Can't seem to find the humour section...

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Can't seem to find the humour section...

Post by Ziggurat »

Two aliens land on earth, depart their spaceship and slither over to a gas station. They approach a gas pump and the first alien says "Take me to your leader." The gas pump doesn't respond.

The second alien says "Come on, lets get outta here."

The first alien replies "Not yet." turns back to the pump and repeats "Take us to your leader!" Still no response from the pump.

Second alien says "Come on man, this guy isn't talking. Let us try someone else."

First alien retorts "No this guy is rude! I will make him talk!" turns back to the pump and blurts "Listen earthling, if you don't take us to your leader, I will pull out my raygun and shoot you." Nuthing from the pump.

Second alien says "Screw this." and starts to slither away briskly.

First alien says "Last chance! TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER!" The gas pump remains silent so the alien fires his raygun and KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The pump explodes all over the street, a huge fireball erupts into the sky and the alien is launched clear over his fleeing friend and lands on the gorund in front of him. "OW! What the gooteg just happened??!?"

Second alien answers "Come on man! Any creature that can wrap its willy around himself twice and stick it in his own ear is not a creature to be fucked with!"
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