What kind of streches should i be doing.

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What kind of streches should i be doing.

Post by WoW1 »

My back is whats the problem. I cant bend enough to get to my cock. What kind of streches should i be doing to make my back more flexible? Also whats the best/easiest kind of position should be in when trying to reach my cock. ( im a noob, so can you go into detail with the position )

Please help, i really want to be able to do this.

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Post by Shamman »

Hey man.

First thing I'd tell you is to go through this entire site, including the archives from its earlier incarnation. There is a LOT of good advice here already. Those of us who have been here awhile have posted many responses from noobies like you. We don't mind repeating them -much- but you gotta do the work yourself. Just like we can't stretch for you, etc. You gotta have the incentive and determination to do this right and do it well or else you should stop right now. All you will do is hurt yourself if you're only a part-timer. I recently posted a note with some advice and a vid clip. Read that, too. Oh, and enjoy watching the clip of course :-))
That being said, for noobies, you should stretch EVERYTHING !!!! and EVERY WHICH WAY !!! I'm serious, if you just stretch foreward for s/s you will end up with a hunchback or worse. I have been doing s/s for over 20 years now and I believe the only reason I haven't gotten (more)seriously hurt by now is because of that axiom. On days I'm hoping to s/s I will mostly stretch foreward. On all other days ( must be at least half the time ), I will stretch all other ways. Backward, sidewise, outward - get it? This is not a hobby for the weak willed or half-assed.
OK. Now that the PSA is done, the first thing I recommend is to review your daily routines. Look for ways to incorporated stretches wherever you can. I used to have to take smoke breaks outside. So I found a parking post nearby and used it to stretch my legs with, while I smoked. I just set my heel up on the post and would stretch each leg whichever way I could. I do the same thing while I brush my teeth, using the sink to rest my feet on. OH! only one at a time, I couldn't figure how to get them both up there at once - damn gravity keeps getting in the way. haha
It is very important to stretch the hams. In most people, they are some of the tightest muscles in your body. And being the biggest single muscle, they can become a problem if you are fighting them. For specific exercises, it is just too hard to describe proper positioning in a few words. So, find a couple good beginner yoga or stretching books and start with them. Umm, "Yoga for Physical Fitness" was one that helped me. I'd have to dig deep through my library to see what else I used in the beginning. But a good position is sitting on the floormat with one leg foreward, the other bent in with its foot against the inside of the straight leg. Pull the foot in as far as you can - eventually to the groin. Twist your torso and grab the straight leg with the hand on the opposite side. Pull your chin toward your foot. This stretches everything from your heel to your neck. Do like all stretches should be done and then repeat on the other side. Then back and forth. Once you get good enough at this, it can also be used as a s/s position. Just keep both legs straight and hug them with both arms to pull your head down into your crotch. This is the basic 'C' position. By the way, if you don't know what "...like all stretches should be done..." means, you are NOT prepared for this. Learn about some BASIC physical fitness and BASIC stretching techniques before you go any further.
In addition to the stretches, there are many other areas of fitness that have an impact on your progress. Things like Tae-Bo and Tai Chi are also very helpful. Body awareness is VERY important. So is breath control and diet and energy control. But these are a bit more advanced for a raw noobie.
As I mentioned in my latest post, I am also working on a book for s/s and this will include detailed exercises specific for us. That includes (many) pictures of good positions, etc. And of course, many pics of the many s/s positions I have used as well.
I hope this has helped you some. I will search out those references soon as I can and post them. Probably in the topic I started, so keep watch there. Good luck, good health and great s/s.


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Post by Dog »

As for me, a yoga book from the library (basic), eating healthier (a lot of fish, veggies, etc), and a lot of frustrating practice. Shamman is right, bend and stretch everything, every which way, and keep trying. Before I got good enough in the C to suck half my dick, I used a modified X, hooking my toes under a heavy piece of furniture, and pull your ass down. I still do that once in a while, and can suck half that way as well, but I tend to "rug burn" my upper back, and worry about damaging a disk or something. So I use the C most times. My advise: don't get rug burns on your back, as they're hard to explain :)

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Post by WoW1 »

First of all ( since im a noob) can somebody please tell me what the C position and the X position are? Also, i stretch everything all the time, but since its my back what kind of strectches to do that will stretch out my back?

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Post by aleingang69 »

Hey Wow,
Take alook at the photo series in my how-to section:
it has both C an X instructions.
Good luck!

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Post by Lucasraleigh »

We were working on a thing that was going to become a sticky some time back. (?? Don't know what happened to that idea) Anyway, here's the link: viewtopic.php?p=4109&highlight=#4109

There is a heck of a lot of information there, so don't get overwhelmed. :shock:

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Post by WoW1 »

hmm, i appreciate the effort, but i just dont get it. Can you try to put in simpler terms? maybe show some picutres or a video?

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