Throat orgasm

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Throat orgasm

Post by selfsuxxer »

hey selfsuckers, just came across the topic of throat orgasm, which I wasn't aware of it, but it's very interesting
Here some articles to read, mostly about woman's experiences. ... 00048.html ... 3e54ba4b68

In a nutshell: Woman and men can have an orgasm by stimulating their throat, most likely due to the vagus nerve. So, fellow deepthroat selfsuckers, do you ever had a throat orgasm?

Personally, I am not sure, maybe this is what I experience all the time when I cum from deepthroating myself. Because the orgasm from self deepthroat is very different than others i.e. when cumming from sucking the head. But it's hard to say, because "technically" the throat and the penis may trigger the orgasm.

Was anyone aware of this?
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Re: Throat orgasm

Post by Polevaulter69 »

Yes, my BBW FWB has them while she’s giving me head occasionally. She’s one of those girls who squirt and will literally cum and have a small orgasm sometimes while she’s giving me head, even when I’m just laying there and resting my arm in her ass and not touching her pussy or boobs at the time. I always thought it was because she was really into giving me head, but she claims it feels really good when she keeps a steady rhythm going. The Deepthroat movie is the only place Ive ever heard of it happening somewhere else before so this is a surprise that there’s actually a scientific theory for how it happens.
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Re: Throat orgasm

Post by Happy Boy »

never actually seen the original movie, but wasn't that the plot of Deep Throat?

in any case, i'm pretty sure all of my self deep throat orgasms were from the sensations of my throat muscles caressing my cock and not from the feeling of my throat being stuffed with cock. yeah, the self DT orgasms are very different, but i think it is more a 'perfect storm' convergence of fucking a throat that i am in control of that edges me to near insanity before gently caressing me into an earth shattering orgasm.

edit: ooops...i missed that pole vaulter already mentioned the DT movie connection!

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