Kind of hit a dead end..

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Kind of hit a dead end..

Post by zarbk2 »


I"ve been doing back exercices and some yoga stuff to try and SS. I work out 3 times a week so I'm healthy, lean, not fat or anything.

Few questions

1) What are all these positions (C,X,V) everyone mentions? Which is best? The closest I can get is when I lie down and bend my legs over my head...but I seriously cannot go any closer the last few times I've practiced :/

2) Is there anything I can do to be succesfull here? Exercies I don't know about etc? I really want to do this :/


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Post by seahorses »

Hi Zarbk2
I really sympathise, there’s nothing worse than when you reach a point in attempting to SS where you are ‘that’ close and can’t seem to get any closer; I’ve been there and it’s so frustrating. Unfortunately, there are no short cuts, if your body’s not ready, it’s not ready. Revisit your exercise routine, your yoga etc and have a look to see if there’s any alternative exercises that will achieve the same stretch, but in a slightly different way. Make sure your body is warmed up before stretching, go for a bike ride, a jog, try some skipping - whatever. Also try increasing the hold time for the stretched positions and don’t forget you need to be stretching all your body and not just your back. With regard to the various positions, it’s a matter of preference; what best suits the individual, though trying all positions is not a bad thing as it’s the only way to find out which best suits you.

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Post by blacksunshineaz »

The C position is where you are sitting and bend forward to suck yourself. The X position is where you take your legs and hook your ankles behind your neck (or back if you're really flexibile). I don't know what the V position is, but there are two other positions I am familiar with. The first is a standing C, and the second is the plow (or plough) where you lie on your back and throw your legs back over your head where either your knees are on the floor by your head or your feet are touching the floor or the wall behind you. Depending on your flexibility, you may need to push against something with your feet to get the added leverage to do it.

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Post by Dog »

As for me, I've been in oral-genital contact for six years. October 3, 2001, I first licked the head of my dick (who here doesn't remember the first time?!). Since then, it's been constant learning -- my body, yoga, mind and determination to succeed. Your exercise plan sounds good. Yoga, eating right. I've pushed hard a few times, and had a sore lower back, but excercises takes care of that. I know that after a day of hard work outside, and perhaps a good swim with a beer, I'm much more limber. Also, if my stomach is too full, I don't bend as far. But if I eat, say, broccoli the night before, or something that'll "clean you out", then eat only a little (high protein) during my SS day, I'm all the better. I also know that ibuprophen (about 3 or 4) acts as a muscle relaxer. Good luck, and don't give up. After six years, I can bob-suck on 1/2 to 3/4 of my dick, and last weekend, nearly the whole damned thing. Nothing like feeling your dickhead at the back of your throat!

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Post by blacksunshineaz »

The adult dosage of ibuprofin is 2 pills (200 mg each). Taking more than that at one time can cause liver damage so I seriously discourage that.

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Post by Spektrum »

There seems to be a point you hit where progress slows to a crawl.

The advice given so far has been excellent and the only advice I can think to add is to increase your leverage. It becomes more risky when you do this but increasing leverage has worked for me in the past when I hit a plateau. Do you have a partner that knows you do this? If so, ask them to help assist.

Another bit of advice is to look into PNF stretching(search google, it's kind of hard to explailn). This will probably help you break through your plateau.

Good luck!

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