Foreskin Restoration

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Foreskin Restoration

Post by Elrond »

Let's talk about uncircumcising; making a new turtleneck.

Any Questions? Any answers?
My progress after 2 weeks (which is the same, 4 years later).  It won't stay that way in the shower.
My progress after 2 weeks (which is the same, 4 years later). It won't stay that way in the shower.
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"A picture is worth a thousand dollars."

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Post by MikeB »

I like the look, but an original foreskin apparently has a lot of nerve endings that are supposed to make it sensitive to stimulation. Since a new one would not have those nerves, does it feel any different? Where did the new skin come from?

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Post by britguy69 »

My understanding is that if you consistently keep the glans covered with your "new" foreskin it will become a lot softer and more sensitive because it isn't constantly being rubbed against clothes etc. Even though a considerable amount of foreskin packed with nerves has been lost and can never be replaced there should be a noticeable improvement in sexual pleasure once the glans has gone back to how it should be.

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Post by seahorses »

I’ve been restoring my foreskin over the past 2 years. Had I been consistent I might have been nearer my goal than I am, but nonetheless, I still have the head ½ covered when stood and over ¾ when sat. Naturally, I researched the subject totally before embarking on the journey and realise I can’t get back what was stolen from me in the first place, but even so, sex is definitely better, the head, bar the tip, seeming more sensitive and orgasms are more intense. I also feel more confident in my self, possibly because I am at last becoming a whole person for the first time since I was borne. It was almost immediately that I had my first experience of child abuses, some barbaric midwife botching the mutilation by nearly severing my dick in the process. As a result I now bear heavy scaring traversing half way up my cock that I’m positive has stunted the natural growth. This in turn has made self-sucking more difficult. Bitter? Nah, just human.

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Post by hunckut »

As an "natural" guy, I would have to agree you!
I'm firmly against circumcision (No really TRUE reason exept, for religions, a way to have some control on human sexuality. If it wouldn't be usefull, after 4 millions years of evolution/selection, men would born without!) and try to act against but I don't think it's so much a loss for cut men!
Most of american men have not any problem with it (don't have any confidence in muslim cos to macho to dare to confess they could have any kind of problem with sex!) when it's well done sure, with intact frenulum and not too shortly cut! In fact it seems very "exotic" to me (I'm french)! lol
But furthermore don't you think than sexuality allways find his way? A bit the same thing than trying to imagine what is the female pleasure! Impossible! We couldn't compare even with the guy beside us. Sure, it's stuff about nerves and skin sensibility but as somebody said here, about psy too, about feelings, exitation, etc... We allways find a way to pleasure and nobody can compare his sensations with others! Hard to explain what I mean, sorry!
Sure it's really different with men mutilated by butchers (and feeling real rage against those ones) Don't wanna say we have to better appreciate what we got, even if not wrong but in fact we DO satisfy
Sorry, can't explain! Non sense!
Somebody here can explain what I meant when I don't even know? lol

Hope you many joy (after that boring post, you need it)

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Post by aleingang69 »

Thanks Hunckut,
Don't worry too much about your language skills - you get your ideas across just fine, and the ideas are beautiful. It's great having you in the forums - your Website is very hot; videos and pictures both, and it's great to see some humor mixed in (the Dumbo video clip).
I feel lucky that I was cut pretty loose so I have a good deal of skin left - I think I have more now then when I was was younger because I've spent so much of my life tugging on it! I know from personal experience that circumcision is motivated at least partly by sexual repression, though there are studies that show that uncut men are more likely than cut men to seroconvert if exposed to HIV (but who knows how reliable those studies are). I still think it's a crime to chop off the most sensitive part of a baby boy's body (often without anaesthetic!) - if a man decides to do it to himself that's choice, but babies have no choice.
I don't waste a lot of emotional energy feeling resentful, about it, but when I see things like Hunckut's video of him chewing on his foreskin I do really wish I had one - it's so much more cock to play with with!
I've never had the time or patience to do restoration, but I'd love to if I could.
It's great to be able to discuss these things with you wonderful men!

