Need help doing this...

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Need help doing this...

Post by ph4yz3 »

So on a flexible day I can get the head into my mouth, but not for long. I usually get nasty heartburn for some reason and very lightheaded. I lay on my back with my bottom over me, and the biggest resistance point seems to be the bottom of my rib cage. I'm 6 foot 2, about 160lbs. I have a little pooch but not a huge beer gut. I try stretching but nothing works. Any suggestions? I just can't get past that first inch!

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Re: Need help doing this...

Post by akenrockk »

"Bro" do you selfsuck on an empty stomach? Do you stretch,warm up, drink plenty of fluids and relax? I had the same problem, i would get this heart burn pain then i realized that i was not taking the simple precautions listed here on this site, believe me it made a huge difference and can go further than the penis head now. Just consider those two questions. Here on this site they have plenty of great advice from all these awesome guys here, they all really helped me.Check out the rest of the members, they have some more great advice.

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Re: Need help doing this...

Post by ph4yz3 »

I usually drink a LOT of water just out of habit, probably twice the recommended amount per day. Perhaps my stomach isn't as empty as it should that why I get all the resistance around my diaphragm area?

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Re: Need help doing this...

Post by aleingang69 »

I think I'd do some research on acid reflux if I was having the heartburn problem - if you need to talk to a doctor about it you can always do the old "I'm doing yoga and I'm having this problem..." thing ;)

As to your ribs - you should get them taken out.

Just kidding! Do you tend to have a forward slump in your posture? Many, many people (including me) in Western cultures do. This might lead to tightness in the front of your torso that'll make the problem you're having more likely. Working on your posture will help.

Take it slow and easy and remember to enjoy the extraordinary thing you're able to do already - don't let that get lost in your desire for more depth. If you take it really slow and pay close attention (which isn't easy with your delicious cock dangling in your face) you should be able to figure out a way to avoid the rib problem.

Let us know how you do!


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Re: Need help doing this...

Post by ph4yz3 »

aleingang69 wrote:I think I'd do some research on acid reflux if I was having the heartburn problem - if you need to talk to a doctor about it you can always do the old "I'm doing yoga and I'm having this problem..." thing ;)

As to your ribs - you should get them taken out.

Just kidding! Do you tend to have a forward slump in your posture? Many, many people (including me) in Western cultures do. This might lead to tightness in the front of your torso that'll make the problem you're having more likely. Working on your posture will help.

Take it slow and easy and remember to enjoy the extraordinary thing you're able to do already - don't let that get lost in your desire for more depth. If you take it really slow and pay close attention (which isn't easy with your delicious cock dangling in your face) you should be able to figure out a way to avoid the rib problem.

Let us know how you do!

Yeah I kinda do have a forward slouch to my posture. So you're saying standing/sitting straighter will help? I thought slouching helped since that's the self suck position to begin with for the most part.

The heartburn isn't acid reflux, I very rarely get it in day to day life. Probably from pushing stomach acid up while bending in this case.

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Re: Need help doing this...

Post by blacksunshineaz »

It is acid reflux but it only happens when you put pressure on your stomach and the flap that separates your esophagus and stomach is opening and letting some of your stomach contents (acid) move back into the esophagus. Take a Zantac or simiar antacid 1 hour before you try selfing and see if that helps.

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Re: Need help doing this...

Post by seahorses »

Two things here. First of all work on that stomach, get yourself a washboard, a six pac, whatever. Not only will you be removing an obstacle, that at the moment is putting unwanted pressure on your stomach as you work roundit, you will develop better control in the gut area. Next, I’m inclined to agree with Blacksunshine on this, it sounds like acid escaping into the oesophagus. You need to be careful, stomach acid digests meat don’t forget, and can burn holes in other parts of your body! Try selfing in the C position or the X, at least until you have that stomach in shape.

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Re: Need help doing this...

Post by ph4yz3 »

seahorses wrote:Two things here. First of all work on that stomach, get yourself a washboard, a six pac, whatever. Not only will you be removing an obstacle, that at the moment is putting unwanted pressure on your stomach as you work roundit, you will develop better control in the gut area. Next, I’m inclined to agree with Blacksunshine on this, it sounds like acid escaping into the oesophagus. You need to be careful, stomach acid digests meat don’t forget, and can burn holes in other parts of your body! Try selfing in the C position or the X, at least until you have that stomach in shape.
Yeah, the x might be easier. I can get my ankles to the rear sides of my head, almost all the way back. Most of the tension is in my hips. Gotta do some stretches of some sort I suppose.

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Re: Need help doing this...

Post by akenrockk »

I agree with you bro' take your time never force. Do what makes you feel comfortable "always". You'll get there we all are capable of this cool self love, like they say practice makes perfect. I'm still pretty new at this, I've tried before, but without success. From my experience make sure your stomach is not full of too much water or food or you'll get that heartburn feeling, that's what happened to me at first, but then i realized that i did not prepared, at least wait 2 hours before trying and drink water as needed, take small zips. When i'm in the x, which works better for me by the way, and i get thirsty i always keep a bottle water by my side also that's a perfect time for me to stand up and stretch then i just resume to the x and i feel a big difference in my body's flexibility. Even contortionist and yoga people have to prepare their body's. I suggest to prepare beforehand, and if you have been doing so, give it a little more time and try different ways. The more knowledge, the more you'll know how your body communicates with you, also digest your system, eat something light. If hungry eat something organic like a fruit nothing heavy (processed foods) remember our body will react to how you treat it, like a car you gotta maintain it or it will not be as efficient as it's designed to perform. Hope this helps!! Good luck Bro'!!

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Re: Need help doing this...

Post by ph4yz3 »


So the x position... My calves need to be below my armpits, right? I can get into the position after some stretching but get the same pressure/resistance at my diaphragm as with the plow position.

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Re: Need help doing this...

Post by akenrockk »

stretching i believe is one of the main factors in achieving your goal! I suggest to keep working on the x if you feel it's easier to work with. Like i said before i'm not an expert, but so far it has been working for me and it does take some time, just be patient. Think about the great satisfaction you'll get when success (self reward) YES!, YES!, YES!! Touchdown baby!! I believe Al said before in his comments something like, that it's hard not to pressure yourself to try to get more depth when your delicious cock is dangling between your legs. I agree sometimes i feel my own pressure. I wish i didn't have to stretch or nothing, just want to get right to it. "let us know your progress!

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Re: Need help doing this...

Post by ph4yz3 »

So this was interesting... the X position provided the right stretching to get the head plus 2 inches in, in the plow position. Problem is, I hardly felt anything and I got really sweaty and uncomfortable, even though I wasn't straining really. Any remedy for this?

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Re: Need help doing this...

Post by ph4yz3 »


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Re: Need help doing this...

Post by aleingang69 »

Congrats, man - you're really getting some depth! I think you're already doing what you need to do - keep on doing it and figuring out what works for you. The more you do it, the more you'll be able to relax into and figure out how to really pleasure yourself. One of my favorite things doesn't even need much depth - just get the head in your mouth and swirl your tongue around your frenulum area - I can keep myself right on the edge of cumming forever that way.

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Re: Need help doing this...

Post by ph4yz3 »

The other thing is I think I lost a few pounds lately so that mighta helped. How do I keep from going soft? Why am I not really feeling anything?

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