Look Ma, NO Hands!!(Really Want to SF? Read This!) NEW PICS.

You asked for it, so here it is - a separate forum for solo sodomy. Stories, questions, tips, anything related to the glorious manly art of fucking yourself. If this is your first visit to the forums please read the "announcement" posting in the self-suck forum. You need to join the forum to post a message. Now lets get fucking!

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If you could remain anonymous, would you be willing to have pictures of you s.f. ing in a video or website that was intended to make money.. especially if you got a slice of the pie?

Not Sure, but Probably.
Not Sure, but Probably Not.
Absolutley Not.
No but I would pay to see others s.f.ing
Yes, and I would pay to see others s.f.ing
Yes, and I would pay and I would Not need to remain anonymous especially if it would mean I could make more money.
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Look Ma, NO Hands!!(Really Want to SF? Read This!) NEW PICS.

Post by Jack22 »

I apologize guys for the lengthy post here. It is mostly an answer to a question from one of our members and I have heard the same question voiced enough times that I thought I would just cover as much as I could in one post.. instead of many. It is intended only for the guys that have not been able to s.f. but really want to learn how, or for those that can do themselves, but can't cum in themselves . Even if you only have 5" or so, this will show you how. For those that already know much of this stuff, or have better things to do than read lenghty bulletin Board messages, you just might want to go and fuck yourself.. (that's a joke). It's just that I've always believed that any job worth doing... is worth doing right. And if you want to do this right, then everything here is important for you to know.. Still I promise not to post anything else that is so damn long.
How to be able to cum up your own ass... it is a little tricky and I can tell you that what works for me, may or may not work for you, but you can give it a shot if you want. It took me a long time be able to cum inside myself. I think I was simply trying too hard. It was really a matter of just letting it happen instead of trying to force it. It also has to do with how you visualize yourself. Are you fucking, or are you getting fucked? It may sound funny, but how you see yourself is pretty important.. kind of like driving a car. You don't visualize yourself as a passenger, and if you did you would not do very well. Same with fucking yourself. And by the way, when you are able to see yourself as both the fucker and the fuckee, you will be where you should be and where you will eventually gravitate to. BOTH is better. Speaking of seeing yourself, use mirrors. The more the better. Shave your ass hole, and balls and any hair that gets in the way or that may cause friction. Completely shaving your pubic region is helpful in a technical sort of way, but I find it really, really increases the sensuous levels of pleasure and touch. Douche, Douche, and Douche prior to a "session" until you are absolutely squeaky clean. Don't eat at all for 3 or 4 hours prior if not 12 or more hours prior. About 6 hours prior to beginning take two Imodium tablets... In fact for any anal sex, Imodium will help to cease any lower intestinal activities for about 12 hours or more. Limit the amount of fluid you drink also, because once you are involved with pumping hot cum up your own ass.. well you will not want to stop to take a piss. On the other hand, don't let yourself get dehydrated either. It's a fine balance that you will have to find on your own.. Stick to water btw.

