*How to* self fuck

You asked for it, so here it is - a separate forum for solo sodomy. Stories, questions, tips, anything related to the glorious manly art of fucking yourself. If this is your first visit to the forums please read the "announcement" posting in the self-suck forum. You need to join the forum to post a message. Now lets get fucking!

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Re: *How to* self fuck

Post by aleingang69 »

We're gonna get you fucking, buddy!
The first question: are you anally experienced? Do you, or have you, stuck anything up there before? Fingers, dildos, cocks, whatever?
If not - play with your hole, man. Get used to opening up with fingers or dildo and then try your cock.
If you're using enough lube/spit and you're able to open up I don't know what would keep you from gettin' in.

Is that helpful?

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Re: *How to* self fuck

Post by Kwalker »

Wow! It's been ages since I logged in or even posted. Nice to see everyone :).
Suckshimself wrote:Hey guys, this seems really amazing and I'd love to do it too but I can't seem to get my cock inside, i can pull the head over my hole and all so it's not about length. I just can't seem to get my hole to open up enough for it.
It's about relaxing.. If you're not relaxed on your FIRST time trying to self-fuck, it's not going to go in. A "trade-secret" is that while applying pressure on your hole with your cock, you need to try and think of something else besides what you're trying to do... It's kinda a "trick your mind into relaxing" type ordeal. The first time I ever tried I was trying far too hard and I was getting frustrated with myself when it wouldn't go in. The day I did get it in, I was applying pressure and thinking of something totally different to keep my mind off of what I was doing... Surprise, Surprise I felt it starting to go in.

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Re: *How to* self fuck

Post by aleingang69 »

Thanks, buddy - good to see you back, and thanks for the tip.
Different things work for different men - keep on trying and you'll make it work - it's worth putting some time into it!
If this was the self-suck forum I'd say "if at first you don't suck-seed..." :D

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Re: *How to* self fuck

Post by squeeker »

Forgive me if there's typos, as english isn't my language. Today I managed to fuck myself and thought that maybe I should write a guide in this forum, as here I got many tips.

First of all, I'm not the most biggest equipped person there surely is, though not the smallest either (around 18cm in full attention). It was my second trying-to-fuck-myself session when I succeeded.

First one was right after I found this forum. I turned sauna on, thinking that warm athmosphere would help with flexibility and to drop my balls further (warmth makes your balls further away from body while cold pulls them in closer) for me to twist them. I did most likely everything what in this forum was said, twisting balls to left and penis to right and vice versa. About everytime the problem was that my balls were hurting after a bit pushing against my hand, which kept the penis close to the target. I did learn that sitting position was way much easier even though many had praised the lying on back -position. Also I noticed that I was able to get my penis further between my ass cheeks in one way, and not the other, so when you try to do it, do keep eye on that.

My second attempt, today, and the success, came as a quite surprise to me. I prepared the sauna again, thinking that at least I can clean myself if nothing else. Doing the required preparation, I was ready to try it. I pulled a dildo, lubed it (water based lube which isn't that good in watery room) and slowly put it in my ass to make it more accepting. After holding it just past the closing muscles minute or two, I headed directly to sauna (to preserve the lube in ass). I sat in the sauna (which was much colder this time, to not fatigue me that fast)

While I was sitting, I thought that why not try something new as I couldn't get it in anyways, so I divided my balls, one in both hand and started bending my penis directly downwards. While I was bending it I also pulled my foreskin down, as I am uncut and I did learn from the first attempts, that the foreskin can come in your way. I bend the penis between my ass cheeks and catched the mushroom head with my right hand (as I'm right handed, but doesn't really matter which way you do it) and while my right hand pulled softly, I kind of sat on my left hand so that the base of your hand (the point where your thumb basicly is attached to, pressed against the penis' base and fingers running along the shaft. You may think that "hell no, no penis can bend from that position towards the ass", and you're propably right, but the trick is that, now that you have it past your ass and sit securily on it so it can't escape, you need to twist it gently. I can't remember which way I did, or how much, but I don't recall it being that hard really. The whole trick at least for me was not to let my testicles to get in the way (meaning the tube in which semen runs to your penis geting between your body and the shaft of the penis), and this method works perfectly in it.

