How long from tipping to full head+1"??

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How long from tipping to full head+1"??

Post by tipper747 »

It seems that there is a bottleneck of guys who can get to the "tip" but cant manage full head( all of it) + some shaft. Is this natures cruel bottleneck?
* How long did it take you to get past it? Was even the whole head worth the effort?

( I can tip 1/2 head with little to no discomfort or backpain at this point. But thats been the case for 6 months.Empty stomach helps also.)

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Re: How long from tipping to full head+1"??

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I've been stuck there for years... I can wrap my lips around the tip, with almost no discomfort, but I can't get it past my teeth and into my mouth. I've sort of gotten it between my teeth a couple of times but I really strained to do it and paid for it later.

I've been getting private instruction from a yoga teacher and go to classes 1-2 times a week. It helps a bit but I think my biggest hindrance if my belly. I have a hard time getting my mouth open because my chin is pressed against my chest and there is no way to open it. Perhaps I need to try putting a small towel or something behind my neck to raise it up but keep my head on the floor (I "crawl the wall"/use plow position).

I don't even get much physical pleasure from this yet, it's all psychological at this point. If I could actually wrap my lips around the shaft and suck on it, I'm sure it would feel good. That's my goal; going beyond that is just gravy.

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Re: How long from tipping to full head+1"??

Post by tipper747 »

I would agree. Wieght watchers may be a better bet than that many years with yoga and 0 results. Just fasting for 3 days helps me. But im thinking you waste distance trying to reach around your fat roll. It does seem this is the most common bottleneck though. Im using a weight belt with a chair frontbend to get through the x position eventually.In 6 months i should be past the knob.

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Re: How long from tipping to full head+1"??

Post by igodownonme »

I can relate, it does seem to be nature's cruel trick. It was stuck there as well, but I kept trying harder, and finally was able to fully suck the head, and within a few months, half my dick. I actually have the first time I sucked the head on tape. Best orgasm ever. That was the C position, but then for some reason I lost some of the flexibility, but regained by doing the plow, where I concentrate on my spinal curve, imagining that I'm watching myself, and seeing my back bend. I do yogafellatio massages with a tennis ball, and thoracic spine exercises. And instead of walking down the wall, I use a heavy dresser, by removing an upper drawer, assume the position with my cock near my face, I then push my feet up to bring my dick down, like I'm aiming for my eyes. This can take awhile and you have to be patient, but once I can poke my dick in my eye, I'm there. Plus I give cock and balls a good tongue bath as well. I still lose flexibility from time to time, don't know why, but I just accept it and enjoy the ride anyway! I'm also working on the X by hooking my toes under the bottom ledge of the trusty old dresser, but can't quite suck the entire head in that position.

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Re: How long from tipping to full head+1"??

Post by tipper747 »

Ok. So do you have any fat? And do you not eat for a day or so?
Contortion frontbend exercises seem to help but progress is slow.
I' d like to hear more on guys who broke the ' barrior.' I think it takes an extra-ordinary mindful effort.
Blacksunshine, just not eating solid food for 3 days might get you that extra 1/3". I really have to wonder. Everyone is 1/3 of an inch away ( who can tip.)

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Re: How long from tipping to full head+1"??

Post by blacksunshineaz »

tipper747 wrote:Blacksunshine, just not eating solid food for 3 days might get you that extra 1/3".
That's not an option for me, I have some dietary & health issues I'm dealing with. I just need to exercise more and stop eating crap.

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Re: How long from tipping to full head+1"??

Post by tipper747 »

I hope more people chime in on this. I haven't had a solid h/o when I attempted last time but Its probably close. Really should have more people chime in on breaking the "barrier". Blacksunshine with a full gut its 1/4" or more right there. + the fat. You should be there after all this time. You need to change it up. Im saying 6 months at the outside for me. 10 lbs and more forward stretching. From tipping to head + shaft is like trying to get to the tip all over again. Ive had back numbness that scared the crap out of me. But dont get that anymore. Headaches are mostly gone. 1 more inch would require extra ordinary efforts.

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Re: How long from tipping to full head+1"??

Post by dw75 »

I'm in a similar position. On a good day at my very best, on an empty stomach after warming up for 30-60mins I can JUST get the head in (feeling the ridge of my head with my bottom lip). This requires a lot of effort though. I can fairly consistently get enough of the head in for it to feel like I'm taking it in and going up and down, but when checking in mirror/video I can confirm I'm like 1/2+ head. Since it takes almost an hour to get to the ridge, I can't continue without risking overdoing and being stiff all week

The biggest factor for me is my diet. The past few months it has been bad and I've gained to to 10lb. I can definitely feel the hindrance of the extra fat. But because of the sessions I've gained more flexibility to cancel it out. So before I was ridge level with good diet and non bloated stomach, now I'm the same level but with bloated stomach and bad diet. I'm trying to find the motivation to eat better to see if I can take it to that next level

Apart from that, I think temperature makes a big difference as well. During the summer I was tipping within like 5mins. I'm not looking forward to winter where my room is always cold. Makes it harder to loosen up

I think structured stretches are important. So in legs over head position or the seated position I try to hold a certain depth that feels like a 7-8/10 strain for say 20secs, then I rest and repeat.

I also track my progress by timing how long it takes to get to certain depths. Logically if someone is shaft level, then licking tip should take much less time than someone who is only tip level. So if your times at certain depths are improving on average then that's a good indicator you're heading in the right direction

I would love to get back to head + slightly shaft level. When I was 13-14 I reached that level once. But back then I was a few inches shorter (height wise) and 20-30lb lighter, so it's different now coming up to 10 years later.

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Re: How long from tipping to full head+1"??

