The Beauty and the Beast

Tell us your self-suck and self-fuck stories, real or imagined - we want all the nasty details!

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The Beauty and the Beast

Post by Lucasraleigh »

The man was travelling through the forest. A burly man, a lumberjack, he knew that he could defend himself against any of the bandits who roamed these woods. Here was a man who feared little in life. Two of his daughters, true beeauties, were engaged, and the youngest who surpassed them in looks and wit and skills had just come of age and had many suitors for her attention. He had no fear for any of their futures. He did not fear for himself or his family. The only fear he had known was when his wife was on her deathbed.

He casually glanced at the stonework to his right as he walked through the woods. 'The forest growth will soon undermine the integrity of the building he thought.' Then he wondered what building it was. He stepped into a clearing and beheld a castle that must have once been grand, over-run with vines. His curiosity was aroused; he had never heard of there being any castle in this forest.

He approached the large gates, which stood half open. He found his way into a courtyard with a fountain, he knew instantly that the courtyard garden had been maintained. Somebody lived here. Who?

As if in answer to his thought, he heard footsteps behind him, and heavy breathing. He spun, and his breath caught in his throat.

"WHO DARES INTRUDE IN MY HOME?" the... thing bellowed. The man who knew no fear felt fear now.

The creature before him was half man and half beast, covered in hair, with large teeth, slobbering and drooling. "I meant no harm... I just wondered what castle this was..."

"It is my castle. Is your curiosity satisfied?"

"Yes. I am sorry to have disturbed you. I will be going now. Pressing business..."

"No, you won't. You have trespassed on my land, and now I shall kill you."

The man swallowed. He stood no chance against this creature. "Please, have mercy... I am a father, I have a family who need me... my daughters are young, not yet married."

"You have daughters?"



"Yes, two are engaged, but the youngest."

"I will trade your life for the companionship of your youngest daughter."

The man shook his head. He could not do that to her.

The beast shrugged. "To bad. I would have spared your life." The beast approached, teeth bared.


"A ring? For me?" The girl could hardly believe her eyes. She looked up at her father. He was sweating heavily; he must have run the last few miles to get home.

"Put it on," he said.

She smiled at her father as she pushed the ring onto her finger.

He closed his eyes, dreading what he must do; but he remembered the creatures words: 'I have an animal's sense of smell. If you break your promise, I will track you down, and kill you and your daughters.' The man looked at his daughter. Rings are sometimes not a perfect circle, and you must turn them around your finger to get the most comfortable fit.

She nodded, and turned the ring around her finger, once, feeling its coolness, feeling an engraving. She withdrew the ring and read the inscription. "Destiny." She laughed. She put it back onto her finger, and once more did as her father advised, turning it on her finger, feeling the slightly eliptical shape. Once, twice. She stopped.

"Most comfortable?"

"I'm not sure... I'm just not used to it."

"Do it again to be sure."

As she did so, her father said, "Isabelle, forgive me."

She felt her clothes disappear, and she was suddenly standing naked in some sort of a noble suite; naked except for the ring on her finger. She wondered if turning it three times... no. Somehow, she knew it would not take her back. She considered the room. It was far more than anything she had ever known as a lumberjack's daughter. Curtains and bedding of burgundy linen. A dress was laid upon the bed. She picked it up and ran her fingers over the material. "Beautiful!" she whispered. She had never seen such a noble dress, let alone worn one. Yet she knew it was meant for her. It was placed here for her. 'Where am I?' she asked herself, as she pulled the dress on. She stood in front of the mirror and beheld herself. A piece of paper caught her eye. She walked over and took the note from the dressing table. In rough scrawl was written: "Find your way to the dining hall at sunset. Do not be afraid, for I shall not hurt you, I am not as bad as your father says."

She frowned, a knot of fear forming in her stomach. Why had her father asked her for forgiveness? Was he supposed to tell her about the one who wrote this letter? Was there something so terrible that he could not even bring himself to tel her. Isabelle swallowed nervously.


Isabelle smiled at the note pinned to the door opposite hers in the corridor. "The torches that are lit will show you the way to the dining hall." She followed the torches, and soon found herself in a room with the largest table she had ever seen. A figure was seated on a cushion on a blanket on a floor, his back towards her. Hair unkempt, she thought. Needs a haircut. Or just a hairstyle.

"Come, sit on the cushion opposite me."

She walked over, and saw that food was laid out on the blanket. "If you have such a table, why do you eat on the floor?" she asked as she walked past him, she spun and sat down, then openly stared. It was rude to stare, she knew, but she could not help it. "Um... blue suits you," she said, feeling awkward, then looked down at the food, to try and hide the fear that she felt. "What... food is this?" she asked, her voice shaky.