If done correctly, your penis should be semi-hard now, semi in a sense that it's not really an erection, but if you placed your hands correctly, blood rushed in it making it hard. And now that you have twisted it past your anus, you need lean forward (well, this is sitting on a hard wooden pench that is). By leaning forward, you raise your anus upwards, closer to the tip of the penis, and with your hand, start pushing the head against it. After you feel that now it's pointing to right direction and just needs to get in, slooowly start sitting straight, bringing the anus downwards on your penis. Now two things should be happening, first, your body weight is pushing of course your penis downwards, but the hand you are sitting on should stop this forcing the head push against your anus. Secondly, and more importantly, with the hand behind you, holding the penis head, you need to keep pushing the head against the anus (I used pointing finger and middle finger on that) while pushing it from the shaft towards the anus (I used the... umm, nameless? -finger on that) I do point out that the key to get it in was the finger which pushed it inwards from the shaft.

When I did that, I first wasn't believing to get it in, so I was doing it with only with a half mind, but the feeling suddenly something penetrating my ass was unforgetable. Unfortunately I got too excited and reckless in minute or two fucking myself that it slipped out. I did manage to get it in few times afterwards, and few times with the balls left, penis right (or vice versa) method, but learned that it was much harder, couldn't use any force at all as balls got in the way, and that I was able to penetrate myself much deeper with the straight downwards method.

It might sound complicated, but it really isn't after you get the hang of it. Although the fucking sensation wasn't that big deal, the penetration sensation is still awesome. If I'd have girl-/boyfriend, I propably wouldn't bother with self-fucking, as I did notice that with my length I can't get enough sensations from doing it, so it would be really hard work to get my ass creamed. But who knows, now that I know how to do it, I propably try without the sauna after my bruises against the hard wooden pench heals first :D

Oh and now I need to learn a method to cum in myself aswell...

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Re: *How to* self fuck

Post by aleingang69 »

Thanks for the details Squeeker! It's great to hear about alternate methods - every man is different and the method that works for one of us might not work for another. Let us know if you make more progress, and maybe you could find something thin but soft to put between you and the bench - my dick hurts just thinking about doing against hard wood ;)


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Re: *How to* self fuck

Post by mshapiro91 »

would love to try fucking myself, just i dont know if i can! i can deepthroat myself, but i want to take this to the next step, and fuck my ass! any tips? videos?

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Re: *How to* self fuck

Post by aleingang69 »

Hey man - Welcome to solosuck.com!

If you can deepthroat yourself we need to see some pictures and video - don't hold out on us, buddy :)

Self-fuck tips is what this particular thread - and this whole sub-forum - are about. Read through and then ask the guys if you have specific questions. It's always helpful to see some video of your technique, too ;)

We'll get you in there, man!


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Re: *How to* self fuck

Post by mshapiro91 »

how do you view other peoples videos? i havent been able to find any/see them.

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Re: *How to* self fuck

Post by aleingang69 »

You shouldn't have any trouble viewing the sample clips from my videos - just click on the "Video Clips" links at the top or bottom of any page and you'll find those.

Here's a topic here in the forums that has a video in it - can you view that?

It can be complicated with different operating systems and browsers, but there's always some way to make it work - let us know if you have problems.

Finding videos on here is a little complicated - when the new forums system is up and running it'll get easier. Until then you can look through the list of topics in each forum - the ones with the little paper-clip have attachments, but you'll have to check to see if they're videos or pics. There are also a lot of topics with links to video on other sites.

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Post by D »

Kwalker wrote:How I do it is I kneel on the floor, with both knee's in front of me and my feet are behind my butt. I put my penis on the left side and under while semi-soft to semi hard (but not too hard) with my right hand and hold it there. I slide my left hand under my right hand and basically sit down till my hands hit the floor and use the floor for leverage and help to get it in. Note: I push in with my fingers near the back of the hole, while sliding them foward to try to get it in. You could also press directly on the hole, if well lubed and you are not nervous, and thats an easier way (uncut would probably have to do the sliding, which i mentioned first.)

