self fisting question

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self fisting question

Post by Selfsucker7 »

When ever I try to self fist, I seem to not be able to get my fist past my ass bone, so to speak. Does anyone have advise, I can almost do it but I feel like I can't get it past the last bit, thanks!


Post by Guest »

Strange to say, but I wasn't able to fist myself until I had fisted someone else. It seems like it's a purely psychological thing (not that that makes it any easier to overcome), and I needed to actually experience it as a top before I could do myself.
Keep at it man - it's great!
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Post by oipistoi2 »

All of can be different for everyone.

Every Body is built a bit differently, y'know?

I've been selffisting for about 4 years now.
I'm not sure what position you preferred one is in like the X-position for selfsucking and just slipping my hand over my cock and balls and inside. 4 years...but my first fist was my own.

Other folks find it easier to reach around behind and get in that way.

It may be true what Al said, to some degree. Part of That is surely psychological (no expert...just experience here). Your body (i.e., your hole) and your mind/brain have to believe you can relax, open up, and slide right in.

That's part of it. Another part is getting the rest of your body to do the gumby-type bending and flexing to get you close enough. It may take time. But perhaps with a good warm-up, finding your ideal position and the right'll be fisting yourself into oblivion.

And Al is definitely right...
It is Really GREAT!!

Good Luck!

Posts: 10
Joined: Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:39 am

Post by ShyGuy666 »

I was wondering how much time it takes to get your ass trained to fist yourself. I've been fingering myself from time to time during the last few months, and can usually manage to insert three fingers comfortably, and even four once but it was really tight. So far, all the information about fisting I've found never mention how long or how hard it will be until one can fist themselves, and almost suggest that it's done easily enough. But I'd like answers from people who know their stuff. All I can say about myself is that I have no access to toys of any kind, since I've read that wearing a butt plug for a while really helps in loosening up. Thanks in advance.

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jul 18, 2005 8:42 pm

Post by tharsheblows »

my first post!,

The first time i did this i'd been playing around with some dildos (13" long 2 1/2" wide) and got my ass really relaxed.

I kneeled on the floor next to the bed and put one leg up on it, sorta like a dog does when it's going for a pee.

I coated my ass and hand in lube and slid it in, you gotta make sure the ends(pads) of your fingers and thumb are touching, sorta like a point, and take it from there.

I've got quite big hands and i was in up to the wrist and twisting my hand around, felt quite bizarre actually.

I shouldn't have to say, but i will, make sure you cut and file your nails and take any rings and watches off :lol:

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