Newbie: 2 inches away from the dream

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Newbie: 2 inches away from the dream

Post by megkeys »

Hey, newbie here! I'm in my mid 20s and I've always dreamed of selfsucking but I've recently decided to really go for it and work until I can get there.

I'm 6'1" and very thin, no gut, so weight won't be an issue. My cock (uncut) is usually between 6.5 and 7 inches erect. Lying on my back with my legs over my head, I'm about 2 inches or less from touching the tip with my tongue. Probably about 3 or 4 inches away putting the head completely in my mouth.

My question is what should I expect, in terms of time? Anyone with similar body types who started out like this? How long did it take you? Can I get there within weeks, months? I just want to be realistic about my goals.

What's a good excercise to get there? For the past 3 days I've just been lying a few minutes each day on my back, legs over head— not forcing it, but trying to get my back used it (my back is just slightly sore now, which I expected). Is this effective? How much time a day should I be dedicating to this?

Of course yoga would help and I plan taking some lessons later on this year, but right now is there any specific routine that I could do?

Thanks in advance for any help!

EDIT: Sorry, I posted in the wrong section, this goes in self-suck. Can a mod please move it? :)

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Re: Newbie: 2 inches away from the dream

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I a 6'2" and when I was in college (about 21 years old) I wanted to try this again after being able to lick the tip in my early teens. I was pretty thin then, maybe 145 pounds. Unfortunately, I wasn't at all flexible. I was around 14 inches away from making contact. I really didn't devote much time to it until I moved out of my folks' house and into an apartment where I had some privacy. I experimented with several different methods, the most effective were to lie on my back, throw my legs over my head and either 1) spread my legs far apart and place them against the bottom of the couch, or 2) keep feet fairly close together and push off the closet door at the end of the hallway. I placed a pillow under my head, but I still managed to get rug burns on my neck. I eventually discovered that if I soak in hot water in the bathtub this helps my flexibility so I did that. After a while I got the idea to turn sideways with my butt against the wall-side of the tub and my shoulders against the open side. I was then able to place my feet sole-to-sole and lift my legs up over my head to stretch out my legs. At one time I was able to lick the tip this way and just about put both ankles behind my neck.

I practiced 2-3 times a week, maybe 1-2 hours at a time. I got sore; I even hurt my back a bit a couple of times. However, I eventually got to the point of being able to wrap my lips around the head of my cock. Still not past my teeth, so technically I wasn't really sucking it, but still, it was quite an accomplishment. I moved into a house not long after that and unfortunately I gained weight, making this impossible for about a year and a half. Who knew taking antihistamines daily would lead to weight loss? I stopped taking them after getting allergy shots and quickly lost 10 pounds. Since then, about a year and a half ago, I've been practicing 1-2 times a week. I got a vinyl-covered foam exercise mat and do my stretches on it, flipped over with feet against the wall. This gives me the best stretch and depth and I can get my lips around the head with minimal effort. I also do my bathtub stretches and can easily get my right ankle behind my neck and sometimes can lick it. Another position to do is to sit on the floor or ottoman (not too tall), grasp one forearm with the opposite hand with both arms under my thighs, bending forward and bending your back. All of these have helped tremendously in getting limber. I have found that what really helps are hip opening stretches. It's not all your back and neck, you hips and hamstrings need to be looser or you won't have much success. However, working your back is important and it's good to try to get a good curve moving up and down your spine, not just focusing on one specific area. The way to do this is to lie on your shoulders with feet over head against the wall and try various points/heights on the wall where you feet make contact. Move up and down. After a while you can keep your feet in one place and work your back up and down. What you want is good curve throughout your whole back instead of a sharp bend at one place because you run the risk of seriously injuring yourself. Trust me, you don't want that. I mentioned hurting myself before and I would consider those incidents mild, yet it still took several weeks to get better. I'm not talking about muscle or ligament strain, I mean actual joint/spine discomfort. I have been taking glucosamine/chondroitin supplements to help keep my joints healthy and I recommend them, although they can be expensive.

How long did it take? We'll, back in 2002-2003 when I finally regained contact after a 14-year hiatus, I think it took the greater part of a year. I kept going and progress was slow until the past year and a half. Since every body is different I can't say how long it will take you, but it is possible. I actually taught a friend to do it last summer and he was able do get his lips around this tip using the same techniques I use. Granted, he's in a lot better shape and does yoga regularly, but still, mighty impressive. He had done it as teen but it was the first time in years he was able to do this. He had tried several times before I showed him and said he failed miserably. We spent maybe and hour or two and he got results. I have also been doing yoga but not too frequently so I hesitate to say whether it's helped me but if you're committed to doing it regularly I would recommend it, not just to selfsuck but for the overall wellness benefits.

I should mention that I am hovering around 195-200 pounds right now and have a little bit of a belly. I do think it's getting in the way, but the fact that I've been able to get so far is astonishing. If I lost 20 pounds I am sure I'd be able to truly suck an inch or two.

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Re: Newbie: 2 inches away from the dream

Post by AlwaysCummin »

Welcome! Glad you joined us, megkeys!

I've been selfing for over 15 years, and it's taken a majority of that time to get to where I am today, where I can get my lips down to the base of my cock with the head poking the back of my throat. So definitely don't expect to be deepthroating yourself within the first few months, or the first few years for that matter! However, I did get some pretty satisfactory depth within the first few years, but it took work. I've got a similar body type, super thin, and my cock is 5.75 inches fully erect, and when I started over a decade ago, I was a similar distance away as you are now. So that being said, if you work on it steadily, and don't over stress yourself, you should make pretty good progress! Just take it slow and steady so you don't injure yourself!

Do a lot of reading up on the forums here, lots of people have given tips on stretching exercises, and what to focus on when stretching. I've found that it always helps me the most to stretch in the plow position, and focus on stretching the lower back area primarily. Of course, you'll need to find what works best for you. But don't give up! Everyone here is very positive and supportive, and we'll definitely give you tons of encouragement to help keep you going!

Best of luck in your self-sucking journey!

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Re: Newbie: 2 inches away from the dream

Post by ganymedetroy »

In either plow or C, the last lesson I learned was to thrust the hips. It can make all the difference. You just have to be sure your ribs are far enough behind your hips to settle in. I find sitting in a lounge chair for about45 minutes is a great starter, much better than general stretching.

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Re: Newbie: 2 inches away from the dream

Post by soloteen »

If you're only two inches away right now, you're miles ahead of most people when they start out. I was probably 6-8 inches away when I started, and it took me probably 3-4 months of stretching to make contact at all. I built up to the point that I could hit the back of my throat, but I can't do that anymore. I lose practice when I'm in a relationship!

Anyway, keep stretching. Focus on your breathing, that's the most important thing. Push yourself to where you feel it stretching, take a deep breath in, and when you exhale you should be able to push a little further. Be careful, obviously, but the breathing thing was something I wish I knew really early on. I still go through a yoga routine before I selfsuck, every time, and I'm still 100% focused on my breath while I'm stretching.

Good luck!

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