have to take the natural ANTI-HISTAMINE, Vitamin C. This is not at all a setback though. If taking l-histidine causes a histamine reaction, it's just a sign that you were low in Vitamin C to begin with.
    • For "right side re-flux", this is from your liver (a.k.a. lack of bile). Take Choline and Inositol, and that will "magically go away. Go easy with it though, as it will lower your Taurine levels (e.g., give you a stiff neck (see the picture) and muscles). You see, Taurine tells the liver to make bile. Choline and Inositol, glycine, and other amino acids and nutrients are needed for good quality bile salts. When I personally take Choline and Inosistol, my Taurine drops. One easy way to know if your Taurine levels have dropped below optimal from Choline and Inositol is if you cannot concentrate as easily as you could before you took it. (Taurine is used to make GABA...If you don't know what GABA is, this is the point where I tell you to do some research, if you are interested. But GABA is NOT a nutrient for SS. Just its precursor, Taurine.) And if you are all of a sudden getting a little tired from the Choline, this is another sign that you will need to take a little more Taurine (AND B6!!!) to balance it back. But what do you expect? The liver wants to burn fat during exercise, and it will want to detox when you give it all of these amazing nutrients (such as magnesium, Choline, etc.).

And of course, I need to put a disclaimer that when you supplement with anything (long-term), you may need to supplement with other things, as there are potentially side effects to every health supplement just as there is to medications (or even continuously eating food that is high in any trace mineral or sugar for that matter).

Nutrients compete with each other for absorption. An abnormal amount of any nutrient can cause the level of other nutrients to deplete. I have expressed this in the above list with Taurine & B6, Vitamin B1 & bamboo silica, calcium & magnesium, manganese & iron, copper & zinc, DHEA & zinc, l-histidine & zinc & copper, etc.

This is a real issue, so TAKE CARE, DO YOUR RESEARCH, and have fun!

In short, I am not responsible for any side effects or injuries which you may experience.

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Re: *How to* self suck - StrategicSS

Post by StrategicSS »

I have a few other health supplements to recommend for other issues (all but the first are for between sessions).
  • L-Citrulline DL-Malate 2:1 Powder for having a difficult time getting an erection when you've unfortunately have done all of the work to be ready but can't. If the copper doesn't help you "catch your breath" during your session, this nutrient (naturally occurring in watermelon) can help dilate blood vessels and transport oxygen. In this sense, it can also help you recover after a session as well.
  • Putting pressure on the vagus nerve (which starts at the back of the skull about two inches above the end of the neck/beginning of the skull and goes deep into your body's core) long-term can irritate it. Acetyl-L-Carnitine and zinc are excellent nutrients to maintain the health of this nerve. If you ever feel that your head is "becoming disconnected" from the rest of your body, Acetyl-L-Carnitine is probably needed. (Your vagus nerve connects your brain to your digestive system.)
  • If you feel over-stressed from a session in between session days, and there is an actual "raw" feeling in your back when your back is resting against a hard chair, taking a vitamin E supplement containing d-alpha tocopherol AND Mixed Tocopherols (gamma, delta, alpha, and beta) might resolve the issue if the B vitamins I mentioned previously don't resolve this unexplained stress. (Vitamin E, like other fat-soluble vitamins, is stored in adipose tissue, and after a while, it can become depleted.) One way I can express the stress associated with vitamin E deficiency is the stress from pressure in your back due to holding your breath and pushing (like when you take a crap).
  • Vitamin A. (Beta carotene isn't strong enough when you're deficient in vitamin A) If you notice that your eyes become "sensitive to light", this is the number one sign you need to get more of this in your diet or supplement. Vitamin A is used to create new cells. (Serious repair is done in between sessions. Vitamin A as well as other nutrients may come depleted during the repair process.)

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Re: *How to* self suck - StrategicSS

Post by SSadventurer »

Thank you StrategicSS, I'am 6.75 inches erect, I can only lick the stretch foreskin and my midback and upper back hinders me to lick my penis head. I will read this throughly, hoping to suck my dick soon. :D :D :D

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Re: *How to* self suck - StrategicSS

Post by SSadventurer »

I'm vegan, tried bamboo shoots recipe and incorporate nutrition yeast for vitamin B12. Attempted self suck, I was able to half head of my cock. I don't feel a lot of sore on my back and neck just I stretch. It was an incredible feeling. So, suggestion in above were legit, this concepts should be implemented by all self suckers.