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Post by hunckut »

Last edited by hunckut on Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by hunckut »

hunckut wrote:Hello Al and All

i'm sure you are flattering me cos I'm a new member, a way to encourage me and say welcome ... but I confess I like it! If you'd like to have a bit longer foreskin, how much envy would we have to feel about your very special (maybe unique, didn't see all the guys here) and so hot ability!!!
I like it too cos I've believed some week your group was closed to me cos I only sucked my skin on vids! Sure, I know now you're membership conditions are not so restrictive and it was just cos the three dowloads (yes, I REALLY wanted to see all that sexy Selfsuckers) didn't worked at all! feeling better!

I'm very tired those days for bad and good reasons (the best is I could have met the third "Mr Right" of my life, YEAH!!!!)!
Feeling tired and very ungry about some sites, here, in french, about circumcision. It's not the most important thing in the world simply I think I'm quite good placed to talk about that but furthermore, it's all a muslim propaganda against women's rights [homosexuality reprovement(we see again some gay's murderer here) and other stuff like that (machism in general, excision even if it's only from some African muslims, not in the "Coran" at all] wich is hiding just behind! So it's a very long and complex subject I'm too tired now to really talk about ("all is in all")! Hey, don't you believe it could be a good slogan for the site: "Al is in Al" ? lol
BUT I have to answer very quickly about that pretending "scientific" experimentation with simple and simplist arguments:

Don't you think it's very strange that so much in the "tested" population has contracted HIV WHEN THE "SCIENTISTS" PRETEND THEY HAVE GIVEN CONDOMS TO THE PEOPLE AND THE WAY TO USE IT?????
So much "condoms breaking", nobody can believe that!!!!

Don't you feel very strange too the way those "scientist" deplore that "the local population(rabbits or rats?) is not enthousiastic to be circumcised and contaminated to have a better test on a larger part of the population???
Is nobody here have seen "the constant gardener"???
Did everybody forget that "Dr Menguele" (the most known of nazzis butchers) was a real doctor too?
Don't you know than since the last war, every five or ten years some "scientists" announce they have found the "deficient" genome or hormone for homosexuality? Before they have to admit they're wrong, but the "bad thoughts" are made and they try again some years after!
Scientist or doctor does never mean "objective" or "above humanity condition" people! Not at all above corruption too, unfortunatly!
If the test is not purely false, it can have so many interpretations, mostly about differents ways of life betwin cut and uncut population!!!!

I know, I'm too serious in a forum about a "lighter" subject (restoration) but the effect here is that many young muslims, wich was still not so much about wearing condoms are definitly "out" of that! And the moderators of those groups has let this doing for months, untill I just remind them that only the condoms was safe. Only then, moderators have feebly agree that and some has even remind than condoms too was not 100% safe! (Living is a danger, only death is 100% safe!)

There are many other more serious reasons to be more than carefull with that "experimentation", science history is full of those "false obviousness" !!!

For ending with a joke, just say again what I proposed in those group for a definitive protection. As the interpretation of the "scientists" was than the 4skin has more HIV "receptors" (pure fantasy but sure all mucous are thinest and more delicate than plain skin-that's why it needs to be wet and protected), forgiving to say it has more sensibility too, I just proposed the only 100% safe method: complete castration, glans and foreskin!
I bet you'll have a better sense of humour than they have! lol!

Good luck and many pleasures to those nice "restorers"!

PS: need to precise I've got nothing more against musulman "church" than against jewish or christian church! Very good basements completly deliquent for the power conservation of a "church"!

Sleeping now!!!!!

Surely you need to sleep too if you read that till the end! Good night boys!

