10 simple but GOLDEN rules for successful auto fellatio.

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10 simple but GOLDEN rules for successful auto fellatio.

Post by beatboxx »

A BIG THANKS TO AL EINGANG FOR THIS WEBSITE...although i had started sucking my dick on my own this site has greatly helped to better the experience.

The 10 simple but GOLDEN rules according to me are as follows :

(just for the record im an average built guy , not overweight and not overly flexible just normal and have been sucking for atleast 3 years successfully)

(1) I have found it extremly helpful to perfom better on an EMPTY STOMACH ( some time after the loo)

It prevents unwanted upset like feelings in the stomach . And also it will help guys who like to perform anal play simultaneously, better.

(2) Do NOT just try to go all out and suck your cock . Atleast stretch for 10 mins..it really really helps.

By stretching i mean just simply standing up and try to touch you toes with your fingers.Basically just try to get your spine and legs to stretch and your head and neck to be as close to the penis area as possible just so the body is somewhat ready.

(3) Be completely NAKED , trim your pubic hair and ass hair and if you have a cock ring it will really help.

(4)Get yourself really HORNY . You can do this by abstaining from jerking off for 3-4 days. Then on the 5th day get the porn that really turns you on and spend some time getting your cock very hard. I usually watch blowjob movies cause it makes you want to suck your cock even more.

(5)After you are all heated up , lie down on a bed which has some wall next to it , you will need it for support. Now i want you guys to try out the ' X ' position ..those of you who dont know its given very well on this website what exactly is the x position so go through it. That + the procedure below makes this X position the best in my book as its got much more advantages like you have your hands very free etc.

Lie down on the bed with your head near the wall ( perpendicular ) you and the wall should make a "T" . Now get one leg over your head . Now the following should be done strictly while in sleeping position only , that is , with your back on the bed . Keeping your back on the bed get one leg over and behind your head , this will make your lower back and ass go up . Now keeping your upper back still on the bed do the same with the other leg. IT might cause some pain still , which will make your hard on quite soft , but dont worry get up and stretch again until the legs go behind with as little pain as possible.

Now when in this position your legs will be just behind your head and also near the WALL as i earlier mentioned. Try to get a good grip with your leg/legs on the wall .Now stay in this position for sometime , try to get used to it. Use the time in maybe playing with your asshole if you are an ass fan or its even great to stimulate your nipples and will make you get your erection back , build in yourself the hunger to suck cock. its right there in front of you , your wet mouth is waiting and the pleasure is no one else but yours .. this is the best part about AF it satisfies your cock sucking needs as well as your getting a head and a great orgasm .

Back to where we were. Now after you are hard and your legs are gripping the wall behind you. With your hands hold each Butt cheak firmly. Now the following should all go in one complete motion together ....make your neck and hence mouth/tounge reach out towards the cock to suck it , simulatenously with your hands push the lower back/ ass towards yourself , simulateouly apply pressure on the wall with your feet such that you are trying to walk down or just pull down or just for the grip. All these 3 should happen together and you should atleast be able to get your tounge/lips on the head of your penis. If you want to go more further down such that you want to enclose the dick in your mouth or get around 40-50% inside your mouth you will have to remain in that position and keep trying , ie , keep applying pressure on the wall , on your ass with your hands and for the neck put a pillow or two below it because the neck pain will be a big hindrance .
Now as you remain in this positon for around 20 mins you will notice your body getting used to it . Your back will get more flexible without having to use your hands to push your ass upwards but the pressure on the legs will remain the same or more. Hence its good if you got strong legs.

In the first try im sure you will get atleast 30-50% of your cock in your mouth. As you gradually increase AF you will get better almost getting 80% inside your mouth in around 2 months time.

(6) Now there are many things you can do once you get your cock in your mouth..for that do a little surfing on blowjob techniques. But one of my favs is to pull down on the skin while sucking upwards tightly. This makes my orgasm very strong and the sprem just spurts out of my dick

(7) I myself , do not do AF more than ONCE A WEEK and i advice you guys the same becasue for some it might get addictive and for some it might lead to back and neck problems. But i assure your dick will never complain :-)

(8)Perform this if possible in an AC air condition room because it is strenous work and you will sweat as the body is not used to such a position.

(9)However HORNY you are always stop if you are getting some breathing problems or pain in the spine ...sometimes i know we tend to get carried away by our sexual desire but please stop or it might lead to some unecessar problems.

(10)Workout in the gym helps to a great extent than if you are a very flabby person for whom i feel this is near impossible.

Thanks , i wanted to write this to help many guys out there who want to fulfill the desire to feel a BLOWJOB on their dick . If any questions or doubts please ask them i will always help.

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Re: 10 simple but GOLDEN rules for successful auto fellatio.

Post by aleingang69 »

Thanks beatboxx!
We appreciate your taking the time to share your tips - how about some pictures or video to help the guys out even more?
I'm unclear about something - you talk about the X position but it sounds more like you're talking about Plow:
Which one are you referring to?
It sounds like you're unusually flexible (like me) and I wanted to warn men of average (or less) flexibility that they're not likely to achieve the results you're talking about in the time frame you mention - but they should keep on trying!

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Re: 10 simple but GOLDEN rules for successful auto fellatio.

Post by lovepre »

Hey, that was some great advice. I’m an old self-sucker, who has often thought about a check list of things that must be right before I start another ss session. You have hit on most of them. (I do a little of the C, but mostly end up in the plow, where I can just lay back and without any hands just suck away).

