Shamman's advice & vid clip

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Post by Maximilian »

Oh thanks, amazing!!!!!

My english is bad because I come from german.....

but how you do this shamman? I´m 20 years old.....
and i want to learn but always when I try to stretch my skin....and my neck.....i get hurt....and my head is swimming
i can suck my touch my cock with my lips but only because it´s long 23cmx5cm.....

i look like a teen and i´m lank

i make a lot of bodybuilding now because i think when i will have more muscle maybe my muscle can stabilise better my backbone....and i look better :o
the doctor said i´m healthy...but i wait to try again with selfsuck....
and soon i will start with yoga....
shamman you are very great inspiration for me.....

but i think your spine is maybe not normal....i can not imagine that you can train this....and i can not imagine that you have no hurt and your head isn´t swimming... .
Do you have really no problems....?

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Replies to questions

Post by Shamman »

Hey guys.

Thanks for the kudos, I really appreciate it all. And of course, it excites me to know y'all are enjoying watching me!

Allow me to respond to your questions.

If you are pretty close without harm so far, try this. It helped me achieve the last bit I needed and then some. The lowest part of the back can be the most resistant to bending because the vertibrae are so large, so we usually don't expect much from this area. But each section can provide a significant part to your bend. When you are at the deepest you usually go, try to push some of the bend down your spine. I can't explain that any better yet. Also try if your position allows, to push your hips up (into your mouth) like you are thrusting your hips. This has helped me a lot. Just be cautious as always.

Like I said, this effort really helps me achieve my depth. In my favorite position, I have my feet on the floor and I can push them down to push my hips up. There is a danger and I must caution you, that the legs have so much power that you have to be VERY CAREFUL when doing this so you don't do any damage. This level is strictly for the advanced class.

However beginners CAN benefit by making sure to add lower back stretches to your routine. Also important are the ham stretches. You should be able to stand and bend at your hips and put your head between your knees without bending your legs at all.
Tight hams will put pressure right where you don't want it in the deeper levels.

Yea, I can do the full 'X' but I don't much care for it. With my legs up and over, it tends to compress my gut more than the 'C'. It feels like I have walls on my sides pushing in and I want everything to be able to expand where it can. I used the X for awhile in my early years to great benefit, so it is useful. I had a chair with arms and once in the ‘X’, would put my hands up on the chair arms. In this position I could push down on my shoulders or upper arms with my legs and that would give me more depth. I believe there is a picture of this. But it still compressed my sides.
When I try to do the ‘X’ at deeper levels, it helps if I keep my legs out away from my torso as much as possible. This reduces the compression on my gut form my legs being up instead of down. I think there is a picture of this somewhere her as well. This position does make for good pics and I have used it more recently just for that reason.

I most certainly HAVE had problems. Fortunately, I have kept my injuries to a minimum and only temporary ( I think...)
One time I got REALLY scared because I thought I was going to have to call 911 in my deepest position and be taken to hospital like that. What happened was as I pulled out of my deepthroat, something hurt VERY BAD at the bottom of my ribs on one side. As I pulled up it only got worse. MUCH WORSE. If I had panicked I might have pulled out totally and done permanent damage. What I think happened was a nerve that normally runs under my ribcage had been pushed out and on top of my ribs. When I pulled up it was being stretched and dierct nerve stimulation is VERY painful.
I managed to calmly push back into position then massage and manipulate the nerve back below and under the ribcage. That let me straighten back out. I had to reduce my efforts for several months before I could reach that level without the nerve wanting to jump back out. Even now, years later, this a concern of mine – I’m always on the watch for this problem.
I don’t think my spine is abnormal, tho I am generally very flexible. I do have some "double-joints" and keep my body fat content very low and muscle tone high. I’m not sure what makes your head swim but I wouldn’t ignore it. Perhaps you should get your blood pressure checked regularly because putting pressure on the entire body like this can really raise your internal pressures. This might be increasing the pressure inside your head like if you stand on your head for an extended time.
Yoga is a good thing and one of the most important aspects of it is the breath training. This may likely help reduce your swimming head as well. When I am in the deepest positions, my lungs are nearly completely collapsed. I have learned to do very shallow breathing and this helps a lot. You didn’t say if you are a smoker but this may have some effect as well.
Just don’t push too hard and give your body time – perhaps months – to get accustomed to your demands. It will change to suit what you are asking of it. Maybe not completely but it will get better over time.

Again thanks to all and safe and fun s/s

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Post by Automan »

Hi Shamman, thanks a lot for the advise and ss tips. I will keep them in mind to improve my depth achievement in your and my favourite position.

I will let you know if I succeed in the expected outcome.

Best regards and thanks,

HermanSS :wink:
Vídeo 9_0001.jpg
Vídeo 9_0001.jpg (17.1 KiB) Viewed 11867 times
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Latest clip

Post by Shamman »

For all of you watching this topic.