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Post by sigma »

Have you known a lot of doctors to recommend circumcision hunkcut? To be honest I've never known a smart doctor to recommend any unnecessary surgery like that. There was a lot of speculation about diseases and such a while back, but I know in the US recently it's practiced mostly for cosmetic/religious reasons, or out of ignorance. No good doctor sees any benefit except a reduced risk of penile cancer, which is uncommon, only occurs when the penis is in a bad environment anyway (i.e. never washed or exposed to chemicals/radiation)., and doesn't outweigh the risk of infection from the procedure (ouch!). IMO no one should be circumsized as a child (like no one should be given cosmetic surgery or tatoos by their parents when young). If someone decides they want it later on they should deal with it then, even if it is more painful later in life, at least they had a choice. Maybe make an exception for religious arguments.

I wouldn't take the few crackpot doctors talking about the benefits of circumcision and take that as a bad reflection on modern medicine. Doctors certainly don't know everything, and medical theories are shot down all the time, but people wouldn't be living nearly as long and with so few epidemics and disabilities without them. Of course the best thing is to always get a second opinion.

And luckily my parents did enough research that they knew there was no benefit to getting me circumsized. I routinely enjoy the benefits of that decision :) .

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Post by sigma »

To summarize, the medical establishment as a whole hasn't seen any benefit to circumsizion for some time. Just a few annoying people leaping to conclusions about AIDS (and a few annoying non-doctors blowing thngs out of proportion). And I know almost nothing about the muslim population, almost 0 in the area whre I live.

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Post by sssf guest »

I agree that medical tests and reports are changing with time.
For example, what was believed to be bad food (nutrition) for cholesterol proved wrong a decade later, and so on and so on.
I just know circumcision reduces the risk of penis cancer, yet no one can be sure.
My most recent boyfriend who had decided to undergo circumcision surgery 4 years ago (at an age of 25) told me it never reduced his sexual pleasure and orgasm at all. He told me that foreskin did not add to his orgasm as well, even when his previously uncut penis touched his legs or whatever when still wearing clothes and underwear.
I never knew him uncut. I met him last year!
When he is horny, you feel he’d fuck a hardwood door…such a hard cock he has. He also SS and SF so damn easily…in a second, his dick’s in his mouth, and in another second plugging his ass…what a skillful 5” dick!
I cannot really tell, I had circumcision when I was 3 years old.

As for religions, I just respect all beliefs and practices. Believing that religions –monotheistic and polytheistic - are never to harm people (yet people use religion to hurt, kill, insult others etc.).
Religions are there to give us a certain feeling of security, belongingness etc…all practices are thus a matter of faith. As long as those practices are not harmful (I believe no religious practices are harmful), then I cannot allow myself to be against any practice including circumcision.
Anal sex, gays, tattoos etc and so many other issues have been the talks and debates of all religious (and civic systems) for centuries. Again, all I can say that it is a matter of personal faith. If everyone here – whatever his religious or unreligious background – believes to be is fully dedicated to his beliefs (and thus thinks he is a believer – and here I do not necessarily point out religions, an atheist has his own beliefs), then why do we have tattoos, practice anal sex with women, are gays, practice SF and SS, other fetishes etc?
ALL this will be ALWAYS debatable, and no agreement will be ever reached, whether medical (scientific), religious, social…because it will always be subjectively biased!

Talking about “subjective” and “biased”;
What would your reaction be when someone tells you “you psycho gay”! What do others (straight) know about being gay? Could it be that all gays are childhood oppressed children who lived a miserable or unhealthy abnormal relation with the father figure, the brother figure etc, or were just so closely attached to the mother or sister figure? Is it a pure mental psychological problem (with social environmental roots)? Is it a (weak) personality problem about accepting our own selves, bodies, who we really are etc.?
Don’t we all agree that the brain controls the human body? A (gay) person attracted to same-sex people has thus a faulty brain!?
Wow, this is critical thinking! Just by getting a flue means that we have a faulty brain…
Does faulty just mean psychological problems?
People look at gays as “different”, forget about human rights, gay marriage…You are seen “different”. Gay refers to gay men and women of course.
Why? Biased again, so similarly to cut vs. uncut. Shallow social, religious, medical etc. factors all shape this biased judgment.
This is to say that despite all medical developments, no medical or whatsoever agreement is still reached concerning psychological and physiological problems. I doubt it will ever be reached. The reason is so simple, the two problems are so damn closely related and interrelated that a human cannot really explain or separate…doctors will become psychos and never reach a solution  LOL
I believe that if I gay person is to be considered ill or sick, then it is as much physiological than psychological problem! Isn’t it that the brain – for whatever reason – is causing this same-sex attraction?
Anyway…I think I made my point clear.