The beast appraised the young lady. She conducted herself far better than her father; she was afraid, yes, but she was handling it well, trying not to show it. Her father had been a snivelling wimp. "This is rabbit. That is bore. That is grouse. That is fish. That is a soup made from the second rabbit that I caught."

She looked up at him, frowning. "Only meat? No vegetables or fruit?"


She nodded, and looked for a plate. Then she realised that there wasn't one. The food was on platters, but she had not been given a plate. Her eye feel on a soup bowl. "I think I will have the soup."


"What is it?"

"It is a herb, Gathur. It adds flavour to the meat."

"And this flower?"

"The same."

"You eat flowers and leaves?"

"Yes!" Isabelle said, lauging. "If you provide me with meat, I will cook tonight."

"Very well." The beast stalked out of the kitchen. "Let me go hunt."


Isabelle walked out into the courtyard, enjoying the sun. She smiled at the large oak tree that grew in the centre. She could not resist. She climbed up into the tree, and perched herself on a bough. 'I look very unladylike,' she thought, 'with my skirt hitched up above my thighs.' She began thinking about the previous night's meal. Gathur had insisted that she must cook again, because he had never tasted such good food. She began thinking about fruit and vegetables that she had seen in the forest nearby. He didn't want her travelling out in the woods; saying it wasn't safe. So she asked him if he would accompany her. That was this morning. He had promised... tomorrow.

She had not been in the tree long when she heard him approaching. He stood in the couryard, next to the fountain, and stepped out of his clothes. "I never wore clothes before she came," he said, to no one in particular. "Damned uncomfortable."

His back was to her, and he was facing the fountain. She gazed at his body, so manlike, yet beastly. His broad shoulders, his buttocks, all covered in thick hair. In her mind she could see herself touching him, running her hand through that hair, feeling those animal muscles. He stepped into the fountain, and spalshed around noisily. Then he climbed back out, facing her. Though she could see him, she didn't think he had spotted her. She just gazed upon his animal nakedness. His barrel chest, with those dark brown, almost black nipples. Her eyes were drawn downward to his genitals.

His penis was huge, hanging down between his legs. She was transfixed, stimulated. She hadn't thought that she would be. She imagined standing in front of him, reaching out with her hand and touching it.

He was touching it, playing with himself, running his clawed hands up and down his shaft as it got harder, and bigger. He let go, just letting his penis expand to a full erection. She imagined that schlong entering her vagina, and was revolted at the thought, but at the same time aroused. Her hand moved up between her legs, up to her vagina, to her place of plessure, and she began rubbing herself.

He was looking down at his proud erection, with his huge balls hanging down like ripe fruit. He seemed to be enjoying the very sight of himself. Then he did something completely unexpected. Something she had never imagined possibly; something so outside of her realm of knowledge that she was completely stunned.

He leaned forward, moving his mouth down onto his raging maleness. He sucked the head, then moved deeper, then deeper, then deeper, until his entire beast cock was in his mouth. He was making loud grunts and gobbling noises, and spittle was running down the base of his cock and over his balls.

'That's not spittle' she thought. That was fluid produced by that raging beast schlong. She wondered what it would taste like.

She stared mesmerised as he sucked, and squeezzed his balls. He was now moving his mouth up and down his shaft, violently, wildly. His grunts were louder, turning itno muffled cries of pleasure. Then all at once, he cried out as his body was wracked with orgasm. She could see him swallowing his load of cum.

He sat up and panted, then said to himself, "I mustn't be so loud, or Isabelle will hear and come and catch me at it."

Isabelle just stared, her body numb and shaking with what she had just seen. There was a trickle of semen flowing down his mouth, and she had an urge to go and lick it off of his face. She was disgusted at herself for thinking it.

He was not finished, though. He began licking his penis, slowly, languidly, taking his time now. His need was not so violent, he was just enjoying himself. His penis had begun going limp, but it did not take long for it to be erect once more. She did not know how long he sat there, but it felt like an eternity, and she knew she did not want him to stop. He began talking to himself softly, his low growling voice charged with self-lust. "I taste so amazing." "It is wrong that I have this beautiful cock all to myself." "I can't get enough of myself, I taste so good!"

Eventually he came, his sticky manjuice squirting out onto his face. His clawed finger scoop cum from his face and she gasped as he put his fingers in his mouth. At her gasp he looked up, straight at her.

He stared at her. "You..." He ran out of the courtyard, not bothering with his clothes. He ran, not knowing where he was running. She was his chance at the spell being broken. How could he get her to love him now? Now that she had seen him during his most animal act. Could she love him now, this perverted self-lusting half-beast? He was so angry at himself. He felt sure that he had lost all chance of winning her now. "Uhhhhhh!" he howled his frustration, his voice resounding through the forest.

