Stretchy workout bands

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Stretchy workout bands

Post by Loveducky »

Used some lightweight fancy workout bands with caribeeners on the ends to great effect. Lifts the effort in a similar way that gravity does for some. Basically you just hook the ends onto something stable and bounce a little to achieve deeper effect.

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Re: Stretchy workout bands

Post by aleingang69 »

Can't picture it - is there a youtube video or something that shows how it works?

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Re: Stretchy workout bands

Post by Loveducky » ... gJnEfD_BwE

like these. but use the lighter weight ones!!! just attach to the bottom of a chair and swing it around your head. relax and suck when you fall into position.

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Re: Stretchy workout bands

Post by torae »

he's basically talking about using elastic band to create tension to pull you closer so you can go deeper but not one strong enough to force you and hurt yourself. Rather get one that is strong enough to apply some pressure and when you relax into it you will go deeper.

At least that's what I got out of the explanation.

I think this is done using your arm in C position to pull you closer for more depth but with arm exertion it's hard to relax into the position. This elastic band take the arm strain away so you are not so tense though I think you have to be more careful to not hurt yourself because the elastic band is forcing you into a position.

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Re: Stretchy workout bands

Post by blacksunshineaz »

Where would you attach these bands? To each other to make a loop?

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Re: Stretchy workout bands

Post by Loveducky »

It's actually been a lot of fun trying them with different objects and positions. My best so far was attaching them to the lower horizontal support structures of an office chair. Then simply loop over your head onto neck and relax for awhile. Some neck padding with pillow really helps. Also sit backwards in the chair so the backrest doesn't impede the curvature of the back. It's basically a weight enhanced stretching technique that certain athletes and yogis use. But be careful! And don't strain; just relax and wait while your body comfortably assumes a good position without using your arm strength and allowing a comfortable slight elastic bounce when needed.

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