Here's my latest clip. It's very recent and quite hot. I don't mnd telling you that I too get excited watching my own vids. Many times I've started editing one and have to quit in the middle cause I get so hot I just can't wait to suck me again.
There must be some kind of Freudian thing there somewhere but so what. I just enjoy it and ignore the psychobabble. But I do get some kind of spiritual high as well when I'm really getting into it and it's almost like I forget that it's only me. One moment it's like I'm just sucking away on this cock and it's having such a good time. The next moment I'm really enjoying this mouth sucking on my dick and it feel SOOO good. I just haven't had both sensations at the same time yet - perhaps it's mentally impossible to separate the mind like that when excitement is so much a part of it as well. Anyway, it's always so good any way it slices.
The night of this vid was one of those really spiritual times when I seemed separated from my body and was just enjoying the hell out of it. Maybe some of that comes through on this clip -- I hope so.
I'm going to try to find a way to compress the files more and still keep the quality up, so you can see longer clips than about 24 seconds - that's all I can get at this resolution and keep the file under 4Mb...

OH - BTW some have asked if I can get some vid with a 'helper'... Believe me I would love to have it so. I have a girl in mind and have been dropping hints. She doesn't even know about my ability yet and we have never had sex but I now know she'd blow me if I asked, she just doesn't know she would have a helper.
And I'm not 'gay' but I know a guy or two that I wouldn't mind helping me as well. Perhaps someday...

Better all the time
(3.95 MiB) Downloaded 1467 times

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Post by ralbright »

That is a great vid. What are you sitting on, a stool or chair w/o arms?

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Post by unclespunk1049 »

Well, that vid sure made me horny. Not that I'm complaining of course! Thanks for sharing and please continue to do so!


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Post by TheGymRat2 »

Al's link and the other link are bad links and go to the same internal page on solosuck...Feb 2, 2007

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Post by Happy Boy »

yeah, unfortunately having the same problem...shaman's original post has no link/player on my PC, and al's links take me to a generic "oops! looks like you clicked a bad link" page. i tried both clicking the hotlink, and right-clicking it and hitting 'save as...' neither worked.

i didn't *used* to have problems getting the vids! :cry:

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shamman replies

Post by Shamman »

Hey guys.

1st : yea, that's an armless office chair, I'm on - my favorite accessory. I can use a dozen different positions in the same chair.

For the vid problems - see Al's comments/problems. I don't know what to do about this there is never enough room to post video clips in the yahoo forums and if anyone is going to make a buck off my skills and efforts it should be ME ! not some internet porn clearing house.

I have been talking to Al about producing a full-length DVD. Guess I should put that into high gear. That would have to be all legal-like and should cost about the same as his do now.

I don't know if there is a way I can directly distribute my own work and get around the latest laws - free or not. I''l look into that as well.


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Post by SFsucker »


I'd definitely be willing to pay you for the privilege of owning a copy of your skills... very inspiring and I've used your posts as guides to help me recapture the selfing I once could do... getting, but not back yet!


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Post by blacksunshineaz »

Weren't you going to do a book too? I'd be interested in owning anything that has to do with selfsucking and would gladly pay for it.

I'd love to donate a picture if you plan on having anything published.

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latest words

Post by Shamman »

Hey guys

I got some good news.

First, I finally got the balls to talk with this girl about helping me. She will definitely help run the camera. She is also considering 'helping' me in the video. And if she decides not to, she knows another who would. Also a guy too. Perhaps we can even find a way to do some multiple player action - I'll have to see...

Second I have put up some new clips on XTube.

Here's the link:

(It doesn't seem to be working yet, I just uploaded it yesterday. Maybe it's just still processing. But I'll work at it until it gets there.)

And I will be sending Al my first set of videos for production real soon! There should be enough material to make a full 90 min DVD.

I am still working on the book. With my new helper, I will be able to get the shots that I don't have now. I.E., the difficult stretching and exercising shots that it's been too hard to get with only a tripod. So that will be moved back into the front burner as well.
I will appreciate any contributions anyone wuold like to make. If there is enough, I will include a section in the book for just them. Any hints and tricks that have really helped you will be appreciated as well. I am trying to get as much of my own history as I can remember but I'm sure I forgot some of the things that helped early on but were later dropped.

OK. So I'll keep everyone up to date on how things are going.

Enjoy and be safe.

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Post by Maximilian »

This is written on xtube on your link:

"We're Sorry, The Video You've Requested is Unavailable. "

WHY :(

i cant see

my inspiration ??

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the Xtube vids

Post by Shamman »

Hey Max.

When I (just now) signed on and checked for the vid, they said it is "waiting for conversion". Why that takes so long, I dunno. But they originally stated that it might take up to 72 hours to convert. Think it's been at least that by now. I'll check again tomorrow and see if there is any other problem..

Sorry, it's out of my hands. -pun intended-


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Re: the Xtube vids

Post by Automan »

Shamman wrote:Hey Max.

When I (just now) signed on and checked for the vid, they said it is "waiting for conversion". Why that takes so long, I dunno. But they originally stated that it might take up to 72 hours to convert. Think it's been at least that by now. I'll check again tomorrow and see if there is any other problem..

Sorry, it's out of my hands. -pun intended-

Hi my dear friend Shamman,

Shall we say no more can be done about it? - Not a little chance by you at least this vid can be uploaded again?

Thanks and take care..

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