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Re: *How to* self suck - StrategicSS

Post by StrategicSS »

SSadventurer wrote:
Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:49 am
I'm vegan, tried bamboo shoots recipe and incorporate nutrition yeast for vitamin B12. Attempted self suck, I was able to half head of my cock. I don't feel a lot of sore on my back and neck just I stretch. It was an incredible feeling. So, suggestion in above were legit, this concepts should be implemented by all self suckers.
That's great to hear. (And just in case I didn't mention it, beta alanine powder really helps to absorb B12 much better than what people tend to say/believe conventionally -- "highly acidic stomach".)

And speaking of stretching, I find that doing this type of stretch for a "post workout" really helps for fast recovery. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbGSvAEkE68 (As they say in Yoga, if you do forward stretches, you need to also do backward stretches to compensate.) And for stretching for my "pre-workout", I stretch vertebra by vertebra (starting with the top of the spine, working my way down to the bottom).

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Re: *How to* self suck - StrategicSS

Post by NewbieSSS »

StrategicSS wrote:
Fri May 10, 2019 6:22 pm
  • If in the legs OR lower back, go with Magnesium Malate + boron
  • If in the mid to upper back or in the hips or feet, Magnesium Taurate (I recommend KAL brand + boron
  • if you lack potassium, that may be the culprit for STIFF muscles. Together with Taurine they flush out salt water from your muscles to enable you to bend them.
  • "tightness" area in the "B6 part" of the back take a B6.
  • If simply lacking the flexibility, Taurine with B6.
Heya StrategicSS!

I’m new to SS, but kinda stiff for 30y old 179cm guy with little belly :)
Can’t say I’ve got any close for my past 10 attempts, but sometimes I’m about 1 inch close to lick my foreskin :O

Sooo, I’ve read your guide about 10 times and decided to grab some alchemy to assist myself. I’ve quoted main things I’m targeting with this kit.

Made an attempt same day I got my hands on two types of Magnesium and Boron, with some real preparation with warming balm and bath.
It was… no magic, kinda easier to try to bend as always - no new real results and I didn’t come closer. But it felt easier, worth mentioning it even was an attempt after month break.
Last edited by NewbieSSS on Mon Dec 20, 2021 9:40 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: *How to* self suck - StrategicSS

Post by NewbieSSS »

Took Potassium+Taurine+B6 next day, planning to take this and previous combo until next weekend to try again.
My main question is… should I wait for it to magically happen with minerals and vit support? Or I should stretch for few more attempts until it works out?
I’m dedicated to the deal, but anyone wants some confidence in actions.
Should this basic combo help me out if I’m nothing special but stiff along all back with no pain?
Last edited by NewbieSSS on Mon Dec 20, 2021 9:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: *How to* self suck - StrategicSS

Post by StrategicSS »

NewbieSSS wrote:
Mon Dec 20, 2021 8:57 am
Should this basic combo help me out if I’m nothing special but stiff along all back with no pain?

Thanks for asking! As you know, this is a very complicated subject, and everyone's body is different!

I'm not sure where you stand with this, but another key component is macro-nutrients. So that of course means eating sufficient amounts of protein and fat, in general. But the irony is, this act sabotages digestion! At this stage, you haven't bent much, so you probably don't know what I'm talking about . . . all you probably fear is a spinal disc fracture, breaking your neck, etc. But your entire health is in jeopardy with this, as it can be with any other extreme sport. You must eat like an athlete and practice longevity practices in order to not lose your health. You are 30 years old now, and seem to want to do this for the long-term . . . it's not just a teenage craze that dies with time . . . those who did this when they were young but "cannot do it at 30 because they have a belly" can go on with a normal life (provided they didn't injure themselves!).

So if you don't take it slow and adapt to it, it can really make you ill! I don't say that to scare you, but I'm being brutally honest. If you can truly master how to condition your body to do something like this, you will become very healthy. So that's the positive. But there are a lot of negatives . . . or at least many monkey wrenches that you have to dodge and kinks you have to fix to get there.

I don't know if your goal is just to get the head in your mouth or the whole thing, but assuming that you want to bend as much as possible with the least pain, there is a temporary sacrifice that must be made to your digestion. But you can make up for that "sacrifice" by knowing how to reawaken digestion after the act. Because when you force a bend that your body doesn't want to do, and you succeed, something internal --not just your muscles in the exterior -- has "adjusted".

