Prostate video

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Prostate video

Post by Kadren »

I know some people have asked about prostate stimulation on these forums, so I thought I'd put a video up in case anyone wanted to see. Although you can't actually see me using my toy...the results of its usage is hopefully obvious if you watch carefully.

So if you've ever wanted to know what your cum tastes like but always lose the urge...this is a great way to find out.
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Post by aleingang69 »

Thanks, man!
Here's the link to download the clip - it's easier to see what's going on if you download it:


It looks like you're having a great time! It would be great to have an explanation of what you're doing so the other guys can give it a try, and I think different lighting and maybe using a bowl or plate instead of the glass so the view isn't blocked would make it easier to see what's going on.

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Post by Kadren »

Here's a 2nd video. Took Al's advice and the video is much clearer than the 1st in my opinion.
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Post by ghostdg »

very nice!

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Post by aleingang69 »

So what does it feel like, Kadren? I kind of enjoy direct prostate stimulation, but there's often a "I really have to pee right this minute" feeling that goes along with it that I don't like.

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Post by Kadren »

I get the same feeling from prostate stimulation that I get from edging for long periods of time. Like that persistent tingling that happens when you do it long enough...except the feeling comes almost instantly once I've found the right spot.

I usually try to go a few days without orgasming to create more build-up. It's much funner to have the fluid come out in big drops instead of tiny ones, and my prostate is a lot easier to find after holding off for a while as well.

In the video my cock also kind of throbs around as I'm doing it...which is completely involuntary. I don't know why that happens, but it feels good and is an indication I'm doing it right.

Anyway, I've found that any time I get the "need to pee" sensation, it's usually because the stimulation is too deep and I'm pushing against my bladder instead of only my prostate. It's hard to distinguish between fluids, which is why I always make sure to empty my bladder before starting.

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Post by Darkbolt »


I'll try that tonight, does it work better with a thin probe or can you do it with anything?

If anyone finds anything on Self-Rimming, please tell me.

"Suck to live, in order to live to suck"

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