first selffuck video

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first selffuck video

Post by sevenbyfive »

practice makes perfect ;)

hopefully more to come...

edit: sorry, took the file down :(
Last edited by sevenbyfive on Sun Apr 05, 2020 3:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: first selffuck video

Post by aleingang69 »

That is beautiful, man - thanks for sharing!

Do you have any issues relating to your foreskin when you're fucking yourself? We've had some uncut guys say it's more difficult for them, but it doesn't look like you're having any problems!


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Re: first selffuck video

Post by sevenbyfive »

yeah foreskin can be an issue but i have learned to try and keep it pulled back as much as possible on entry...which helps. also keeping the shaft dry is important or i'd be slipping all over the place.

by way of contrast, foreskin for selfsucking is awesome! i can almost swallow it if i get deep enough!

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Re: first selffuck video

Post by Ziggurat »

I've often considered getting myself circumsized lately. Having always had it and not really caring one way or the other, I've never really thought about it in the past. Having injured it a few times, I get frustrated, but as I'm getting older I find its just becoming a pain... Not sure what to do. I know this much, if I was getting constant UTIs I could get the government to pay for it, but I'm not. I just keep injuring myself during playtime.... :oops:

And holy chripes Seven.. you make it look so easy!! I can't believe you were able to let go of it for so long. As soon as I let go of my cock it pops right out.... Very well done!
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Re: first selffuck video

Post by aleingang69 »

That's interesting, sevenbyfive, about keeping your shaft dry - I noticed that watching the video. With your foreskin, the skin on your shaft doesn't need to slide in and out the way a cut man's would. Seems like it would make it easier to keep your cock in your hole no-hands, too, if there's less lube involved.

You probably know from past posts, Zig, that I wish I still had all of my foreskin, so it's hard for me to cheer for circumcision in any circumstance, but - of course - it's your cock and if that's what you really want I hope you figure out a way to make it happen.


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Re: first selffuck video

Post by Ziggurat »

An uncle of mine actually had to have it done around the age I am now, but that was purely for medical reasons. He felt much better about himself afterwards... I'm on the fence, I've never had an issue with cleanliness... So I think I'll keep it for now, but everynow and again, I often wonder if I'd be better off without it.
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