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A little hope in that cruel world! LOL

Post by hunckut »

WOOF! What replies it is!!!!
With my so poor english, hard to understand for me, have to use so much the dictionnary to verify many words but much I'm surprised and love it!
Finally all gays "with a brain" are not dead in 80's with AIDS!! lol

I can't really reply to everything, (poor words means poor thoughts, as I directly think in english...just give me some headaches) but now we're talking about homosexuality and even objectivity, wich is the basis of the question! Woof! Definitly all is in all...

To be short, I'm sure that homosexuality IS the result of a problem with our "man figure" (as Wilhelm Reich, a "sane but crazy" Psychanalyst after Freud) thought. Maybe you've heard about "Orgone energy"?).
That's what I found/felt in myself first, in so much of my lovers, and feeling it too much(cos I feel bad for them) in people I meet.
BUT the result of that is NOT than homosexuality is a "sick" at all!
To be heterosexual is a bit to short to presume you have not exactly the same kind of problem! That's the first thing to recall to straight people who want to "understand" homosexuality! The result is only it can be very usefull to "resolve" or understand better those kind of problems wich has hurt us, wich still cos pain! But the "expression"(in any kind of sexuality) of those problems/"abnormality" -yes, subjectivity, background and normality is the basis but too tired to talk about a so LARGE question now!- has NOT to be considered as a problem too!
It's not a problem, it's a kind of solution!

Another argument I use with open minded straight people I lived with/beside is that hopefully the human sexuality is NOT "natural"! It's social,feelings,psy, etc and mostly, when good, the best way to a real exchange betwin two human beeing! REAL communication, not "propaganda/advertisement" or fight for who is the dominant!
Definitly, hopefully the human sexuality is more rich, larger than put a thing in a hole for 2/3 mn (even if so much guys are so poor in that and... so much don't even know what a clitoris is! LOL Ask to your female friends!!!)
About "normality", a sentence I still remind (it was in english, on a T-shirt) was "how dare you presume that I'm heterosexual" Like this kind of short cut!

The next time we could try to talk about normality, "man figure", segregation/differences betwin male and female and subjectivity! Or whatever you want, need to learn more english! Woof, what a program!

I feel very happy for you and your boyfriend!
With so much reflexions, your sexuality/relation must be so free, wild and rich! And what you said about the easy/quick way to SS and SF must be so surprising, wondering and ... so horny! Woof! The only difficult is to not cum too fast with a guy like that! Woof! You know, I'd like to know you a bit more, even if only through internet! I'll wait for your answer!

Very glad to be member from Solosuck!

Thierry (it's my name! You can write it, if not prononce!)
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Post by sssf guest »

Hello Thierry,
I am perfectly bilingual, and in fact my first language is French. You see, I live in Quebec (Canada).
Just out of respect to the forum members, I would not allow myself to write in any other language than English.
You can write me at: or (and any member of course).
Please feel free to write in French of course.
You are quite a deep person, so well educated! What a background and repertoire u got!
I like the way you explain things.
What I wrote about homosexuality is definitely not my point of you, I was trying to put in words what others think of it…taking examples from my own vast and huge entourage in this metropolitan city where I live.
Just to resume all this – in my opinion of course – if homosexuality is to be considered an illness, then it is as much physiological than psychological – the two being so closely interrelated! Again, it is the brain which controls the human body, and so this psychological problem is also physiological (isn't it the brain sending the orders after all)???
I’d like to know you more as well! Please feel free to contact me at any time.
I am also so happy to be a member of!

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