Question for Gay or Bi Selfsuckers

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Question for Gay or Bi Selfsuckers

Post by lovepre »

How was it, the first time you sucked another man. Compared to selfsucking? Tell us the Good , the Bad, and the Ugly.

1 Was it as good as you expected?

2 How did the cum taste, compared to your own?

3 How old were you, and him?

4 Was this the first and only, or the start of something good?

5 What advice would you give us curious BJ virgins?

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Post by chpoof »

Well, I'm not actually a self sucker, just an admirer of guys who do (which is why I like this site! :wink: ). However, if you'd like my thoughts regarding the first time I ever sucked another guy, I'll gladly give them.

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Please Do

Post by lovepre »

Even if you your not yet a selfsucker, tell us about yout first BJ. All the good stuff, please.

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Post by chpoof »

(OK, I give up. I've attempted to edit this ten times to no avail. Can someone please explain to me why this whole post is jumbled together in one annoying paragraph when I've put line breaks between each line for easier reading?????)

OK. I'll specifically answer your questions, and if you want to know more, just let me know. :)

1 Was it as good as you expected?

Well, yes and no. It was a fantasy come true to finally get another man's penis in my mouth, but I had never done it before, so it was a little awkward. Like any other sex act, I think, practice makes perfect, so I don't really think I got the hang of it till later on. But even so, yes, it was really nice.

2 How did the cum taste?

He didn't cum the first few times I sucked him. I had to figure out which buttons to push in order to take him over the edge. Once I figured that out, he shot in my mouth regularly. Actually his cum tasted very bitter and left a bad taste in my mouth. But hey, that's what mouthwash is for. :wink: Besides, I was his lover, so I figured that was just part of the package.

3 How old were you, and him?

I was 26, and he was 24.

4 Was this the first and only, or the start of something good?

This was the start of a relationship, which went on for several months before we broke up. I'd say I sucked him off at least ten times...maybe more. The more I did it, the more I enjoyed doing it. And believe me, he was in heaven! :twisted:

5 What advice would you give us curious BJ virgins?

Just do it. You'll never know till you try it. But be aware that it may be awkward at first. Also, if you're going to suck the guy off, make certain he's healthy. Obviously swallowing your own cum isn't going to pose a health risk, but with someone else it could.
Last edited by chpoof on Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by aleingang69 »

Thanks for the details, and sorry about the lack of line-breaks in the messages. There's something wrong with the forum software and I haven't been able to figure it out or find someone to help with it. Still trying!

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Post by chpoof »

Thanks, Al. That makes sense since even the emoticons don't work either. Wish I could be more helpful, but I'm not particularly software-savvy. Good luck!

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