ejaculation while taking a dump

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ejaculation while taking a dump

Post by mikej1012 »

has this ever happened to you,
was not aroused at all not thinking of anything but for some reason
while i was taking a dump i thought i was sort of urinating a little, but when i was done i looked at my penis and it looked like seamen was comming out. it sorta looked like i just finished masterbating. i looked in the bowl and there was a little bit of seamen there as well.

does anyone knows what just happened to me?

Posts: 67
Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:57 pm
Location: Philadelphia

Post by MikeB »

I'm no doctor, but my guess is that your feces stimulated your prostate on its way out. Usually, you would only see pre-cum (from the prostate) if you had an erection, but since you SF, your body is "used to" (for lack of a physiologcal explanation), releasing precum when stimulated even when your cock is flaccid.


Post by Guest »

I'm a M.D. and it sounds like retrograde ejaculation. Follow this link
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency ... 001282.htm

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