The best position is on your back with your feet flat and your legs spread out a little.. Your knees should be up an pointed toward the ceiling. Have several pillows under your back and your head should be supported.. You will almost be in a sitting position, but you will be technically lying on your back... Be rested and don't have any plans for the next 24 to 36 hours if possible..AFTER the session is over. You will not be in any shape to go out and socialize. Think about it, a non stop orgasm for up to 30 hours? Mostly you will want to sleep and you should.
Porn is very helpful, and much as I hate to admit it, your favorite chem of choice is extremely helpful. Use moderation, and don't let it control you. Promise yourself that you only "use" during sessions and if you live up to it, it will be self regulating because after a 30 hour orgasm you will need to wait for a week or two to do it again. You don't want to 'use' as a lot of people do, just to sit around and zone out. At least have a purpose, (Yes, a 30 hour orgasm might be considered a purpose.. ) and yes I did say 30 hours. I have had a 30 hour orgasm and 20 to 25 hours is very common for me. I believe you can do so as well. You might want to stop from time to time to take a break, get something to drink, take a shower or even a short nap. A shower is always very invigorating and allows you to resume with fresh energy..
Fatigue is the primary reason you will eventually have to just stop. And whatever you can do to reduce or eliminate muscle stress, like on your hands and fingers, the better. It is hard to hold your cock in your ass for long periods without getting sore or tired or cramped hands or fingers.. not to mention rough or raw areas on your cock or hands. So here is what I do:
Use plenty of lube to get your cock in. If necessary loosen up your hole with some toys for a while... several hours if necessary. Your cock can go in over the top of your balls that are split left and right, or around them to the left or right. If you go that way, pull your balls to the side allowing you more of a center entry even though it is going along the side. But once in, have some clean and dry washcloths or napkins available to pat dry your hands and all exterior lube. The more lube on your hands or outside on your cock, the more you will after time goes by tend to rub yourself a little raw and fatigue your hands and fingers. So keep it dry on the outside and your cum will keep it wet on the inside.
Now here is another trick.. and a little tricky.. so do it right. Get a stainless steel ball stretcher. (Let me know if you don't have one, (or a picture of how it is used) and I'll either get one for you or tell you where you can get one). Tie a piece of string around it, by tying two ends of the string together, then looping one end of the doubled end through the other end of the string and tie a knot about three inches from the ball stretcher and a few inches out tie another small knot. These knots and the loops they provide for your finger to slip into, will be used to pull on to control, position and remove the ball stretcher as required. Lube up your ass really well...pushing lube inside with your fingers.. Use a LOT... next lube the ball stretcher very, very well inside and out, and especially on and around the string. Insert the ball stretcher gently and slowly using a rotating and rocking motion while pushing it into your ass. Insert it as if it were a dildo.. The ball stretcher is hollow, but it's still the same shape as a dildo and it's much shorter.. If you can take a dildo, you can take the ball stretcher. Keep it lined up 'in and out'.. and not sideways. It pretty much will tend to do so anyway, just keep the alignment using the string to pull left or right in order to keep the alignment. Don’t push it beyond a "flush" depth. In other words sink it into your ass until it is just nearly completely inserted, but NO further. Again, use the string to pull it out if it tries to go beyond the flush position. (The second attached picture shows what it will look like when flush. It just provides an easily accessed route into your hole..) The string should be positioned at the 6 O'clock position, (nearest your spine) allows for better control by you in keeping the ball stretcher aligned and at the right depth.. (Flush) Make sure your cock is NOT hard. Semi hard at best. I know that is easier said than done, because once you discover what is about to happen, you will become very aroused.. If you have to, go ahead and jack off before you begin. Don't worry your Libido will return rapidly. A little t can be great for that purpose also, as well as for the other effects it offers. X is really great also. Once the ball stretcher is flush with your hole, you can very easily insert your cock into the shaft of the hollow ball stretcher straight into your ass. Use it like a shunt. I can get 100% of my 7.5 inch cock in my ass using the ball stretcher. Look at it as the tunnel of love, because you are about to fucking LOVE what is about to happen.. Put your cock in as deep as possible and once in, (while pulling the string and not allowing the ball stretcher to sink in any deeper, at least until your cock is as deep as you can push it...) but once you are as deep as you feel you can go, then you can let the ball stretcher sink as deep as it wants.
