Easy warm up stretch strap

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Easy warm up stretch strap

Post by variousandy »

I have been selfing for 5 years now (started when I turned 50) I didn't really think I was a genuine selfsucker but reading on here I realise there are a lot more like me who can do it but maybe not balls deep but still get a lot of fun out of it ,I have found that yoga makes a HUGE difference one thing I use witch maybe of use to other selfers is a adjustable strap like a belt fastened in a loop ,sit on the floor knees slightly bent, arms under legs and strap over the top of legs put hands though loops of the strap ,left hand goes through right side loop ,right hand though left side and push back on a wall with the feet ,I find this a easy way to start the initial stretching seems to save a lot of effort and is very powerful and quick , its no good for actual selfsucking your cock ,I need a hand free to get mine in my mouth ,but it is excellent at getting you to were you need to be as quickly as possible , I also put some foam between my arms and legs to increase the stretch ,with this you can target upper or lower back by moving nearer the knees or nearer the hips , I have a video of it but do not know how to post it on here ,any tips on doing so would be welcome ,id love it if this helped others to go deeper .

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Re: Easy warm up stretch strap

Post by blacksunshineaz »

Do you have a photo you can post? You don't have to be naked if you don't want to. I'm very interested in anything that can help me get more depth but I'm having a little trouble picturing what this looks like.

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Re: Easy warm up stretch strap

Post by gebro »

Interesting! I don't know what make of Stretch Strap is being used, but I Googled "Stretch Strap" and there's lots on offer, and even video exercises too.

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Re: Easy warm up stretch strap

Post by variousandy »

Sorry , when I said stretch strap I meant a strap to use for stretching with , the one I use came off some hockey goal keeping protection equipment and is made of a non stretch webbing about 3 inch's wide with an adjustable buckle to alter the length its about 1.5 metres long I think if you can obtain some suitable webbing it would be possible to make it adjustable using safety pins ,I used this method before I found this strap ,put some gaffer tape round the join for protection ,I have no photos but on my next session I will take some , can I post them directly on to solosuck ? I have some video of the strap in use but how do I post it on here .

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Re: Easy warm up stretch strap

Post by torae »

So after re-reading the description a few time and trying to visualize it, I think I kinda understand what variousandy is talking about.

So the strap is just a close loop of non-stretchy material. thicket band is better so that it doesn't cut into the skin of your leg too much.
your position is that similar to C position with your arms under your legs, with knee not straighten. (hugging your legs essentially)
The strap loop go on top of your legs and hang off the side as handle for your hands.
Your hand go under the legs and out the other side which is why he say right hand grab left side of strap.
With your hands gripping the loop, your arm are essentially locked to your legs. When you straighten your your legs you are also pulling yourself forward, stretching.
If you add foam between your arms and legs you make it so that your stretch pull deeper. If you have done C position before this is like pulling yourself deeper with your arm muscles. This method let you do it without straining your arms I guess.

Thank you for the tip Varisouandy!

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Re: Easy warm up stretch strap

Post by tennsteven »

Sure would like to see a photo or video just something visual. Thanks, S

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Re: Easy warm up stretch strap

Post by variousandy »

Yes you are correct torae ,you describe it well I now have some photos and will hopfuly put them on here later if I can work out how ,what it seems to do is let you put more power in to the stretch for a lot less effort

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Re: Easy warm up stretch strap

Post by variousandy »

here are the photos of the strap in use I am not putting much into the stretch more concentrating on the view of the strap and trying to get it right in 10 seconds before the camera goes off , you need to have it as tight as comfortable and I find having it nearer the knees with palms facing down focuses on the upper back and moving it nearer the hips palms facing up will focus on the lower back , you can get some serious grip with it and I hope it works for you as well as it has for me .

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