Just starting out.

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Re: Just starting out.

Post by AlwaysCummin »

Good work so far. Sounds like you're figuring your body out pretty well! Keep it up!

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Re: Just starting out.

Post by Sheriff Woody »

AlwaysCummin wrote:Good work so far. Sounds like you're figuring your body out pretty well! Keep it up!
Thanks for the encouragement! :)

I woke up today feeling slightly sore, but in all the right spots. It reminds me of when I got back into exercise and lifting weights about a year ago after not having done it in a long time. My arms and legs were sore as shit - but that's because they weren't stressed in a long time, and that is what I'm feeling in the areas I need to stretch. That's a good sign. My self-designated target area is being worked in a way it never has been before.

I also think that using the bed frame as leverage when pulling myself downward is a lot better than the chair method, as it's a farther reach which demands more extension of my shoulders and upper back, and my arms don't seem to get fatigued as quickly.

Today is a rest day. I gave myself quite a workout yesterday, and I also made a protein shake afterward. Not sure if that will help with the healing time of the stretched areas, but it's healthy and tastes great, so I'm going to keep doing it just because. :)

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Re: Just starting out.

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I take glucosamine-chondroitin supplements to avoid any joint issues. They're not exactly cheap but I think doing something like this can put a lot of stress, especially your vertebrae, so this supplement should help out. I has made a difference for me.

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Re: Just starting out.

Post by Sheriff Woody »

BlackSunshineAZ wrote:I take glucosamine-chondroitin supplements to avoid any joint issues. They're not exactly cheap but I think doing something like this can put a lot of stress, especially your vertebrae, so this supplement should help out. I has made a difference for me.
Thanks, I'll definitely look into it. Any particular brand you recommend or website from which to purchase them?

Also, recommended dosage? Do you take them before a workout or after?

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Re: Just starting out.

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I think it's Nature Made or something. Many companies make them; I've used several brands. You can pick them up at pretty much any supermarket. I get them at Fry's (a Kroger brand) and they're usually buy one, get one free. I take one in the morning and one at night. You can probably take more if you want, I don't think you can overdo it. Not sure of the actual dosage but I think they're all the same. Sorry I can't be more specific. I'm not near where I can get to them easily at the moment.

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Re: Just starting out.

Post by blacksunshineaz »

It's Nature's Bounty, this is what I've been using:
https://www.google.com/shopping/product ... EKYrMA84FA

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Re: Just starting out.

Post by Sheriff Woody »

BlackSunshineAZ wrote:I think it's Nature Made or something. Many companies make them; I've used several brands. You can pick them up at pretty much any supermarket. I get them at Fry's (a Kroger brand) and they're usually buy one, get one free. I take one in the morning and one at night. You can probably take more if you want, I don't think you can overdo it. Not sure of the actual dosage but I think they're all the same. Sorry I can't be more specific. I'm not near where I can get to them easily at the moment.
Thanks for the info. I'll pick some up in my travels.

So, as I was browsing the forum, I came across a link about stretching in I believe it was the tips post that's pinned at the time. The link said that for the best results, stretch only ever 4 days with only mild stretching in-between. Since I'm new at this and don't want to overwork my body, I think I'm going to follow this advice and take a 96 hour rest period between stretching sessions. Has anyone heard about this or put the claim to the test?

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Re: Just starting out.

Post by Sheriff Woody »

It's been 4 days since my last stretch session, so I warmed up with a hot bath, did 4 sets of time in the plow position with each set adding slightly more time than the last. My plan is to keep adding time to every stretching session so I'm always doing more than I did before. Today, the times started at 90 second and ended at 2 minutes (10 seconds added to each individual stretch). Then I did some manual pulls using the bottom of my computer chair and the bed frame. It seems to work best if I start with a few on the chair and move then to the bed. Warmed down with another dip in the tub, then a hot shower, and now a heating pad.

It's difficult to gauge progress physically at this point, but I can feel that I gave myself a good workout today, so I feel good about it. 4 days from now, I'll be back to the full routine. Going to add some light and easy stretches in the off days just to stay limber and because it sounds like a good idea.

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Re: Just starting out.

Post by Sheriff Woody »

I concentrated on breathing today while stretching. Gotta remember to keep doing that. Had a great session today and now I'm warming down with a heating pad.

I picked up some glucosamine and chondroitin with MSM from the local health foods store and I'm taking one a night before bed. I'd take more, but shit is expensive.

This routine has had a very positive impact on my everyday life even from this early stage. I eat healthy to begin with, but I'm eating even healthier, staying hydrated, avoiding junk food and too much alcohol, etc. When the weather gets nice in the springtime, I'll be outside a lot more exercising to stay in shape, and all of these factors combined can aid in the process of reaching my goals.

Nevertheless, I still have a lot more to do and a ways to go, but that's fine. You can't win the Super Bowl when you're still in the preseason. Everything takes time.


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Re: Just starting out.

Post by aleingang69 »

You've got a great attitude, buddy - glad you're sticking with it! Like you say - as long as you take it slow you're going to end up healthier than when you started, so it's a good thing no matter what.


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Re: Just starting out.

Post by blacksunshineaz »

Sheriff Woody wrote:I picked up some glucosamine and chondroitin with MSM from the local health foods store and I'm taking one a night before bed. I'd take more, but shit is expensive.
Supposedly getting it from a health food store is better quality, but the price is ridiculous. I get mine from my local supermarket and it's almost always buy one get one free with your shopper rewards card. It still isn't cheap but the price difference is astounding.

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Re: Just starting out.

Post by rubbed »

Every four days is a good idea. I use a heating pad sometimes before and even during a Session; then I use a cooling or ice pack afterwards. I'm pretty sure heating the back loosens things up.
I do yoga 2 to 3 times a week, it helps loosen the whole body. It helps, if everything from the toes to the top of the neck is stretched. Check out You Tube for Yoga beginner and intermediate videos.

You have a good attitude and focus. At times I have written down my progress after sessions, this way I can keep track of things that work.

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Re: Just starting out.

Post by Sheriff Woody »

I'm trying to keep my tabs here so others can see the journey from beginning. Helping to encourage others is one of the best ways of encouraging yourself to always do better and become the best version of yourself that you can be. I used to be a very negative person, but I've turned that around in recent years and I know the value of positive thinking and confidence.


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Re: Just starting out.

Post by Sheriff Woody »

Pushed myself harder today than before. I can tell I'm making progress while bent back in the plow. It's not a lot of progress, but it's better than I've ever done before. 4 days from now, I'm going to do it again. :D

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Re: Just starting out.

Post by Sheriff Woody »

I've been quiet here lately, but haven't missed a day of stretching.

Concentrating on breathing has been hugely helpful so far. Lately I've been watching solo suck videos and paying attention to how the bodies of others bend, where each part of their trunk is positioned when bent over and sucking. I'm concentrating on putting my own body in a similar position, which also seems to be something worth continuing.

I'll be back with more updates in the near future. :)

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