clean before it?

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clean before it?

Post by wipalmi0328 »

Hi im new in this forum and im trying to self fuck but i want to know something before. How do you clean you ass before the self fuck? You do an enema or something?

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Re: clean before it?

Post by Ziggurat »

Hey Wip, welcum aboard!

I'm not sure about a lot of guys here, but I ALWAYS do an enema before any anal play. Even if I'm just going to enjoy a dildo ride, I always empty out first. I don't use an enema bub though. I just use a removable adjustable showerhead, I turn it to pulse stream and place it against my anus and let the water flow in. Then once I feel full, I push it out just like pushing any bowel movement. I will usually do this three times in a row to make sure I'm nice and clean and empty. Any sort of liquid transfer tool could do this though. A plastic syringe for cleaning ears and noses. A turkey baster. I used to use a plastic hair dye applicator before I bought the shower head at Wallymart. I was actually going to make a video of this but have never done it. Figured it was too close to scat and didn't want to offend anyone.. myself included. :D
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