I think I can do this

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Re: I think I can do this

Post by halcyon »

Gains are slower now, but getting a bit further each time. Still doing the stretching routine, exercise, and diet. Getting rid of some of the fat helps go further and also breathing.

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Re: I think I can do this

Post by aleingang69 »

Personally, I've found that a pillow under the head is counter-productive in the long run. It puts a really extreme curve in your neck and tends to push your chin toward your chest, which is not where you want it. Sounds like you're doing great!

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Re: I think I can do this

Post by halcyon »

Thanks Al, I tried without the pillow today and it went well, I was using the pillow before because of neck pain but I didn't get that this time. I think my back is more flexible in general so I was able to control the flexion at different points better than before.

I also tried the X position, not an inverted X but a real one---and I was able to get into the position and make first contact with it! It wasn't a great X, my ankles were at the back of the crown of my head, but I was able to get my ankles locked and managed to pull hard with my arms and just lick the tip.

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Re: I think I can do this

Post by halcyon »

Wanted to post an update, I'm getting further but I'm not as far as I wanted to be at this point. I had some work commitments for three weeks that that took me out of the routine, but I have started stretching again today and can now continue. Maybe I'll gain more flexibility in the next week or two, but as of now I can get half the tip consistently after stretching out, and occasionally more. My goal was the whole tip by now (3 months), but it's going to take a bit longer. When I can get the whole tip without coming up for air much I think I'll be in heaven.

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Re: I think I can do this

Post by halcyon »

I did it :)

It was in the plow, but the angle is still a bit odd. I'm able to get most of my head in if I wanted but with some strain. What felt better was the angle I'm getting with the frenulum, and working that along with some head action too. And I was able to hold the position reasonably comfortable so that I didn't have to come up for air and didn't lose contact for several minutes, I was able to have fun and bring myself to climax. Good lord it felt good. I've had blow jobs before from my ex-girlfriend so I know what it's like, and solo feels really good. It was definitely worth the effort getting to this point. It took me 5 months to get here from the start, and thank you to the forum for having all this out there.

I still have a long way to go to reach my goals, but this was a huge milestone. I'm going to continue to stretch and get more flexible, and continue exercising, eating healthy, and getting more fat off my gut. I'm in the best shape of my life right now lol

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Re: I think I can do this

Post by The_twig_187 »


Currently I’m where you were a few months ago. Still haven’t made contact but getting closer and closer every day... this is possible! Happy for you buddy

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Re: I think I can do this

Post by halcyon »

Just wanting to do an update, I made some progress on this but November 2019 I had to get a spot removed in the middle of my back between my shoulder blades which required internal and external stitches, it was about a 2" vertical incision. Pretty much the area of skin that stretches the most when solo sucking. So I knew I wouldn't be able to stretch like I was before, and I did the best that I could with stretching until it fully healed to the point where it could resist the extreme stretching from solo sucking, which I thought would take 3 months, but it took longer.

So I was doing as much stretching as I could while protecting the wound that was healing. I have posted in this thread that I do yoga-style stretches 5-6 days a week for about 20 minutes before working out, in January 2020 I added the x-stretch, plow, and upward facing dog to the stretches. These aren't intense stretches, perhaps medium intensity, so I was able to do these while the wound was healing. There are only three sets of each, the first 10-15s hold, the remaining two sets are 5-8s hold. I could do these with medium intensity and still try to retain some flexibility.

In March 2020 I was doing a lot of physical work for 4 hours straight, and afterward when I was doing the stretches I mentioned above and I noticed I was extremely flexible. I was so flexible that I thought I could solo without stretching the wound too much, and I was right. I have read many times that solo sucking changes a lot when you can get your lips around your entire head, and I was able to do this in the c-position--which isn't my best position but it protected the wound on my back. I was so flexible I had the best solo experience so far and was able to jerk and suck around my head at the same time, and not have to take a break from back fatigue. It was an incredible experience, and this is when I fully understood what the rave of solo sucking was truly about.

Since then, I haven't been able to get as far. I had some setbacks with the wound on my back healing. But today it's been about 6 months since the procedure and I think it's ready to withstand the forces of the extreme stretching routine that I was progressing with before I got the procedure. My first goal is to get flexible enough to have the experience I had in March 2020, but without so much prep, to be able to do that each time I do normal intense stretches which is about one hour or so of prep and exercises.

I can't believe I started this thread nearly 2 years ago, but March 2020 was a huge milestone and showed me what is possible.

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Re: I think I can do this

Post by Otto Fella »

It has been over two years now ... update?

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Re: I think I can do this

Post by halcyon »

I can make contact whenever I want, and I solo about once every two weeks reaching varying degrees of the head after exercising and stretching. Progress is slower, but then again I'm not pushing stretching to the limits because each solo session I can come in my mouth and have an amazing experience. The issue is if I push stretching during the week my back will get sore and I won't be able to get as far at some point, so for me it is a balance between having my back healthy/stretchy versus progressing that causes me inflexibility resulting in fewer solo sessions.

I think I have struck this balance, but it's a patience game to progress, but I am progressing; looking at this by measuring in months and years rather than judging in weeks or a month at a time. There are other milestones to be had other than how far I can get; like earlier when I said I can solo more often by striking a balance between back health and inflexibility, my last solo session I was able to hold the position longer and more consistently for several minutes rather than having to take breaks which resulted in a more satisfying experience. I am also having to do less warm-up stretching to solo.

I have read that part of what allows contortionists to achieve such feats is they are actually lengthening their ligaments over time, but doing so takes stem cell growth and is a slower progression than using the elasticity of what the ligaments currently have. I believe this is where I am at currently, so it's more of a long-term outlook and the results have shown that over time, while still being able to enjoy solo more often.

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Re: I think I can do this

Post by HOT4SSRS »

I have really enjoyed your journey! And I relate. I spent many nights frustrated because I couldn't make contact. So close though. I have never gotten any further than you are now, so good luck!
Hot guy here....searching for a true exhibitionist who gets off on blowing himself and being watched...by me of course!

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