Having trouble

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Having trouble

Post by someguy725 »

Hey guys, I'm having sone trouble and was hoping for some help. I have tried sf'ing off and on for the past couple of years without any success. Last night after several hours of trying I was able to get the head in at least half a dozen times but that is it. Every time I tried to get more in it popped out. I am 7.25" so I don't think my length is a problem, but I haven't been able to get the head more than around an inch past my hole pre-insertion. I have determined that going to the right gives me the best results. I get semi-hard and am able to push on the shaft where it meets the hole and pop the head in. However I do have to push out to open my hole up to receive it so I am probably not as fully relaxed as I could be for sure. It did feel awesome to finally get the head in, but I didn't get instantly hard like I have seen some people talk about... I wasn't able to get any more penetration no matter what I tried. I tried rocking back on it, sitting on it, pushing on it, contracting/relaxing my anal muscles, etc. So I would appreciate some wisdom! What do I do to get more of my dick in once the head is in? Thanks in advance.Hey guys, I'm having sone trouble and was hoping for some help. I have tried sf'ing off and on for the past couple of years without any success. Last night after several hours of trying I was able to get the head in at least half a dozen times but that is it. Every time I tried to get more in it popped out. I am 7.25" so I don't think my length is a problem, but I haven't been able to get the head more than around an inch past my hole pre-insertion. I have determined that going to the right gives me the best results. I get semi-hard and am able to push on the shaft where it meets the hole and pop the head in. However I do have to push out to open my hole up to receive it so I am probably not as fully relaxed as I could be for sure. It did feel awesome to finally get the head in, but I didn't get instantly hard like I have seen some people talk about... I wasn't able to get any more penetration no matter what I tried. I tried rocking back on it, sitting on it, pushing on it, contracting/relaxing my anal muscles, etc. So I would appreciate some wisdom! What do I do to get more of my dick in once the head is in? Thanks in advance.

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Re: Having trouble

Post by Ziggurat »

Well it seems to me you're right on track. The only advice I can give is based on repetition. You can't do this off and on. When I was first learning how to do this, I couldn't seem to get anywhere either. However, it tried it three or four days in a row the one week and despite a sore or two, was able to perfect my technique. You basically have to work at this and get it to be a cross between skill and talent. It needs to become instinctual to a point. I spent two years not doing it, and now I have tonnes of difficulty just getting it in. However, once in, I can pretty much keep it there. However, its fustrating to think how easy I used to just pop it in there. Watch my videos, and you can see I had no trouble at all riding myself to some great orgasms. Now, I can't even cum up there. Usually SF for a few minutes at best, then dildo my way to a great orgasm. :D

Keep it in there as long as you can. Get comfortable with being partially erect and partially open. It gets easier have repetition. Again, daily repetition. As far as more penetration is concerned, you might just need a bit more lube on your shaft, once the head is in. Keep the lube within reach and experiement. Always experiement.

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Re: Having trouble

Post by Kwalker »

so I am probably not as fully relaxed
I have always stood by that relaxation is the key to a successful first self fuck. How long are you putting pressure on your cock to make it go in farther? Try getting the head in while sitting on your hands and while keeping steady pressure, close your eyes and think about something else.. Hard to do but it sounds like the excitement of getting your head in is causing you to clench tight and not allowing deep penetration.

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Re: Having trouble

Post by Ziggurat »

Not intending any bathroom humour, but make sure you've taken a piss and have emptied your bowels before you start. If the thought even crosses your mind once that you might have to pee or shit, then you'll get no where imho. I always give myself an enema before I attempt this and make sure I'm nice and clean and empty. Also, doing a rince and repeat about 3 times really seems to loosen and relax my anus before attempting any anal play.
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Re: Having trouble also

Post by nastyboy69 »

i stumbled across this site about 6 months ago trying to find out about self sucking.. however i never thought of self fucking tbh. since i have never had the pleasure of feeling my cock on my mouth i browsed your site. then i found out about self fucking.. i have been trying several times a week to do this.. i always try while i lie on my back and i can touch my anus with the head of my cock. one time after a few hours of stretching (my cock) i thought i felt it go in but may have been a finger..so i am wondering a few things..to help accomplish this.. i have never had a real penis in side my ass, but i have had fingers, toys on of which is 9 inches long cyberskin.. but it is a bit to big around.. at least til i get it in.. so i know mine will fit in there lol.

1. how important is ano-genital distance..taint?
2. what is the minimum length of penis that has at least penetrated their own ass?

i really want to do this as i want to experience the feeling of being cummed in.

any tips would be appreciated..

ill reread some of the other posts too..

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Re: Having trouble

Post by luke3088 »

hi there, I only have about 5-6 inches so I am not large but have been able to penetrate and cum in my ass a few times. A bit of stretching when the penis is not erect and a bit of relaxing of the ass using a slim vibrater and I have managed very time. Keep at it and I am sure you will succeed, but don't get too anxious or it makes it difficult. It is an amazing feeling when you eventually get your cock in there!

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