i cant seem to get it

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i cant seem to get it

Post by needhelp »

i have tried everything i can find in posts and pictures to finally do this. i love the taste of my own cum, however i cant seem to get close enough to my cock to lick it. i wishi could. i am having some muscle problems with my right leg so i hope when i get rid of those i will have more success. is there anyone that can help me. pointers, or even some guidence. i would do just about anything to learn.

i am 6'2, 140lbs, i think that i have an above average size penis, that what my girlfriend have always said and i sometimes hurt them during sex, but i feel very small becasue i cant reach...

thanks in advance...

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Post by blacksunshineaz »

How old are you? Younger people are generally more flexible and people tend to lose their flexibility as they get older, unless they really stay in shape.

It is unlikely that you'll be able to do this anytime soon, however that doesn't mean you'll ever be able to do this. You will need to condition yourself to do this. You'll need to focus on stretching the muscles in your back, your neck, your hips and your hamstrings (legs). Three years ago, I was 14 inches away from making contact and after about a year of trying, I was able to lick it. I've spent the last two years trying to get the last inch or so to give it a real good suck. So far I can get it between my lips and on one occasion I was able to get it past my teeth.

You sound very thin for your height and that will be an advantage. I am 6'2" also, but I weigh 170-175 and I have a bit of a belly from eating too much fast food so it does get in the way. That is not likely an issue for you.

The solosuck site (this one) has a tutorial that may be helpful to you. I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do this if you have some patience and do the exercises so your body will allow you to do this.

I was able to lick it when I was 13 or 14, but I stopped because I was too impatient to take the time and learn how to do it. I didn't have to try too hard to do it either because my body was unusually limber. I didn't have the knowledge back then to do other positions that would have worked better for me and didn't know how special it was so I quit. I have been regretting it ever since because it's been a long road back.

Is worth it? I definitely think so. I think the guys who can really go at it will agree even more. I say go for it, but be careful and not hurt yourself. Good luck to you.

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Post by Ditch »

Man, that was a really nice email to read, really encouraging and I think that is one of the purposes of this Board - to encourage as well as share in this groovy thing we've got going (or want to have going!). I think my extra kilos (I'm from Australia) are holding me back cos I can only just sometimes and suck and lick the tip, I have never fully 'sucked' on myself. Other times I just get too excited and...well, you know the rest :D I am doing Yoga now so I think with a bit more practice and a shedding of the weight I'll be closer than I've ever been...I am so looking forward to it! :wink:

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Post by ssacademy »

hi there. SS was always one of my crazy dreams, that i use to have at night during my sleep (and i still have it but a little different now :D). So thanks to Al and everyone of you guys that posted on the board i've found out that is possible to do it :idea: LOL , i've always wanted since a kid but just recently succeeded , (seems i was living in a cage before :):oops: ).I am still a student but first contact with my cock's tip has been made on nov. 24th 2004, i've marked it down :d went out , bought a champagne and drank it all by myself :D . It took me about 6 months to be able to fold and reach the tip. I usually start with the warm up exercises from a yoga session - like sun salutes or/and the exercises from Gary's book "the art of autofellatio" it really helped me, since my achievement took place after i've started these sessions, and then i start with the plow and fold down easy walking on the wall. It's really important to focus on your breathing since it can easily become short and out of pattern. Then i go dawn deeper, trying to kiss my belly button, (can't do it but this is the idea so i can get into the right position). And when i reach the point where i cannot fold naturally anymore, i start pushing with my feet against the wall and maintaining the right position, usually i get soft because i concentrate in folding but once i'm pretty close of my face, i grab my cock with my right hand and pull it towards my face, and actually my first contact was between my dick and my forehead, then i tried to pull my dick towards my nose, then pulling my left thigh with my left hand, fold a little deeper. I think it's pretty hard, but it was one of my major goals and it actually become an obsession so i had to do it,....and thank God i did it. Good Luck!

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Post by 79ecra »

What's above average?

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