Now here is what will happen. You will NOT feel the ball stretcher. It will feel like only you cock is in your ass. It will feel so magnificent that your cock will start to get hard right away. It will be become engorged inside the ball stretcher, and the ball stretcher will tend to sink deeper into your ass... taking with it your cock. It will feel like you are getting a blow job from within your ass. Again you will not feel the ball stretcher at all.. only what feels like that blow job inside your ass. Pat dry the lube on the outside and on your hands. Do it soon.. although for a while the lube will feel great especially if you are shaved and smooth. But eventually get your hands dry. The ball stretcher will hold your cock in and allow you to let go and give your hands a rest and because of the reduced stress also reduce any abrasive pushing and holding.. you can fuck yourself hands free. You can even get up and walk around without your cock falling out. It is a great feeling to be able to let go and your cock stays put.. It will get very hard and the harder it gets the harder it will tend to want to continue to get harder... and the harder it gets, the more likely you are to stay in place and start shooting cum up your hungry sucking ass. Push your cock in and then let it out slightly.. then push back again, and repeat. If you try to completely remove and re-insert like normal fucking, it may or may not work for you. For me just using a slight motion, and flexing is all that is needed. You should also come to see that simple flexing and gentle pushing, release, and pushing again is all that is needed.. After all this is not normal fucking.. so the motion is going to be very different and in fact NO MOTION at all is often just perfect... your cock flexing as it spurts cum is all you will need. Trust me on this.
Look at yourself as giving yourself a most excellent blow job.. and you are, only with your ass instead of your mouth. Visualize that as how you see yourself.
Remember that the primary purpose of the string is so you will be able to remove the ball stretcher when you want to.. If you don't use the string, you may end up in an emergency room with some doctor removing it for you. But it does have other very nice uses as well.. Every now and then, "reposition" yourself and the ball stretcher, by pulling on the knots on the string gently, while pushing on your cock deeper into and through the ball stretcher. that will bring the ball stretcher out a little and allow your cock to go deeper through the the ball stretcher and into your ass. When you do remove it, pull on the string with a steady pull, not a sudden or jurking motion. Just pull steadly and use your other hand to keep it aligned "in and out" and not sideways. Push left or right with your finger to get that rocking motion with your steady pulling on the string.. add a litte extra lube if necessary.
By using this ball stretcher technique you will be able to maximize your session time to well over 20 or 25 hours or better because it will hold your cock in, instead of you having to use your hands and fingers. Much less stress on them means much more ability to focus on the job at hand.. Don't try to cum. In fact use a mind trick and pretend you don't want to cum, and you almost must not.. that will of course have the reverse effect and before you know it, you will start what I call a "flow". Learn to recognize it. It will not be hard to do. It might be an occasional flash of a really sweet overall feeling in your entire body.. not just your cock. Recognize it when it happens, and remember what you were doing at that exact moment.. Maybe it was something you did physically or something visually that you saw in a favorite porn flick. But when that flash of really sweet overall pleasure occurs and you recognize it, minute as it may be.. that is your foot in the door. That is what you must cultivate and reproduce the feeling.. THAT is when you may use the poppers. In fact use them for two reasons only. To start a flow (of cum), and to keep a flow going. I find the poppers will add unbelievable pleasure and a level of excitement that can not be equaled.
Those "early" and brief flashes of a higher level of pleasure than other moments are the beginnings of the flow of cum. The poppers will jump start that flow into a full fledged orgasm when you can recognize them and draw them out. In my opinion, I really believe that Nirvana would be a step down compared to the "flow". When my ass fills up with cum and does so for hours and hours, it is beyond words.. I have no words for how it feels.. there simply are no words.
