Penis tip cant get past anus no matter the postion

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Penis tip cant get past anus no matter the postion

Post by 10602144c »

Basically title, I'm fit and I have a good enough size penis (6.5inch) but i can never get it close enough. Am I genetically cursed?

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Re: Penis tip cant get past anus no matter the postion

Post by aleingang69 »

Are you taking your cock and rotating it from the base, so that the upper surface of the head (not the tip) is what ends up pressed against your taint/perineum when you try? There are lots of pictures and videos here in the forums that show how most men do it - that should give you something to work from.
I guess it's possible that you have an unusual amount of distance between the base of your cock and your asshole, but most guys seem to find that they need to experiment a good deal before they get that hole in one ;) Body position makes a difference to. Check out the pics and videos.

Good luck!

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Re: Penis tip cant get past anus no matter the postion

Post by carljames »


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