That is how I do it, I find it the easiest position out of all of them that i've read about and a whole lot easier than the laying down position. The key here is >NOT< to be nervous or "mad" that you cannot get it in. If you can fit your fingers in and such, remember how relaxed you are when you do that, and try to calm yourself enough to try with your dick. What also helps is keeping your mind off it while you're trying, that's how I actually got mine in the very first time, it took my mind off it, thus I was not nervous.

Hope that helps, hope others post about this too!
..so simple, and works well!
I've been trying for the past month or so to figure out how to get my cock inside of me. Trying all different positions and using different stools and chairs. I even tried a thick cardboard tube laid on its side (about 6 inches in diameter thinking I might be able to force my cock behind me to get the head closer to my hole. I read your post and thought it was too easy. But lo and behold, it turned out to be the best method for me. I'm not as endowed as others, only a tad over 6 inches. At first I thought I was just too short or perhaps my body just wasnt built that way. But doing it this way I was able to pop the head in and push to get even more in. It felt awesome. I didnt cum, but didnt care really either. Sometimes its not about cumming, its about getting there. :)
Thx again

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Re: *How to* self fuck

Post by inflexible »

Had trouble with my first reply. Will try again.

If you can get cock head past a-hole but it will not go in try using A LARGE DILDO TO LOOSEN YOURSELF UP. I tried for some time but could not get my cock inside. I found I was too tight. Can get head just past a-hole but not inside. Used a dildo to open up, then bigger one. Then my cock goes in easily. Then I came soon after! :-)

If you like to make movies, use a dark towel so that there is lots of contrast with the cum. I find when I cum inside, then wait, then pull out my cock there is more cum that comes out and goes over the towel. Must be the angle. Looks good.

If you cannot cum try sticking finger inside and rubbing under cock head. Woof!

I have self sucked for many years on and off. Self-fucking is new for me. Great fun. Recently was in plough position, came in ass, then pulled out. Cum went over my face. Nice movie that one.

-Pieter de Jager

I wrote a piece on self-sucking some time ago. My website with it on eventually disappeared though, but I found a copy: http://vtnamus.blogspot.com/2008/12/aut ... -step.html

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Re: *How to* self fuck

Post by aleingang69 »

Thanks Pieter!

You could copy your selfsuck how-to from that blog and put it in as a post in the How-To section here in the forums if you want to know for sure that it's going to be available online. Let me know if you need any help.


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Re: *How to* self fuck

Post by liquidpleasure »

I finally did it! I'm so happy! :D :D I've been lurking this thread for a long time now, and have always wondered what it feels like to fuck myself.

I managed to get my head inside today and it felt amazing. Had to really squeeze it in though, lol. Loved the sensation. Here's what I did to really prepare my anus for self-pleasure:

First off let me start off with saying that I LOVE anal play and analingus with girls and myself, but not with guys. I honestly don't think self-fucking is necessarily a homosexual act, no different from touching my penis to masturbate and auto-fellatio. If every guy could suck his own dick, trust me they're NEVER going to get out of their house!!! Basically it's fee oral anytime, can't say no to that! I definitely don't desire other cocks though and am not attracted to men.

That said here's the lowdown. When I was 19 I started with anal play using a 6D Mag-lIte (yes those giant aluminum flashlights). :shock: Yes, the thing is like 2 feet long but I really liked the feel of cold metal sliding so perfectly smoothly in my sphincter. I like to squeeze the aluminum with my anus to "challenge" it and try to squeeze the metal, even though I know this is impossible.

I used Vaseline skin lotion for lube (not the petroleum jelly stuff) that had a rose scent, and it made the experience that much more intimate. Sometimes I pushed too hard though and I bled a little bit. :cry: I was riding it and got too caught up with the pleasure of pushing it against my prostate. I still make that mistake sometimes and I don't know I'm bleeding until I pull out. The pleasure is overwhelming and intoxicating, I absolutely love it.