The most important thing you said was that #9, (don’t get carried away by your sexual desire and go too far, and hurt yourself), I’ve been there, done that, bend too far before the body is able to adjust.

I used to agree with you on #7, (do not do AF more than ONCE A WEEK, it might get addictive). I AM ADDICKED TO MY DICK, and love it. And until I was in my early 40s, I never ss more that once a week. But after almost losing my ability, I started to do it more often, some times as much as 3 times in one day, and 4-5 days in a row, with a total 8-10 times of swallowing my cum within a 4-5 day marathon. Now after that I might go 3-4 days before I lay down with my dick again. I most often only had one of these marathons per month. Boy those were the good old days. Not that I can’t ss more than once a week now, (I had a three about a month ago). I think the most important thing is LISSON TO YOUR BODY, you almost always have a little pain, (or for me more like discomfort after), but not lasting more than 30-45 min. IF YOU HAVE PAIN THAT IS POINT OF source, (ONE SMALL SPOT), STOP AND WAIT FOR A BETTER DAY. If you have pain over the entire back area that has been super-stretched, and you are able to bend again with the pain not worst, then you can do it again. At least that has worked with me. And if I am ss-ing every day or so, 3 times a week or so, then seams like I can get to my cock quicker, less stretching, and less pain.

I know we all are not built the same, and what worked for me might not work for all. But my advice to anyone who can ss, try to see if your body will adjust to 3-4 times a week, if so add a little more. I am 60 now, I started when I was a kid, unable to cum, sucked it just for the thrill of it, 5-6 years before I reached puberty. At 13 when I was able to ejaculate, (that was when the real fun started). I ss-ed at the most only once a week. But like I said when I got in my 40s I was afraid I was going to lose my ability so I started to ss more often, and found out that I could with no lasting effects,( unless you count this smile on my face that I can’t get rid of).

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Re: 10 simple but GOLDEN rules for successful auto fellatio.

Post by beatboxx »

Thanks AL and lovepre for your feedbacks , appreciate it greatly....

For AL >> Yes , i am talking about the X position not the plow. In my variation of the X position , the body is a little more away from the wall so that the feet come into play and can provide some more grip. As in , some part of the sole of the feet is against the wall. People with strong calves can hold on the feet to the wall and try to put the feet as low as they can go. This would be greatly clear if i had some video , which as i dont have time right now , i will be putting up after some time surely , a VIDEO with 1) PREPERATION (STRETCHING ET AL)

Since im having time constraints due to my college work this will take time but i want to make a very helpful video with atleast 2-3 unique techniques of my own which i feel will be completely understood only by this video.

For lovepre >> Its amazing what you have described im already your fan ! .. since you have such great experience i would definately like to learn from you..... Are you having any major spine problems or other problems with your body after doing it for so many years? If yes then what are the best ways to avoid them . Thx.

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Re: 10 simple but GOLDEN rules for successful auto fellatio.

Post by lovepre »

Yea, after telling you all that, you think I must look like the hunchback of Notre Dame? No, I have no problem standing erect. The only thing that might not be average is my flexibility, which has come from training not from any special condition like Al. I just started to bend over and suck myself at a young age, and condition myself over the years. The biggest hindrance, for me, is keeping my weight down. Right now I would like to lose another 10-15 lbs., but as you get older it’s more difficult. (By the way I’m 6-2, 215 lbs).

As for any spine problems? No I don’t have any problems at all. I stand erect and practice good posture, which is important. After each ss session, I spend a little time stretching back to the normal position, and even a little more. I do an exercise that I call the old sway back horse, which is to roll over on all fours, and let you back bend down toward the floor, slow at first, just let the weight of your mid-section lower your stomach first. Then after a min. or so put a little more opposite flex into it, never to the point of causing pain. Then I stand up, and do the something standing, often looking in the mirror at my side profile, and put a little back bend to my spine before I go out to face the world. The only problem (and it’s just a small one), is remembering not to bend too far out in public. A thing like bending over to tie my shoes is so easy I have to remind myself to not go too far. And when discussions of “can you touch your toes” come up, I make a show of it that I can’t make it. Which in reality, I can bend over and place my palms flat on the floor and even touch my head to my shins while doing that. But no, when I stand erect, I look nothing but normal, because I pay attention to how my posture looks in mirrors and I always take note of it in pictures and family videos.

So let me tell you that the fear that most guys have that too much ss-ing will deform there body, and make them look like the hunchback is BS. For example look at the acrobats in the Olympics, when not performing they look as normal as can be.

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Re: 10 simple but GOLDEN rules for successful auto fellatio.

Post by anattasannya »

I'm 23 years old now, I am just starting autofellatio 3 days ago. Now it's about 3 - 4 inch from the tip. I have tried C and plow but it's about 3 - 4 inch from the tip. Thanks. Honestly I got inspired by this video. May anyone give concrete exercise procedure to do that ? I think my back muscle not too flexible. Thanks.

https://www.4shared.com/video/fk9pSJbie ... d_Cum.html

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Re: 10 simple but GOLDEN rules for successful auto fellatio.

Post by PlowingOnesSelf »

Beatbox your description on how to get into the X is stellar and I think what you are explaining is using the plow/w wall to get the leaverage for us to get into X position, makes it sound quite doable from a perspective of a person that isn’t the most flexible without much stretching, I’ll be giving this a go this week and see if I can finagle it.



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