You have probably read in various posts on this forum that you shouldn't eat hours beforehand. However, to truly bend to an extreme as this, your waistline -- the area directly beneath your rib cage -- needs to be able to bend also. In order to handle your waistline, you need to divide it up into three parts in your mind. Your back -- which I covered how to loosening it up previously, your "left side", and your "right side".

In addition to just loosing up your back with minerals and vitamins, sufficient protein in your diet goes a long way. If your muscles are damaged and are being repaired, they will be tense. No amount of minerals is going to fix that. After all, just like how taurine balances electrolytes, protein in general helps your body to manage the minerals it has.

Regarding the "left side" of your waist,
That will require some sabotage to your stomach organ's processes. When you begin to force a bend like this, you are forcing your stomach to empty . . . not just of food, but of hydrochloric acid and pepsin too. Both are required for proper digestion of proteins, and thus you need to look into ways to replenish those to preserve your health. So eventually your ability to absorb protein can be decreased with this act if you don't pay attention! Very dangerous! Proteolytic enzymes such as pepsin [which is produced in the stomach organ] and protease [which is produced in the pancreas] are used to break down protein into amino acids AND break down scar tissue. This act requires that your body can do both at the optimum level. Because you're not 10 years old anymore. Your body has had wear and tear. Enzymes are one of the secrets to staying young -- or at least aging gracefully! There are pepsin supplements available, as well as full-spectrum digestive enzyme supplements. It's your decision, but if you begin to experience symptoms of low protein even though you are technically consuming enough protein, that's something to consider!

If your stomach is empty, you can take a little baking soda to neutralize your stomach acid to chemically force it out of there. But I don't recommend! It worked for me in the past to bend, but it can make you more vulnerable to pathogens unless you know how to replenish hydrochloric acid. [Just for the record, baking soda contains bicarbonate, which is one of the electrolytes. So if you don't eat much vegetables, a little baking soda in your diet itself can be a good thing for overall health and can enhance the effects of taurine. It's up to you to decide.]

Regarding the "right side" of your waist,
That's the liver . . . namely, bile . . . which taurine that I see you are trying out affects too. So you need to make sure that you eat enough cholesterol and salt in your diet so that your liver can make new bile. And be sure to keep your gallbladder "active", as that naturally helps this process too, since it stores bile for the liver. There's also a supplement that has a derivative of taurine in it called Bile acid factors by Jarrow which really helps to make new bile. I personally eat one egg yolk with about half a capsule, along with some salt and 1/4 tsp of l-glycine. That works like a charm.

If you want excess bile to be removed from your liver, fish oil works like a charm for me. But I wouldn't recommend it if you don't have a way to replenish bile.

BUT, if your are a vegan, I don't recommend doing this act, period. B12 supplements aren't enough to make up for it. You need to consume sufficient cholesterol to give your liver a break. Because in time, it will come to haunt you! Grass-fed beef contains a lot of good stuff for liver support. Pork is a good all-around meat to eat to rebuild your body. I don't eat chicken, but apparently it's very good for the same purpose since body builders typically mention eating chicken breast. Whey protein is great too, because it's very easy to digest and is high in BCAAs.


All in all, this act forces your body to stay young, but if you don't give it the support to stay young such as supplements or practices which focus on optimizing digestion, things will come to a halt . . . or go in the opposite direction . . . make you age faster. Vitamins and minerals are crucial to do this act with little pain, but there are other factors to consider . . . especially the closer you want to get and how often you want to get there. You have to pretty much become your own dietitian and medical doctor to be able to do this without any long-term regrets!

But just be patient with your body. This is meant to supplement your life, not become your life [but unfortunately it must become your life to an extent, due to the huge "learning curve"]. Also, see my posts in this thread, as I describe in detail what works best for me which may help you as far as the act itself is concerned: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=6768&p=28542

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Re: *How to* self suck - StrategicSS

Post by aleingang69 »

Thanks, as always, for your incredibly detailed posts, StrategicSS - we really appreciate you!

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Re: *How to* self suck - StrategicSS

Post by StrategicSS »

I'm very honored to hear that. You're quite welcome! I have always been on the cautious side with many aspects of life, and thus I feel it necessary to provide as much detail as I can to make it clear of what I'm trying to say.

I really like simplicity, and so I actually dislike the sheer quantity of supplements and tips I have mentioned [and all that I have gone through during the 10 years I have been doing this act off and on]. However, I have to accept the fact that for the long-term, it's never a good idea to just take one supplement anymore than it is good to eat just one thing. [Huge respect to the Irish for surviving just on potatoes for years!] Therefore, if I recommend to try one mineral, I make an effort to mention others one has to take along with it for the long-term.