I only indulged in this sinful pleasure every once in a while because I was afraid I was becoming gay. It didn't dawn on me until I had access to the internet that plenty of straight guys self-stimulate their anus and prostate, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I never had access to any toys so I just ended up using the Maglite every once in a while. I was always paranoid of fecal matter so I never licked it and avoided touching it at all costs. I ALWAYS showered myself, washed my bedsheets and washed the light IMMEDIATELY because I was so paranoid. If I did finger anal play I always made sure to wear rubber gloves or really scrub my hands if I did it bare handed.

Fast forward a few years later and I was A LOT more comfortable with anal play. Pretty soon I started to finger fuck myself more often and I read that Ass-to-Mouth was safe when done solo or with a healthy partner. Upon learning that news I experimented a little bit with my anus. First I had to get over the smell, and the fact that fecal matter could end up on my fingers and objects. Next I found out that fecal matter usually stays in the upper colon, and if you take a dump it makes things less messy and fun.

My favorite thing to do is use Aveeno skin lotion as lube and stick objects in my ass. Sometimes I just finger fuck myself. When I pull out, there is some mucous that normally smells fishy. The weird thing is when it's mixed in with the Aveeno, the lotion forms curds with the mucous and I lick up the sweet curds. I get horny as hell by the fact that I did something so forbidden, right along with the fact that it came fresh from inside my ass. :) Bear in mind that this isn't fecal matter, it's just mucous secreted by the colon. In my experience I've never gotten sick from this... and I LOVE EVERY LAST DROP OF IT!!! It's so wrong but right!!!

OK back to self-fucking: About 10 years ago I was thinking about it, and the thought stumbled in my mind: can I fuck myself? Girls can't do this because they don't have a penis or anything to penetrate themselves, so I felt it was extra forbidden if I could do this. I would imagine the feeling is so pleasurable I had to try it. First attempt, no go. It was hard just to twist my cock around towards my anus. I was also paranoid about germs so I put a condom on- made it even more slippery and difficult.

Fast forward to a few months ago: I tried it again, and I finally managed to point my cock towards my anus! I got it to the point where the tip can kiss my sweet hole, but I simply felt I wasn't long enough to go in (I'm 5 inches). Well the past 2 days I've been working at it, and this time I REALLY relaxed my anus by using the maglite again. I did it to the point where I didn't have to fight the maglite for it to enter, it could just slip in if I wanted to. When I finally got to that point I broke out my porn and got horny. After I got hard I told myself out loud "relax, almost there" and that's when I try to twist my penis around. I go cock right balls left, but sometimes I just go right down the middle. I use a giant candle to push my entire body weight on my twisted cock so no blood can escape. When I sit on the right spot, my cock remains stiff enough. In this position I bend completely over and use my right hand to push/guide my cock towards my asshole. The first couple of times are frustrating because it just won't go in. When I finally relaxed, just paid attention to my porn it very slowly slipped in with guidance from my right hand. At first it was hard to tell if I completely penetrated, but when I felt around with my right hand I was in!!! :D :D I could only keep it in by constantly pushing my penis in with my right hand, but my hand got tired and I had to let go of this sweet sensation.

I'm just so proud and happy that I finally was able to insert myself inside me. It's such a fulfilling feeling that I can pleasure myself in this way. My next goal is to go in a little deeper, and hopefully I can really stay inside so I can really feel the sensation. The last step is to stay inside and hopefully I can cum inside me. I want to feel the hot spurts inside me. It makes me horny just thinking about it!!!

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Re: *How to* self fuck

Post by tsloverforever »

Hi im a straight male but i would like to fuck my own ass and would like to suck my divk too my Dick is 6.5 do you think i can do it

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Re: *How to* self fuck

Post by aleingang69 »

I'd say it's quite likely you'll be able to fuck yourself and it's a possibility that you'll be able to suck your cock - that's a combination of persistence and the luck of the draw with how flexible you are.

Read as much as you can here in the forums and let us know how you do!


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