I don't know how I can make so much cum but I think cum is made by the simple fact of being aroused. Of course Cumming is the ultimate in being aroused and the more I cum the more it makes me aroused, making me cum even more and round and round it goes... I don't think it is just me. I am convinced that the making of that much cum.. literally made "on demand" can be done by most men that can suck themselves, either with their mouth's or with their ass. If you are having a difficult time, and/or you are getting tired, go take a shower. It is a really great way to allow you to re-start or simply to start anew... No matter how good it feels in the beginning of the session, it is never as good as the end of the session. In other words All Sessions get better as the clock ticks away. And you will never see 30 hours go by so fast. Try to use the wonderful state of mind you will be in for some productive purposes also... like meditation, and problem solving or simply to learn to love yourself.. Because you will, and that ain't a bad thing. Run from those that don't.
Pace yourself on the poppers. Only use fresh ones. Take a new bottle and using a funnel, divide and pore it into 3 or 4 other washed and clean and DRY bottles. Water or other moisture destroys poppers. Keep all the lids on tight and use only the same one for several hours. That one you can keep the lid OFF all the time while in use and during a session. After 3 hours or so, replace the lid, and use another one that you poured. You can keep that lid off while in use, and that way you don't have to keep putting the lid on and off taking the focus away from your orgasm, and you always have a fresh bottle in use.. derived from one bottle. Freshness is KEY. As old or used poppers are not nearly as effective and you will tend to use much more of the ineffective poppers giving yourself a headache or causing other bad side effect in a vain attempt to get the magic from it. Whereas good fresh new ones don't require as much to get that "magic" So you use less and get better effects by pacing yourself and using fresh bottles. Plus by dividing one new bottle into 3 or 4 'new" bottles, you essentially are getting 4 for the price of one. Also try to keep the top of the bottle in use dry. If you get the wet poppers on your nose it may tend to burn the skin, so keep it dry.. at least when you first open the bottle you are about to put it to use. If you feel a little moisture on your nostril dry it off immediately. and really avoid getting lube on your nostril as well. Also Viagra or Cialis are a great, great, aid. But remember that neither will work if you have food or alcohol in your stomach. A lot of people don't know that and as a result think it doesn't work for them. Cialis is much better than Viagra because it last for a mininum of 36 hours and has fewer side effects as well. You can get either online without seeing a doctor. These are not required aids, as you can do perfectly well without them, but you might want to experiment down the road when you find yourself up your ass.. A hard dick is much more likely to cum and to cum often and repeatedly.
Remember that once deep if your cock is rock solid hard, your orgasms will be very, very forcefull. Just know that it is not recommended that you mix poppers with Viagra, especially if you have a heart condition. But in spite of the warnings, I have never heard of any young men or healthy men having a heart attack mixing the two.. just be aware of the potential side effects like a heart attack.. (that's my disclaimer)
Let me know if you have any questions and I will try to answer them for you. Everyone is different and what works for me may not work for you or visa versa. Likewise, let me know if you have any insight that I can benefit from as well.. I am ALWAYS discovering something new that allows me to improve on something that I always think can't be improved upon. But it does. So share your discoveries please. I'd appreciate it. Experiment and get really in touch with yourself... You will, I promise. Pay attention to the small sudden pleasures that hint of orgasm.. remember what you were doing at that moment... a certain way of flexing or pushing or pulling of the string on the ball stretcher. It could be any number of a variety of things and it will always surprise you how many things trigger that orgasm. Once you learn what THOSE orgasm triggers are, you will be able cum on demand... literally. And it will be so magnificent that you will never find words to describe it.. Remember don't try too hard. Let it come on it's own accord and it will come faster, and so will you. Be prepared for a life changing experience. No matter how prepared you are for the pleasure it will bring, it will still take you by surprise, and every time you do it.. it will again, and again take you by surprise.. if you've never done this before, You will love it, and like the first time you discovered your ability to jack off and have an orgasm, you might find that you are planning your weeks and days ahead to make time for it. Just don't let it take control of you. Maintain control of it. Don't let your personal responsibility's suffer or fall by the wayside.
Good S.F. to you.. and remember that on page 36 of the "Egyptian Book of the Dead" this phrase appears: "AND RA PLACED HIS OWN PENIS INSIDE HIS OWN ANUS". I don't know what it means, but I don't blame him. It does re-enforce a firm belief I have that being able to do this is almost a religious experience and it is most definitely a divine experience..