Isabelle, as she climbed down from the tree, heard the howl. What had she done? She had wounded his pride. She was sure he would not forgive her for watching his most intimate moment with himself. 'In a moment of anger he could kill me as easy as a can break a twig,' she thought.

She was wrong. He would not be capable of hurting her, despite his strength.

Well, she had said she would cook food for him. Not having anything better to do, she went to the kitchen.

Isabelle was shaken awake. "Where am I?"

"The dining hall," a growling voice said; that voice that had become so familiar in such a short space of time.

"Oh, I cooked you food... I waited for you..."

He was surprised. "You waited for me to come back? You fell asleep waiting for me?"

"What time is it?"

"It is about an hour before dawn," he said.

"I am sorry... that I... embarrassed you."

"I'm sorry that you saw that..."

They looked at each other awkwardly. Isabelle hugged herself. "It is cold in here."

He stepped in closer and placed a furry arm around her. "I will walk you to your room." She was grateful for his warmth but at the same time, very aware of his nakedness, and of the large cock that was only inches away from her.


She sat in the tree, dead quiet. She was dressed fully in green, hoping that her camouflage would be convincing. He appeared at the fountain, and glanced at the tree. Had he seen her? He looked towards where the library was, where she had taken to spending her time reading.

She could not help but smile. He was thinking of her in the library, hoping that she would not see. This is wrong, she thought. I am invading his privacy. If I want to watch him... She balked at the thought of asking him. She could not ask him to... perform for her. This was the only way she could see it again. She did not even know why, but she had to watch him do it again. She waited, and her desire was soon rewarded.

Gathur was leaning forward and licking himself, slowly, savouring the taste of himself, hardening as his tongue swirled around his member. In her mind she was there, icking it with him, their tongues tongues meeting. In her mind she was licking his large testicles, as he sucked his cock.

Her fingers were between her legs as she watched him, stimulating herself. Her other hand moved up to touch her left breast, rubbing herself, teasing herself.

He now had his penis halfway into his mouth, and she knew it would not be long before his animal shaft was fully down his throat. What would it be like in her mouth? He was sucking himself gently, not violently like he did last week. He uncurled, and wanked his shaft, letting his semen spray over his stomach and chest.

He wondered if he should tell this ridiculous woman that he knew she was there. If he asked her to lick the semen off of his body would she do it? The thought of it aroused him once more, and he began wanking himself hard. He bent forward and deapthroated himself all at once, savouring the feeling of his rock hard dick filling his mouth, rubbing against the back of his throat, enjoying the feeling of swallowing it, and feeling the woman's eyes on him as he pleasured himself. He needed himself like he had never needed himself before, and he sucked himself passionately, mercilessly, almost painfully. He came up panting for breath, then went down on himself again, facefucking himself with a vengence, with an intensity he had never known before.

His huge balls launched a torrent of white goo into his mouth. He tried to swallow, but it became too much. He found himself choking on his own semen. He had never cum in such abundance. His cum filled his mouth, and spilled out, running down his shaft and balls, onto his legs. He sat upright, his cock still shooting its essence, he swallowed as best he could, then cried out, a guttural, animal howl of pleasure and lust and satisfaction.

That howl shook Isabelle's body, and wave after wave of pleasure swept her body.

He lay down on his back on the wall of the fountain, just breathing. After a while he said "I am such a filthy animal. Look at me all covered in my own cum."

Isabelle climbed down from the tree and removed her camouflage outfit. As she walked naked towards Gathur his big beast eyes gazed at her. "I want to taste it," she said.

He just nodded, unable to speak. She began licking his legs, his balls, his shaft. Then something happened. He seemed to be shrinking. She was looking up at a man.

They looked at each other, both completely surprised. "I hadn't imagined it would be like that," the man said in a sweet, tenor voice. "The enchantment is broken. I must penetrate you before sunset for the transformation to be complete. Otherwise, the enchantment will be permanent. The witch said I may desire that. I don't know what she meant..." He looked up at the sky. "Thank goodness we have time, I am exhausted."

"Before we copulate, I want to see you pleasure yourself with your mouth, in this form."

Gathur grinned a handsome man grin, then bent forward. His face took on a look of horror. "I can't reach. I can't do it anymore." They looked into each other's eyes, and they both knew what the other was thinking.

They sat hand in hand and watched the sun go down.

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Happy Boy
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Post by Happy Boy »

good one lucas...thanks!

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Post by Xapprentice »

I've always found the beastman/young female scenarios intriguing.

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