I Was Flexible When I Was Younger

Tell us your self-suck and self-fuck stories, real or imagined - we want all the nasty details!

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Happy Boy
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I Was Flexible When I Was Younger

Post by Happy Boy »

just came across this on the literotica site and thought i'd share.
c'mon folks! let's see some more stories! :o)

I Was Flexible When I Was Younger
by OnceADragon ©

Just FYI, this is not a work of fiction but one of fact.

I had been living with my aunt and cousins for probably a year. Sleeping in the same bed as my male cousin Paul, we'd become quite active at having gay sex, starting first with simple touching, advancing to oral copulation and finally culminating in my ass becoming Paul's favorite place to blow his load.

At least a couple of times I was pretty sure my aunt had heard us, but she'd never said anything. Like anyone that age, I was horny as could be, and being bisexual (I wouldn't have admitted it at that age) had the perk that my cousin and I could mess around. Of course, he'd never admit to being bi even today, but I remember clearly how I used to suck him, how we'd sometimes 69 together, and increasingly, how he'd mount me from behind and take me until I was filled with his seed. Those were the days, I tell you, but they're also another story.

One of the interesting things that Paul and I had practiced doing was being able to reach to suck our own cocks. Paul had never quite made it to his own (I suspect he wasn't as enthusiastic about it as I was), but I had been able to do it a little more each time for about a month. I found that the trick was to back my ass against a hard surface once I had gotten myself all hard, and then carefully, using my hands to grip my thighs and pull myself down, work myself to where I could touch my cock. At first I was only able to tongue myself, which felt amazing. After awhile though I wanted more, and I slowly worked until I could get nearly half of my 7 inches into my mouth.

On this particular afternoon I had come home from school hot and bothered. My cousin had stayed at his girlfriend's house to bang her silly (I left when I started to hear moans from the bedroom. Sup
posedly they needed to "talk", and I have to admit I felt a little jealous, except that I knew he'd be balls-deep inside my ass later tonight.

In any case, I got home and no one was there. The front bathroom wasn't working and I really needed to pee, so I slinked to my aunt's bathroom, figuring I probably had a good couple of hours (which was usually true) before anyone came home. I went to the bathroom, then sat down on the toilet and started to masturbate. I was thinking about my cousin's hot girlfriend (man oh man did she have a rack...I wish she were willing to do a threesome, but when my cousin asked she refused outright), and then more so about Paul himself. I imagined myself sucking his cock, licking his balls, working him slowly toward completion so I could swallow his cum...

And then I had to get up and suck myself. I leaned myself against the sink and bent down, my rigid cock engorged, precum thoroughly coating the head. I began licking the head, enjoying that sweet precum and moaning just a little bit (one can't moan *that* much while licking their own cock. It's hard work to stay down there for any length of time!) I tightened my arms around my legs, pulling my face onto my cock a little more, licking and sucking myself. The feeling of my tongue on my cock's head was so incredible I thought I would cum quickly, so I slowed down to make it last.

I'm not sure what was more magnificent, the feeling of my cock's rim being licked or the feeling of licking my cock's rim. Unbelievable. I worked on myself for a good thirty minutes before I felt myself approach climax. What was I going to do? I had never swallowed my own cum before. I had wanted to, but somehow the thought of eating it wasn't as appealing once I'd blown my load. Strange that. Anyway, I popped my head up for a moment to catch my breath--and saw my aunt standing in the doorway. She'd apparently been there awhile, because she had one hand on her left breast and was twisting her nipple hard, and her skirt was on the floor, her other hand gently stroking her pussy. I froze. She looked at me with dead seriousness and just said, in a trembling voice, "Continue". I didn't move for a moment, and she said again, "Continue!" this time with more power in her voice.

Slowly I pulled myself back downward, putting my cock back in my mouth. I nervously began licking the head again (which didn't seem as sensitive or as hard all of a sudden) and thinking that now might be a good time to start crying, but then it happened-she moaned out loud. I heard my aunt *moan* in a sexual way because of *me*, and then I heard the slick sounds of her wet pussy as she began to work her clit even harder. My dick became like a rock again and with a new enthusiasm I sucked my cock harder, tightened my arms around my legs and maneuvered my mouth all the way to the base of my cock. It was a bit too much and I nearly gagged, so I backed off again and went crazy licking and sucking the head of my own cock. Fuck, here I was, 18 and still a virgin (maybe not for long! I hoped...) and I was sucking my own cock while my aunt--my dad's sister--watched me and masturbated.

It didn't take long, and I was ready to blow. I pulled my head up and told my aunt simply, "I'm about to sperm!" (Which is what Paul and I always called it when we were almost there).

She said "Swallow it, sweetie, swallow your cum!", and I bounced my mouth back down on my cock and started to swirl my tongue around the head. Round and round the head my soft tongue went, and as before I couldn't decide which act drove me more crazy. In a few seconds I felt an eruption in my mouth as my balls tensed and a flood of hot, thick cum jetted into my mouth. I moaned hard and I swallowed the first load, the second, but by the third some had escaped, dripping from my lips onto the floor. My aunt began to moan loudly, still finger fucking her pussy with an incredible fury--my god! I was listening to my *aunt* have an orgasm! I heard her moan and moan, and as my head grew light and dizzy I lifted myself from my cock, my mouth coated in my own cum, my throat still raging with the fire and flavor of that succulent cream.

My aunt embraced me hard, kissing me full on the mouth and licking the cum off my swollen lips. Our tongues slid together for a few moments, and I felt her hands reach down, milk the last drops of my cum from my cock, and then lift it to her own mouth, where she licked her fingers clean, eyes closed as her breath slowly caught up to normal speed.

In a moment she pulled away, and her normal, calm demeanor began to return. "Jason, pull your pants up", she said.

"But, can I lick you--"

"Jason," she said, "I don't ever want to catch you doing something like this in my bathroom again. Now go mow the back yard, it's your turn." I had no idea what to say or do, and I know my face was beet red.

I pulled my pants up and crept slowly past her. "But, I--" I said, and she stopped me short.

"I don't want to hear another word about it out of you, Jason. Not now, not ever again. Mow the lawn." And with that, she lifted her arm and pointed out the bathroom door.

I skulked outside, dazed and confused, and mowed the lawn. Later that night I told Paul, but of course he didn't believe me. His mom wouldn't do that, he said. I sucked his cock after that, and swallowed his cum before I went to sleep. In all the years since (12 years now) she has never spoken of it to me again, nor do I think she's spoken of it to anyone else. She never approached me in a sexual way nor even looked at me with lust, as far as I could tell. I lost my virginity to someone else, though I thought of my aunt in the opening moments of that encounter, and from time to time, I still wonder just what came over her at that moment, and why it never came again.

Life. Funny thing.


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