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Last edited by Jack22 on Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:25 pm, edited 7 times in total.


Post by Guest »

very hot informative gota get a ball strecher

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Post by tryptamine »

could you explain how a ball stretcher works? how long should it be? where is it on the shaft when inside your ass?



Re: Look Ma, NO Hands!!(Really Want to SF? Read This!) NEW P

Post by jw »

This is the best info I have ever read. I have been trying to sf for seems like forever. But, I need a ball stretcher like you use. Any suggestions??


Jack is God

Post by ChiDiablo »

Dude, I second the previous poster. This is TRULY the best information that I too have ever read about the SF-ing subject. I am so glad that you could provide a detailed report on your "enhancement" methods. This is the type of info I wanted to hear/read and, ack, you provided it.

While I do sucessfully SF, I have found your experiences extremely enlightening. (Aren't we always seeking enlightenment? Hunh Praetorian? :) ) But I MUST, and definitely will, try your method.

What size ball stretcher do you recommend? I don't have a ball stretcher, but am damn sure that I am going to pick one up. Please provide suggestions about dimensions, brand(?) (if such exists), online e-store to purchase, etc.

Now I just have to get to my black market drug friends in order to complete the scenario. <sorta-kidding "exstatic" smile>

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ball stretcher follow up.

Post by Jack22 »

Here is the link to a website where you can buy a ball stretchers:

(sorry: I removed this link because the site is no longer there)

Either click on it or copy and paste it in your browser.
You will also find pictures there and notice that while there are four sizes I do not recommend the short ones.. and only the two that are (A722)
1 and 5/8 " and 1 and 7/8" (A723) are suitable.. and of those two, unless you really have a very thick dick, you should start with the 1 and 5/8" size, (A722) You should try to simply get used to it by getting lubed up, and play with putting it in and taking it out... moving it around a little and and learning how to control it to remain at the flush position. Make sure you use the string and learn how to keep it lined up and and how to remove it when you want to remove it. The $35 you will pay for it will fade away when you see what it can do.

Good Luck and let me know how it works for you... Pictures would be welcome also. I am in the NJ and NY, CT, RI, and MA area for a few weeks if anybody wants to rendevouz for some mutual assistance.

Also I may have a short clip of the ball stretcher available in a few days with the emphasis on putting the string on right, if interested. Let me know if you want a copy and your send me your email address and I'll send it your way.

Thanks Guys (ChiDiablo and you other sex maniacs) for the nice words! I appreciate it much. I'm happy to help bring about orgasms whenever and wherever I can... Yell out my name with a spurt or two... :wink:
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Last edited by Jack22 on Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:50 am, edited 2 times in total.


Thanks Jack

Post by ChiDiablo »

Guess what I have? Do you even need to guess? A ball stretcher like you suggested...

Now, what would be helpsful are those instructional videos you promised that show your "proper" technique with the string. Please post when you can. Your sex maniacs are waiting and anxious.


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promised video of string application and such

Post by Jack22 »

Sorry for not sending the video but I have been very busy and unable to do so as of now. But as soon as I can.. I will.

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Post by sf-man »

Jack22 me too please, one video (or more if you have) on sf_manx@yahoo.com

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Post by Study21 »

HEY Jack,
can you please send me the video too.

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Love to see it

Post by the_funny_farm »

I would love to see the video as well. the_funny_farm@sbcglobal.net

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Post by jer »

send me a copy also if possible.
can't hardly wait to try this the right way.

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Post by sssf guest »

awaiting your video then!

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Post by Leonicdragon »

GOD! Reading that got me the stiffest I've EVER been!! I HAVE to try that but I need a ball stretcher and your vid on the string thing PLEASE POST SOON!!!!! lol

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Captain Rush

Post by Captain Rush »

Did someone mention poppers? :P

Beware of phoney bathtub brands my friends.

Here is a fan page all about rush poppers - the genuine PWD original with the Power Pak Pellet. Got a question? Ask on the online poppers forum


Great site guys...I never tried self sucking with poppers ...that will all change tonight and you can expect a report.


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