Posture from selfsucking

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Posture from selfsucking

Post by jhonny »

I don't know about anyone else but since I got good at throating myself my posture changed. Im a slim guy who's developed a pot belly - but I know it wouldn't exist if I hadn't pushed myself so hard to suck my own cock.Technically its called an ecto-belly (as I found online recently). When my legs are behind my head I've squeezed my ribs in so tight that they moved inwards permanently. My stomach sticks out like its bloated all the time, and when I'm wearing t-shirts there's always an embarrassing shelf under my breasts - which I worry is a give away for folding myself so much.

Despite the change which I've gradually inflicted on myself, I find it kind of hot and I taken a liking to guys with a pot belly and muscles -odd I know. Anyway does anyone else have the same issue or noticed any changes in their posture and the shape of their body since self sucking?


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Re: Posture from selfsucking

Post by Selffing »

Hi Jonny, I've noticed that I'm rounded in the shoulders (small price to pay!)
Haven't developed a pot belly, but have managed to lose around 4st which has helped with my quest. Still losing weight and will be 11st 7lb by next spring

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Re: Posture from selfsucking

Post by aleingang69 »

I wonder if it's less a matter of solosucking changing your posture and more about posture problems arising out of the native flexibility of the bodies of those of us who are lucky enough to be able to do it.

I've struggled with posture for most of life and have photos from my young childhood showing the same problems I have now. It seems like the extreme genetic flexibility that I was born with - what they call a connective tissue disorder - which allowed me to deep-throat my cock with little effort when I was a young teen, has also made it really difficult for me to maintain any kind of postural integrity.

I've told friends who aren't flexible how tiring it can be: that I spend most of my waking hours aware of and trying to correct the problems you show in your diagrams, Jhonny. I do worry a bit that I'll be like the question-mark-shaped older men who I sometimes see, when I get into my later years.

But there's nothing I can do about the underlying issue, so I figure it's a good prompt to keep me exercising, to stay in as good shape as I'm able.
The illustration showing the way the psoas muscles are shortened with the potbelly posture is a good reminder that yoga and Pilates are both good options for working on these issues.

Another thing entirely: I don't know how old you are, Jhonny, but for us more mature gentlemen ;) getting a little bit of a belly is really, really common. I've read that part of it is changes to metabolism with aging; maybe partly hormone-related. Until my mid-30s I was one of those annoying men who could eat any quantity of anything and never gain any weight. I still weigh, at 61, what I weighed at 20, but it has definitely redistributed a bit, and I do have a cute little belly bulge.

Eroticising things like bellies is a great, healthy response to body changes, and makes the world a happier place for men who have no practical way of getting rid of that little bit of extra.

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Re: Posture from selfsucking

Post by jhonny »

Thanks for responding Al. Im 37 and I started adding weight around 30, but most notably when I was self sucking one day and I heard/felt a tear in muscles around the abdominal area. I can't explain it but it happened when I was pushing myself hard. Anyway I don't regret anything because I'm improving all the time, and I find the question mark pretty hot because it reminds me of selfsuck. When I'm horny my body just flexes around the mid area and I can't help but try and fold - love it. I wouldn't be scared of being mis-shapen because that connective disorder has given you such an advantage, its your special ability. If I grow into that shape I don't care anymore. :D

so hot.

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Re: Posture from selfsucking

Post by Suckmyself »

Oh to be able to deep throat ... to push my own penis into my throat, is still a goal I am slowly closing in on...
At this point, i love sucking myself so much that i know i will not stop, as I too question what it may be doing to
my body and internal organs...
I think the body is able to slowly adjust to whatever you push it to do, and I have seen how much easier and further
into my mouth I am able to push my cock, almost at the back of my throat now, of greater intimacy feelings I
now enjoy as my own lover.
One time I was slouching, not realizing how much my head was to my crotch, while in public, as I quickly straightened
my back, thinking, oh, this is not normal for someone to see, how close I am to my own dick, fearing at the time
that someone may think I suck my own cock... and well, yes I do, and I love doing it too!
Don't really care if anyone knows I love sucking myself off any more, with only a bit of fear as to what health
issues may come from so much enjoyable cumming in my mouth after so many years now.
Wish I knew as a teen that I too could of conditioned my body at the time to be able to deep throat myself like some
of you enjoy so much like I know you do, I would of been at it every day like I am today.
I do have a pot belly, but it is perfectly normal at my age... need to do situps to get rid of any fat, in hopes of
the ultimate pleasure... pushing my cock into my warm tight throat and swallowing my cum. I will get there one day.
:oops: :roll: :mrgreen:

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