Newbie on a mission

You asked for it, so here it is - a separate forum for solo sodomy. Stories, questions, tips, anything related to the glorious manly art of fucking yourself. If this is your first visit to the forums please read the "announcement" posting in the self-suck forum. You need to join the forum to post a message. Now lets get fucking!

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Newbie on a mission

Post by moneymark »

Hello everyone,

I have reading this forum for quite a while, like a number of other people, getting tips and ideas for how to make this work. I tried to SF years ago and never really got into any kind groove with it. Finally started trying this again some months ago and have tested a bunch of different techniques. I am definitely a ride it and take it from behind person and therefore wasn't putting in a lot of effort of trying this on my back. That was pretty much what I had done years ago and it wasn't really any fun. Anyway, first and foremost I started testing different objects to straddle. Everything from the bathtub, to the couch, saw horse and a variety of other things, trying to figure out how to make this work best. You might laugh, but I ended up trying an old Samsonite plastic shell suitcase and that became the object of choice. Not too wide, somewhat flexible and stable enough. I put a yoga matte and towel over the top to make it a bit softer. The main reason that I am writing this is that I observed a number of things over the past months and wanted to share with anyone trying to do this. There are a number of things written on the forum that I tried and think that my experiences can confirm the accuracy of some very important basics.

Being relaxed obviously is a key point. No way around it and it took me about a month to learn how to be receptive enough. Lubrication is a must, but definitely not an oily kind. Greasy beats oily here for sure and like many have said, not too much. I had the same issue that I have read here again and again. I had no problem getting the head of my penis past my ass. The problem was how to really manage to get it to go in. I got really close a number of times. Actually got it in once and took a little ride but it popped out and wasn't about to go in again. At that point I realized that the object to straddle was really key as well, because certain positions, height of objects and other factors can really cause you to get pretty tired. So, finding something that was comfortable was key in order to maintain energy. So, I tried again and again without real success and kept trying to figure out what little details I could use or try in order to get that final push in. I had used a dildo to prepare and it did help a bit, but to be honest it didn't make that much of a difference, so I tried to approach it with a mind over matter attitude and like I mentioned, I got close but not in.

At one point this past week, I just realized that the looser I am, must make it easier and more likely to succeed. Not just to sort of warm up with the dildo, but to really give it a good go and then try to SF. This is without a doubt the missing factor for anyone who is really close but can't seem to get it in. After using the dildo for a while, I give it a go and see how far I get. If it's not happening, I immediately use the dildo again and keep going back and forth. At one point, I can feel that it's starting to really happen and then it works without a whole lot of effort. Initially when working so hard at getting it in, I thought it was also going to be impossible to get any kind of motion going. Boy, when it really slides in without problem then there is plenty of penis in, and the motion seems to be absolutely no problem. Once I got it in, I was able to really relax and enjoy the whole experience. My erection was perfect and all the practice helped with that for sure. You get used to how hard to be. I was totally stunned when I realized that I had been fucking my ass for at least five six minutes with nice consistent thrusting. Must have had a good 3.5 to 4 inches in, could of been more. Another key point with the idea of relaxing is to let yourself go. While this is somewhat difficult, it's more about letting it happen than making it happen. My first time, I rode myself for about 10 minutes and was totally tripped out about the feeling and fact that this was really happening. It's so unique and totally incomparable. After 10 minutes or so, I wanted it to happen and I could feel from the beginning that it was going to. I started thrusting a little more without getting any harder and after a little more pumping, I shot the first ever load in my ass. Needless to say, it was a lot of cum and started dripping out as I was still cumming. I couldn't believe it and must have shot one of my biggest loads ever. I was totally spent afterwards and really had to take a rest, but this has been one of the most incredible life experiences I have had and once it works, it becomes easier and easier. I will say one more time, it was all about being loose.

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Re: Newbie on a mission

Post by aleingang69 »

That's great, man - we love a success story! Got ay video to share?


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