Here are two quick examples with how people are being mislead by medical doctors regarding supplementation,
  • Zinc is often a recommended supplement for men by doctors. Even recently, health YouTube channels recommend it for women. But they failed to say to also take copper with it. That there should be a 10:1 or even an 8:1 zinc to copper ratio, because supplementing with zinc for the long-term WILL result in a copper deficiency for most people.
  • For years, doctors have been telling people to take vitamin D3. But they have failed to say that vitamin K2 (mk7), magnesium, and zinc is also required when supplementing with vitamin D3. Further, D3 is a fat soluble vitamin. If you take one fat soluble vitamin, you will eventually need to take all of them [vitamins A, D, E, K] because they "compete with each other for absorption in fat". But doctor's don't tell you that. And they wonder why people are having calcification of arteries [among other problems related to high blood calcium]! Even further, doctors fail to tell thin people that they need less of a dose than heavier people.
I am still learning and questioning everything that I think I know [but I don't have any retractions to make regarding what I have posted previously], but I have read many scientific studies, was my own lab rat [including eating the same thing every day, just like how scientists feed rats], invested thousands of dollars in various supplements, read Amazon product reviews, browsed longevity or health Q/A forums, and paid attention to all ingredients in various supplements [if they were a combination of things] in order to "put 2 and 2 together".

The generic advice I give is based on statistics that I have personally observed through my life. [I don't recommend something if it only worked for me once. I recommend things which follow an undeniable pattern . . . I can't see [don't have the medical equipment to see] what's going on on the inside of me, but I let the results help me to make hypothesis about what's going on. Then I test it for the long-term to confirm.

Therefore the purpose of my last post was to reflect this "long-term" perspective and to only recommend specific supplements based on "the need" [which part of the back is stiff or has pain, for example]. Making mistakes like this out of ignorance will cost us, especially that the human body tries to make up for poor dietary habits so much so that health decline is usually subtle rather than drastic. So for one to recognize that their health is in decline becomes difficult to notice if one is not paying attention. Scary stuff!

I am still learning/experimenting with SS, but lately I have been focused more on longevity, as this journey I have taken has made me feel like I'm a teenager [even though I'm 33]. As a general principal, every day I consciously compare how I feel physically to when I was a teenager. If something is different, I begin to question what's wrong. If I feel that way the following day, then I change something to see if I feel better. Etc. And every day I try to change something up to see if I feel better than the day before. And it's important to note that since I have made this shift in focus [from how to improve SS to longevity]:
  • I have maintained my flexibility to SS . . . I recently went literally 3 months without doing it, and to my surprise when I went to do it for the first time in a while, I could reach nearly as far as I could when I was practicing it often. And on the second attempt on a day soon after that first attempt, I could reach as far as I could before!
  • Although I have a lot of supplements, I only take a handful of them a day now [and much less than I had to take in the past quantity-wise].
The point being, if anyone finds that my first posts in this thread have helped them to reach with much less struggle and/or pain, there is an end to this madness! Eventually your body is going to become balanced, and then you can just shift your focus to taking a multivitamin and eating sufficient protein, etc.

Happy holidays!

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Joined: Mon Dec 20, 2021 8:19 am

Re: *How to* self suck - StrategicSS

Post by NewbieSSS »

Hi guys! Hi StrategicSS!
Thanks a lot for your posts, that’s a lot of info to re-read and remember along the way!
As well as a lot of new stuff to eat and balance in future :D
You should know, that many won’t be able to consider everything from day one - so it’s a path to walk and adapt new things to nutrition - great thing that now we have all of your experience and tips!

But, step by step. First of all, many, me included - are interested to start with something. At least reach for it and see if it worth the hustle. Maybe then reach little further and see again.
Myself personally, I’ve got good results at selffuck - but.. I don’t feel something special from it - so it doesn’t even worth for me to lvlup my hands (getting tired too much in process) or work on getting deeper. No way I’ll cum from process or get myself close.

So, now I’m curious, what will happen with SS - my hopes are at best this time :)
Just need to get there first, that’s why my first basic question was
- will this bunch of supplements help me out with first reach?
- And “how much” of help I should await from it?
- Not a magic “woila ure there!”, but not a “no effect and difference at all” either?

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