Girl helping guy video

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Girl helping guy video

Post by blacksunshineaz »

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Re: Girl helping guy video

Post by aleingang69 »

Nice! I know I've seen it before - from an old film but I don't remember which one.

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Re: Girl helping guy video

Post by selfviking »

That is from the classic ´Femmes de Sade´ movie. Director was Alex de Renzy; the selfsucker was named Ken Turner a ..err.. one shot wonder afair.

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Re: Girl helping guy video

Post by luv2_self_n_swallow »

this would be a true dream come true for me!

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Re: Girl helping guy video

Post by ssandsfwithgf »

That's always a fun thing to do, if you can find a girl to do it. I'm not a huge fan of that video but others are quite interesting. Makes me feel like hopping up into bed and seeing if my girlfriend is down with that tonight. Wish me luck.

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