Post by Shamman »

As a (one time) full shafter, the most important thing I can say is: be very careful. Popping an intestine or worse, a disc is never worth the extra depth. I would also strongly recommend against timing yourself. The body doesn't work like a mechanical machine.

Deep stretching and yoga had been a part of my normal life long before trying to self. The suggestion actually came from my wife (at the time). She would watch me deep stretch my hams, which I feel is extremely important for selfing. One day she wondered aloud whether I could suck my own dick like that. So I aimed to prove her right - and did, hundreds of times over! Ha-ha.

As best I can remember, it took me YEARS to get from full head to full shaft. I'm convinced that some of my internals actually rearranged themselves to accomodate my demands. It seems natural to have plateaus that can last for months at a time. I had also found that 'giving it up' for awhile may be beneficial. I had a motorcycle accident and couldn't even think about trying for several months. Then when I could, I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly it came back - and it was even deeper. (The accident didn't affect any parts of my body involved in selfing except my arms.)

Now, I've gained 20 lbs in recent years as well as an ulcer. This combo makes it impossible to try to self. So sad, but I've been experimenting with stretching 'around the bend' from there and enjoy my anal play so it hasn't been a total loss. I'm still hoping to 'cure' the ulcer and have been dropping some weight. Would love nothing more than to choke on my dick again...

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Re: How long from tipping to full head+1"??

Post by igodownonme »

Great info Shamman! Too bad about the accident and ulcer. I have a "nervous" stomach and get bloated, and that seems to be a hindrance. As I said in this thread, I was able to suck half my dick in the C, but then lost it, without a reason, it seemed. But I get more depth now in the plow. I have also been working on strengthening my arms with dumbbell curls because when I'm in the C, I feel like my arm strength to pull myself down farther is failing, rather than my back or my stomach.

Tipper: I have a little fat, but have had that since working nights in my mid-twenties. I have a bmi of 26, and I routinely do crunches, and have some definition, but no six pack by any means. The fat I have has not changed since I was able to C. A doctor told me I have a lot of gas and noise going on, probably job stress more than anything, because I eat healthy.

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Re: How long from tipping to full head+1"??

Post by Shamman »

Yes, the 'C' can be very demanding on arm strength. I've used an adjustable office type chair (without armrests) quite effectively. Set the height so that when you bend over, you can just barely grab the legs of the chair. This way you use grip strength to hold your position and arm strength to pull yourself down. Adjust the height as you go and this can save a lot of effort. Also push up with your legs.

I think rock hard abs can be as problemmatic as an extra bulge there. It gives you less flexibiliy right where you need it.

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Re: How long from tipping to full head+1"??

Post by martymcfly »

Shamman wrote:
Wed Oct 11, 2017 5:24 pm
Yes, the 'C' can be very demanding on arm strength. I've used an adjustable office type chair (without armrests) quite effectively. Set the height so that when you bend over, you can just barely grab the legs of the chair. This way you use grip strength to hold your position and arm strength to pull yourself down. Adjust the height as you go and this can save a lot of effort. Also push up with your legs.

I think rock hard abs can be as problemmatic as an extra bulge there. It gives you less flexibiliy right where you need it.
I have to say that I lose power gain from legs at such chair sitting positions. Due to combining powers of hands and legs, sitting to a cushion is better for me.
How it's possible to bend without legs' power on a chair?

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Re: How long from tipping to full head+1"??

Post by Shamman »

(Haven't checked in here in long time...)

I use my upper-body strength. Bend over and let gravity help until I can grab the horizontal legs with my hands. Then I scoot my ass forward a bit and use my arms to pull me deep down. If needed, I can raise the chair to help. When I'm good and limber, I could hold my cock in my mouth without effort. Those were lucky days...

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Re: How long from tipping to full head+1"??

Post by Suckmyself »

after 2 years of daily selfing, I can quickly and easily get half my cock in my mouth instantly without strain or effort... which feels so gratifying, like a lover grabbing your cocking and sucking you off.... looking forward to deep throating myself one day. I can touch my balls with my tongue and lips but I have not pushed myself to deep throat myself yet... I suppose if I push myself for longer selfing sessions of no less than one hour per day, I would soon be cumming down my throat and for sure would go crazy the day I do this! For sure I will post the day that happens.
I only self-suck with an empty stomach or at least 2-3 hours without anything to eat or drink.
I also do better after a hot shower to warm those back muscles, which sees me go at least 1-2 inches deeper.
I truly enjoy putting my own cock in my mouth and would say I am definitely addicted, and I no longer feel ashamed to tell people I love self-sucking... and was so excited to openly talk about it for the first time here in a forum of others like me.
After 2 years I also notice more people enjoying it out there, and well, why be ashamed of giving yourself the most mind-blowing orgasms possible?
I would say I make love with myself affectionately so, with absolute crazy passionate kissing, licking, sucking, pumping and cumming in my loving mouth.
Maybe I need therapy, maybe I don't, and who knows, maybe I have better sex more often than others?
I know I do... daily, 3 times a day usually. Sometimes I go all day without eating, knowing I will be wanting to make love with myself later in the day, and seeing how much deeper I can go... cumming down my throat in a mad fucking frenzy... So looking forward to deep throating! I remember deep throating myself as a teen and how incredible it was... not sure why I stopped. a phobia I guess.
Off to take a hot shower and sucking myself off again. :)
:oops: :roll: :mrgreen:

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Re: How long from tipping to full head+1"??

Post by aleingang69 »

Great post, Suckmyself! Sounds like you're having a great time - if you feel happy and fulfilled what's point in worrying about what others might think, right? Keep on suckin'!

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