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Post by christopherdmaxwell »

It was 8 years ago today (6 weeks before my 40th birthday) that I made 1st contact and got my crotch into my face, or was that my face in my crotch?-) - After using PROPER techniques for about 3 weeks, (and after losing a lot of belly fat) I was succesful! - Bon-apetit! - tastes like CHICKEN! - Dinner AND a SHOW!-) - I've been out of practice for a few years now thanks to working too much (and at low wages) as well as I have my quasi-adopted son living with ME which reduces my privacy... (Oddly he knows AND he can do it to with NO effort) (YOU BET there us a story there TOO!-) - I'll have to dedicate some time for some previously discussed wanted threads such as "who all knows" (I have a few stories) "odd yet helpful tips" - among a few other topics...

For those that aren't there yet...DON'T GET DISCOURAGED! - Keep reaching for the farts!-)

Too bad I can't post this on Facebook!-) :-P

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Post by akenrockk »

congrats!!! Tells us those stories :D I'm sure we all are exited to read them, sharing is such a thrill and a great learning experience because we can all benefit. Keep up those stories coming.

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Post by blacksunshineaz »

You should get your "son" to join the forums and share his experiences.

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Post by christopherdmaxwell »

I'll have to try to not incriminate myself when I tell the story of HIS 1st time!-)

E had been in and out of my life a few times... He was a roommate's step-son, but, we IDENTIFIED with each other and got along better than anyone else in the group... My former roomate and his new family came into rough times, and were eventually staying with me... Anywhoo... On ONE occasion when they were in dire straights they came to live with me (again) - this time, WITHOUT my former roommate... It was already well known that I was into autofellatio thanks to my former roommate's big mouth! - Anywhoo... E was 17 and walked in on me while I was appreciating adult entertainment... He said I didn't have to close or hide the tab as everyone already knows... ( which reminds me, I need to find that "who all knows" thread) - Anywhoo... He held up his thumb and index finger an inch apart and said, "I can get THIS CLOSE!" - I mentioned that he is already THERE and that he needs to use proper TECHNIQUE! II mentions a hot bath (which HE really doesn't require for autofellatio) as well as sucking the stomach into the ribcage, then relaxing the stomach muscles while using the arms to pull your face into your crotch as your stomach muscles can only pull you so far forward...

[immediately as I said that] - "MOM! - I'm taking a BAAAAATH!!!"

[45 minutes of sloshing water ensues]

Afterwards he comes out of the bath, directly into my room, BIG SMILE OF ACCOMLISHMENT on his face, - "I DID IT!!!"

ME: (playing dumb) - "did what?)

He won't admit any of this NOR the times I accidentally caiught him...

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Post by blacksunshineaz »

How did your roommate know you could do it?

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Post by Muurrr »

wonderFULL :D

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Post by christopherdmaxwell »

It was (then temporarily) a FORMER roommate "Wolfe" that knew.. He had moved out to get hitched, and I had my place to myself! Of course when I finally reached my goal, I let a few people know! - Which leads ME to ask "where is the 'who all knows' thread?" - there are quite a few stories I have in regards to THAT!

Anywho... A few days after I got there, I get this call out of the blue... It's Wolfe, my first words were, "I reached my GOAL!" - Wolfe: (momentary pause)... You schlobbed your knob..." - Me: "YEAH!!!!" - Wolfe: "Can I move back in?" - Me: "FUUUUCK!!!"

I lost some privacy for a couple of months after that... There are more slightly amusing (bemusing) stories THAT I'll have to share of my journey and who all knows...

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