Wii Fit to get in shape

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Wii Fit to get in shape

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I recently got the Wii Fit game for the Nintendo Wii and I'm going to see if the exercises on it will help me lose some weight and to get more flexible. It has strength, aerobics, balance and yoga exercises. Since I canceled my gym membership a few months ago, I haven't been too active. Maybe this will help. Wish me luck!

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Post by newbie12 »

The wii fit is the most pathetic thing iv ever heard of, how can you gain strength and all that by standing on a board and leaning a little bit. seriously its a complete joke

thats a bad buy mate, sorry but its just crap, the biggest joke ever.

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Post by blacksunshineaz »

By your reasoning, doing yoga and pilates is totally pointless. I beg to differ.

I'm not saying it will work, but I said I'd try and see what it can do. I does have some cardio, and lord knows I need some exercise.

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Post by newbie12 »

Well you can try but really if you wanna do exersise you can walk out your door and run, and do push ups for strength, and do yoga. you dont need a board to stand on

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Post by aleingang69 »

I only have a vague idea of what the Wii is, but - hey - if someone's having a hard time getting exercise I don't think we should discourage them from giving something a try. Did you cancel your gym membership because you weren't going BSA? I know that's a common problem - seems like most gyms make most of their money off of people who rarely show up! I keep myself going by having a regular, inflexible schedule - I go at 3pm Mon., Wed. and Fri. and I plan everything else around that. I also have the extra motivation that most of the straight guys don't - I know I can often have a nice little sexual encounter while I'm at the gym - it's the reward at the end of the workout! ----
Let us know how the Wii works out BSA.

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Post by beasterilla »

We'll I had downloaded an xbox game called !YourselfFitness, and it was a way of keeping track of calories and how your progress was doing.. back in the day when I did use it, I did see improvement, so don't just go ape shit on this guy for buying something that will probably end up doing him some good and keeping him motivated at the same time ! Anyways, keep up the good work and hopefully you meet your goals with this wii game :-)

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Post by blacksunshineaz »

First of all, I didn't pay for it so don't crap on me for wasting my money.
I've been using it for two weeks now, and that mat is more than a piece of plastic, it's a controller. It has two panels that measure balance/posture, weighs you, and calculates your body mass index. I don't know how accurate it is, but there are a lot of exercises that get my blood pumping. Of course, if you're not into fitness, this game is a waste of your time. Considering it's 113 degrees outside, it's a better option for me than going outside right now and jogging.

I canceled my gym membership mainly because I was going maybe once or twice every two months and although it was only $19 a month, it wasn't worth it if I wasn't going. I had been going with my wife before we got married, but she's working 10-12 hours a day now and has a long commute so when she gets home she's exhausted and doesn't want to go. And with my work schedule, when I get home I'm starving. By the time I eat dinner, I'm not in the mood for going to the gym because I have a full stomach. And it also sucked that they closed at 7pm on Friday and Saturday nights, which seems like the best time for us who work Mon-Fri 9-5. They're open 24 hours form Sunday to Thursday, but I'm not going to the gym at 2am.

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Post by suse »

I'd have to agree about the wii fitness being kinda lame :(...I mean seriously, it's not really meant to be a hardcore fitness machine. It's meant to be a game and fun FIRST, then maybe some excercise. I mean DDR is better than wii fitness lol. But I mean it IS definitely better than nothing.

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Post by awtoeman »

I cant believe all the action this Wii thread is getting. I shared a lovely experience sucking on my cock with a hot blonde assisting, and there was only one reply????

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Post by suse »

That might be because the wii fitness catches people's attention as a possible route to get closer to being able to ss. :) I would assume most people are here to learn and share tips and tricks on how to ss and maybe the occasional few are here to get off on stories. Personally, I think it's awesome that you shared your story but honestly am not into reading about other people and their sexual events. Thanks again though for sharing!

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Post by newbie12 »

Iv been studying sports and exercise for 2 years,and i no that by standing on a board and leaning in different directions wont help anything, it might get your blood going a little, but then it only seems to be a warm up then dosent it, seriosy there are so many other options for exercise.

Maybe consider a home gym, now for weights alll you need is a bench, and some dumbells, its not as much as you would have in a gym but you can do so much with a bench and dumbells

You can run at night when its cooler, say in the evening sometime. i understand the heat so pick cooler times

yoga obivi can be done at home.

just be creative, find bars and do pull ups, find a floor and do push ups, and sit ups, all of that. you dont need a gym membership to get fit.

its good tht you didnt pay for it, wow what a waste that would have been, sorry but its a total peice of crap

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Post by blacksunshineaz »

You obviously have no idea what Wii Fit is about. While balancing on the board is part of it, there's a bunch of other exercises that give good cardio. Some don't even use the board. It teaches you how to do some yoga positions and can tell if you're doing them right.

Before you shoot your mouth off again, you ought to at least know what you're talking about (what the Wii Fit is and what it isn't). I never said it was guaranteed to work. I said I was going to see if would work. Obviously, I am not going to know it right away. My guess is that it won't do much unless I spend a couple of hours a day, which I doubt it going to happen in my case.

No way I'm exercising outside at night. It's 109 degrees at 9:30 pm.

By the way, I haven't used it in over a week so it hasn't done me any good.

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