Question about Kegel excercises

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Question about Kegel excercises

Post by lunarbob21 »

Hi I have a question about Kegel exercises such as detailed at ... e_tip.html.

I'd like some clarification of just which muscle you contract and how it feels.

When I try it there are two different feelings I get from it. One of them, it is like moving your errect penis up and down. The other, it is like that and a feeling down by the balls moving as well and sometimes the stomache moves involuntarily.

So if I could get some describing of how it feels to others that'd be great, thanks.

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Post by aleingang69 »

Hey lunarbob,
Good question! I've included the text of the article you're talking about at the end of this post. I think the article doesn't go into enough detail - there's a lot more going on down there than the PC. Men also have the Cremaster:
I know it sounds like some sort of kitchen blender but it's actually a really wonderful set of muscles. These and all of the other muscles in your lower body can influence what goes on with your dick - you're doing well if you're already feeling some of the different kinds of exercises you can do down there. I'd suggest keeping on doing what you're doing - play with the exercises and see how deeply you can feel the different ways you can do them - it's all going to help you to have more control and greater sensation. I try to move the clenches around - feel what it's like to try to just squeeze the head of your cock or the muscles around your asshole. Go deeper and see if you can start to sense the glands that produce pre-cum. Do it with your eyes closed and visualize. Getting a good sense of the anatomy of the region is helpful, but remember that Western medicine prefers to break everything down into discrete units and ignore the messy boundaries and interactions of real bodies.
Most of all - ENJOY!
If there's one thing that guys are always asking me, it's "how can I control myself from ejaculating so quickly?" The answer is simple -- okay it's not that simple, but there is a way that many of you can help yourselves. All that's required is a little exercise that you can do while you're at work or sitting on the couch watching Survivor .

you must own a pc

Both men and women have a PC (pubococcygeus) muscle, which is responsible for the health of the pelvic floor. But trust me, that's not all it's used for. You have to keep this muscle in tiptop shape in order to maximize your sexual experiences.

The next time you go to the washroom and begin urinating, try to stop the flow midway. Can you? If not, then you need to start exercising as soon as possible to maintain penile fitness.

Another test; when you have an erection, can you squeeze your PC muscle and make your penis jump substantially? If not, then I think you need today's sex tip more than you know.

what this muscle can do

Exercising this muscle regularly will prolong the duration of lovemaking and make your climax much more intense. Some say that guys with healthy PC muscles can actually hang a towel over their erections and raise and lower their penises at will. You can also use a hand cloth or handkerchief.

Just as working out your biceps will give you better definition and more strength, the PC muscle can help you strengthen and better define your erections and orgasms. But as is the case with everything, discipline is required.

locate the muscle

As aforementioned, stopping your urine midstream (pun intended) can help you figure out when you're using your PC muscle. Try stopping your urination three times just to ensure that you understand where the muscle is located.

As well, although this method may not sound enthralling, if you stick a finger in your rectum and try contracting your PC muscle, you will know that you're doing so because your finger will feel your anus contracting (pressure). Always try to keep your other muscles (thigh, back and abdominal) relaxed.

Remember that the stronger your PC muscle, the more enjoyable sex will ultimately be. So let's begin exercising, shall we?
There are different sets of exercises you can do. Select the one that is best suited for you and do it regularly. Tell your woman to do them too; it will have the same beneficial results. Always keep in mind that you should keep your other muscles relaxed (don't use momentum).

Exercise 1:
Quickly clench and release your PC muscle for a 10-second period -- take a 10-second break. Perform three sets, then take a 30-second break.
Clench and unclench for 5 seconds with 5-second breaks in between -- 10 times in a row.
Tighten your PC muscle for 30 seconds and release for 30 seconds -- 3 times in a row.
Repeat the first step and you're done for the day.

Exercise 2:
Tighten your muscle and hold for a count of 5, and release. Repeat 10 times.
Squeeze and release the muscle 10 times quickly. Repeat 3 times.
Tighten and release your PC muscle in long and short intervals for counts of 10. Repeat 3 times.
Squeeze your muscle and hold it for as long as you can. Try to work your way up to 120 seconds (relax, that's only two minutes).

Exercise 3:
Fully squeeze and release your muscle over and over again. Begin with one set of 30, and then slowly work your way up to over 100.
Squeeze as tightly as you possibly can (make sure it's only your PC muscle that you're clenching). Hold it for 20 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 4:
Simply begin squeezing and releasing your muscle for 2 minutes a day and gradually work your way up to doing it for 20 minutes at least 3 times a day. You should eventually be able to perform at least 200 repetitions per session.

any time, any place

Keep in mind that because you can do these exercises just about anywhere and at any time, there is absolutely no excuse to neglect your exercises. No one will know that you're squeezing, unless of course you keep smiling like an idiot whilst doing them.

Because the muscle heals quickly, you'll begin noticing that you're waking up with more solid erections and that's always a good thing, especially if Petunia is sleeping next to you in the buff come morning (you know what I mean).

Personally, I recommend that you complete your exercises every single day for the rest of your natural life. Trust me, Hef will have nothing on you when you get to be his age. Your sexual abilities and control will increase immensely and you'll find that your penis has become stronger and firmer.

shoot across the room

PC exercises can also be beneficial in the "squirt across the room" department as well. Remember porn star Peter North? Well, rumor has it that he did his exercises daily. So not only can you have the most solid erection ever, but you might also be able to ejaculate on the ceiling. Have fun cleaning that up...

Remember that the results will not be evident the instant you're done your first bunch of exercises. It takes time, like with any muscle that you begin "training" regularly.

enjoy a new sex technique

Once you begin to master your exercises and are able to see a significant difference, the next time you're making love with your woman, stay inside her without moving. Instead of going in and out like you normally would, simply squeeze and release your PC muscle.

If she has been doing her exercises as well, you can both perform this on each other and while you get the sensation that her vagina is giving you a "hug," she'll feel like you're tapping her G-spot, and trust me, chances are that the both of you will enjoy the sensation immensely.

And there you have it; some easy ways to keep her satisfied and get a little satisfaction of your own at the same time. Enjoy.

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